Thank you to all of you that were able to attend our Year Six Leaver's Production and for all of your lovely comments. The children did a fantastic job and delivered their lines with confidence and humour- they really wowed us. Many people have requested a copy of the slides we used in the performance- showing the children's journey through from Reception to Class Six. Click on the links below to download both the individual and class slides.
This week, Year Six enjoyed a fab trip to Bridlington Beach as their end of year treat. They enjoyed a very well earned rest as we spent the day chatting in the sun; paddling in the sea; burying one another; eating chips and ice-creams and playing beach games. Thank you for making it such a lovely day Class Six! :)
Recycling project-Paper recycling
In Topic this term, we are looking at the impact that humans have had on planet earth. As part of our focus on the Rainforest Biome, we have looked at the impact that cutting down trees has on our environment. In Art, we created these super baskets-using a weaving technique. This is just one way in which we can recycle paper for other uses but there are so many more. It is so important that we recycle paper in order to help Planet Earth and save the Rainforests.
Our It's a Wonderful World Theme Park Winners!
Congratulations to the winners of our It's a Wonderful World Theme Park competition. We were absolutely wowed by the models that everybody in Class Six made-what a fantastic effort!
WAGOLL 21.6.19
Our WAGOLL this week is for superb questioning, curiosity and great scientific enquiry. In Science, we are currently learning about evolution and inheritance and our superb WAGOLL has been so engaged and so focused that she has been really successful in her investigations. Her hand is constantly up as she digs deeper into the ‘Whys’ of her learning and, through this, she has been able to draw super connections across her scientific learning. Great work!Check out our WAGOLL here!
StarBOOKs Coffee Morning
These super star readers have managed to collect 5 stamps on their StarBOOKs loyalty cards, which means that they have read 5 books from the recommended books area of our classroom. As such, they earned themselves a lovely Frappe Friday coffee morning in the library. Yum!
'A Wonderful World' Theme Park
We were absolutely blown away by the outstanding quality of the Wonderful World Theme Parks that Class Six created for their half term homework. The effort, creativity and depth of thought that had gone into them was superb and is exactly what I have come to expect of this amazing group of children. Well done Class Six!
WAGOLL 07.06.19
Joseph is our WAGOLL this week for his incredible computing skills. Class 6 were asked to create a Wonderful World Theme Park-using materials of their choice. Joseph, you absolutely blew me away with this-I love that you created your model on the computer because it is a wonderful opportunity to show off the outstanding skills you have in that area Not only that, but your model itself is clear and well-designed and you have presented it so professionally. You clearly put a huge amount of time, focus and effort into this work. I am lost for words, well done!Check out our WAGOLL here!And check out the full presentation here.
National Holocaust Centre Workshop Day:
This week, Year Six had the opportunity to enjoy a workshop from the National Holocaust Centre. We explored a variety of real-life artifacts, video clips and stories in order to understand the experience of a child living in Berlin in Nazi Germany. We looked in detail at the Kindertransport Plan and followed the stories of children who left Germany as part of this move. Finally, we used IPADs to research the stories of real holocaust survivors who shared their experiences with us. It was a fantastic day and we learnt a huge amount.
Mayan Topic Day
To finish up our Topic work on The Ancient Maya we enjoyed a Maya Topic day this week. We began the day by tasting a variety of different authentic Mayan foods- many of which you may recognise.
Later, we created our own Mayan masks using papier mache. We designed them in the style of the ancient Mayans, who used masks for many things from celebrations to battle...even death! Some of our own look really scary, and very authentic!
We also went on avirtual tour of Chichen Itzaand looked into the gory subject of human sacrifice. We created some super drama freeze frames of a temple scene to show the range of emotions experienced by those involved is such a gruesome event.
Finally, we had a great time playing Pok-ta-Pok- the Ancient Maya's versions of football. It was incredible hard to score a goal, however, because the rules state that you cannot use your hands or your feet at all!
Visit to MOD Pizza
We had a fantastic day on Monday at the cinema and MOD pizza workshop. The children were a credit to themselves and to us with their superb behaviour and outstanding manners. Many people commented on what friendly, polite and lovely children they were. Well done Class Six-what a great day!
Walk to School Week 2019
As part of our drive to ensure our children are as fit and healthy as possible we are taking part in ‘Walk to School Week 2019.’ This runs 20thMay to 24thMay 2019.
We will be encouraging the children to walk to school by collecting stamps each day. These stamps will be added to a class total. If your child’s class can collect 70 stamps during the week they will earn themselves an extra playtime!
We are very aware some children have to come to school by car or bus because they live a long way from school. If you are one of these families we suggest you ‘park and stride’. This means you park your car a few streets away from school or get off the bus a stop earlier - then walk the rest of the way.
The weather forecast looks good for next week, so I hope you can support the children. Let’s get walking!
WAGOLL 10.05.19
Joseph always works hard in class, no matter what the task but it’s fair to say that writing is not his favourite subject. That’s why it was so fantastic to see the effort and enthusiasm that he poured into the persuasive writing work we did for Wateraid. He has produced a superb piece of writing that is creative and well-designed. Well done Joseph.Check out our WAGOLL here!
WAGOLL 03.05.19
Our WAGOLL this week is always a role model for politeness, kindness and positive behaviour but this week we are so proud to say that she has been a role model for confidence, hard-work and focus and superb progress in her learning. This week, no matter the subject, this superstar’s hand has been up to answer questions. She is keen and confident to explain her learning, in both group and whole class discussions, and the progress she is making is staggering! Great work this week- you are flying!!Check out our WAGOLL here!
SATs Information For Parents
It was great to see so many people at our Parent's Information evening tonight. If you were unable to attend, or wanted to revisit any of the information about the tests, please have a look at this video for information on how the test week will run and what each paper will include. Just a reminder: SATs week begins week commencing 13th May-17th May.
We have set each child in Year Six up with an account for Read Theory. Read Theory is a fantastic website set up to support children with their reading comprehension skills. It assesses reading ability and generates questions which have bee tailor made to support each child with their needs. Every child has their username and password written into their planner, please visit to log on.
SATs Support-SPAG
It's often tricky to remember all the different terminology that you need to know for the Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar test so we've put together a couple of different revision mats that you can use to help to jog your memory whilst you're revising at home.
As well as these mats, you can usethis helpful presentation.Just click on the square which shows the area you need support with and it will take you to an information page, including helpful Youtube links.
SATs Support-Maths
We're loving these great websites in Year 6 at the minute. Check out Mathsbotfor a go at our daily Arithmetic Challenge, or look at this pagefor practise SATs questions with helpful Youtube links to help you when you're stuck!
If you're struggling to remember any of the key facts that will help you to solve any of these problems, remember to use the Maths SATs Mat to help you. You can borrow one from school or usethis helpful link.
The Semicolon Song!
Class Six have been re-capping their knowledge of semicolons this week. We're fantastic at using semi colons in a list we use them: in our beautiful Big Write Books; in our Topic work and even sometimes in our Maths books! However, we realised we were struggling, when using a semi colon to join to clauses, with whether to use a colon or a semicolon. We found this song really helped to get the rule stuck in our heads.Have a listen at home!
Fairtrade-Is it Really Fair?
This week, as part of our literacy unit on balanced arguments, Year 6 took part in a superb debate entitled: Fairtrade-Is it Really Fair? It was really tricky because we weren't allowed to choose which side we were arguing but instead had to design an argument for the side we were given. We used superb critical thinking skills to try to understand and combat the opposing argument and used a great range of formal and persuasive language. Great work Year Six!
Anya is our WAGOLL this week for her fantastic writing. Anya is a super writer who always does exactly what is asked of her during lessons and produces great writing as a result. This week, however, we have seen a change in Anya and have seen her pushing herself much further toward trying to make her work go above and beyond expectations. Great work, Anya-keep it up!Check out our WAGOLL here!
World Book Day and The Vocabulary Parade
This week, as part of the Vocabulary Parade, we saw some truly fantastic, creative and really thoughtful costumes! Each child was asked to dress in a costume that represented a particular word. We tried to be as aspirational and adventurous as possible with our vocabulary choices and through this we have had the chance to explore some superb vocabulary! Check it out!
Gluttony Invisible Dishevelled
Fragile Friendship Palindrome
Maya Weaving
As part of our Maya Topic work, Year Six have been learning how to weave. The Maya, primarily the women, used weaving as a means of social bonding within the community. The Maya created beautiful, colourful woven designs with very intricate patterns. In order to weave, we first had to build our own cardboards looms (we have since written instructions on how to do this). From there, we carefully chose our colours and patterns in order to best reflect traditional Maya weaving.
WAGOLL 01.03
Eden is our WAGOLL this week for her exceptionally good formal explanation writing. She has shown a fantastic understanding of tone and language and has confidently used various features of formal writing across her work, including: modal verbs; embedded clauses and technical vocabulary. She has also clearly shown that she can change and apply different levels of formality where appropriate. Outstanding work!Check out our WAGOLL here!For Eden's full piece of writing click here!
To celebrate all the fantastic work that we have done this week for Children's Mental Health week, Year 5 and Year 6 came together today for a superb communal breakfast. Many of our grown-ups joined us as we all shared healthy food and positivity, in order to set us up for the day. We even got to eat the bread we made yesterday,as part of our mood-food focus, and it was delicious! Mealtimes are a great opportunity to just talk, whether that be about positive things like sharing your day with your family, or else about more difficult issues that you may be worrying about or dealing with. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and what you eat and how you eat it really do set the tone for the day.
Children's Mental Health Week
Together, with our friends in Year 5, we have been thinking about 'Healthy Us'. We have focused on both our physical and our mental health and how one can impact on the other. We discussed how to recognise emotions and how it was okay to have negative emotions. It is important to understand what may have caused the negative emotions so that we can manage them and know that we will feel better eventually. We practised some activities which help us to quietly think and refocus.
We tried out some physical activities, which are good for both our body and our mind.
We learned about mood food, the importance of breakfast, and how it is good to cook, eat and talk together.
WAGOLL 08.02.19
Jacob is our WAGOLL this week for his improved attitude toward editing, improving and taking responsibility for his learning. Jacob is an incredibly able person but sometimes, because he has so many fabulous thoughts in his head all the time, he can become tempted to drift off a little bit in class and then rush through his work. This week we have seen a complete turn-around from Jacob-he has been really taking the time to properly check his work and improve on his own targets and it has really made all the difference to his work.Check out our WAGOLL here!
Wednesday 6th February: Internet Legends
What great fun was had by all the children in Key Stage 2 on Wednesday afternoon. They enjoyed a special, interactive 'Be Internet Legends' assembly, which was developed by Google, to enhance our ongoing work on e-safety. The children were reminded about the importance of being sharp, alert, secure, kind and brave when using the internet. Your involvement at home can really help to reinforce these key messages. Try out some exciting online safety activities for the whole family by following this link: Also explore 'Interland', the free online game that makes learning about digital safety fun by visiting
National Story-Telling Week.
We had a fantastic time with our Reception Buddies this week-sharing stories with them and enjoying our mutual love of books. We also enjoyed the opportunity to watch their Talk For Writing re-telling of Tom and The Island of Dinosaurs. They did a super job-we loved it!
The Human Eye and How we See
This week, we were lucky enough to be visited by Peggy's mum, who is an optician. She came in to talk to us about how we see and how the eye functions-as part of our science work on light and how we see.
We learnt so many amazing things! Including: where our tears come from (and where they go); why we close our eyes when we sneeze; what colour blindness is and so, so much more! We even had a go at using a special tool, used to reflect light back off the back of the eye (called the retina).
We tried on goggles that had been adapted to mirror how your eyesight would be if you suffered from an eye defect or illness such as: cataract, glaucoma and tunnel vision.
WAGOLL 01.02.19
Our WAGOLLs this week are stars in resilience and perseverance. We have done a lot of work this term using independent methods to try to approach difficult reasoning and problem solving questions. These maths role models used a range of pictorials and written method in order to solve these difficult fraction, decimal and percentage questions.Check out our WAGOLLs here!
Ratio and Problem Solving
Today we tackled this very tricky problem solving question using our ratio knowledge. It was fantastic to see the range of different pictorial, written and concrete approaches that each child took toward trying to solve the problem. Although we didn't all manage to find out the answer strasight away each person showed resilience and logic in their approach toward it.
Have a go at home!
On a farm the number of cows and the number of sheep are in the ratio 6:5. The number of sheep and the number of pigs are in the ratio 2:1.
The total number of cows, sheep and pigs on the farm is 189. How many sheep are there on the farm?
Cacao tasting!
As part of our topic on The Maya we have been learning all about chocolate. Chocolate (although not as we know it now) was incredibly important to the maya people and as such we have been learning about the journey that chocolate takes from cacao bean to bar!
WAGOLL 18.01.19
Isabella is our WAGOLL this week for her exceptional writing. Izzy is an outstanding writer and, while a lot of this is down to her natural talent, it is also the result of her attitude toward learning and her own diligence and hard work. No matter the subject, Isabella will strive toward ensuring she is producing high quality work. She challenges herself to include a range of higher level punctuation and vocabulary as well as a variety of different clause structures. As well as this, she thinks hard about the tone and audience for her work. All of this contributes to Isabella’s writing being both interesting and entertaining and a real pleasure to read.Check out our WAGOLL here!
WAGOLL 11.01.19
Our WAGOLL is a role model in Class Six for so many reasons. He is kind, caring and considerate toward others. His enthusiasm and positivity is completely infectious! And his curious and inquisitive mind lead his to deepen and question all areas of his learning. Occasionally though, his incredible energy can lead to him becoming a little bit distracted in class. However, at the end of last term he set himself a target to stay on task and he had come back this term entirely focussed on that target. He is calm, focussed and methodical in his approach to his learning and the results speak for themselves.Check out our WAGOLL here!
WAGOLL 7.12.18
Our WAGOLL this week has really been excelling recently. We have seen a huge change in our WAGOLL already this year, she has grown in maturity and is absolutely determined to be and do her very best, no matter what the task. Whether it be in Maths, English, Topic or singing this superstar is always, always working at 100%. Her reflective attitude and enthusiastic contributions toward class discussion have seen her make amazing progress and I just know she will keep on going from strength to strength. Well done!Check out our WAGOLL here!
WAGOLL 23.11
This week, our WAGOLL is Frank! Frank is an exceptionally good writer who has a vivid imagination and writes with tremendous flair and creativity! His target, from the beginning of Year Six, has been to make sure that his spelling, gramar and punctuation are all held to the same high standard. This week, Frank has shown a real responsibility toward his writing and to self-improvment and results have seriously paid off. Well done Frank!Check out our WAGOLL here!
Mind-Mate Project-Self image and Self Esteem.
This week, in Year Six, we have been dicsussing the subject of self-esteem. We talked about our own image of ourselves and how that image makes us feel. Many of us focused in on physical attributes so we spent the week looking at media representation of the 'idealised' image and how this 'ideal' is not a realistic goal for any of us to compare ourselves with. We discussed advertising, air brushing and social media and how each can have a potentially negetaive effect on our self esteem. Finally we thought about what makes us, us and we let each other know what it is we feel makes them unique and important. It was fantastic to see the effect that a positive self image had on us all-we could not stop smiling!
WAGOLL 16.11
This week our WAGOLL is…All of Class Six! As part of their topic work on World War Two, Year Six completed a challenge homework where they were asked to research, design and create a gas mask. The gas masks they produced were absolutely fantastic and they showed super creativity toward both the design and then build of their mask. Excellent work everyone!
Pudsey Cenotaph Remembrance Service 11.11.18
We felt incredibly proud of our Year Six children today after attending the Remembrance Day services at Pudsey Cenotaph. Every single child was polite and well-behaved and showed interest in and respect for the event. We each made a pin-wheel poppy to wear and also prepared poems to share at the service. Both activities helped us to think deeply about why, on the eleventh of November, we remember those who died fighting in wars.
The Tunnel
As part of Take One Book, this week, our whole school have been reading The Tunnel. In order to help us learn the story, we did some freeze-frame drama work, sequencing and ordering the events of the narrative.
We absolutely loved reading the story and did some amazing inference work through studying the pictures. Annoyingly, we weren't allowed to read past the point where the girl entered the tunnel and so we had to predict the ending of the story and she would find on the other side of the tunnel. Through doing this we wrote a super retelling of the story using figurative language and casual conjunctions to support the narrative tone.
Morning Maths in Y6
I absolutely love our class and one of the reasons for this is because of their brilliant, sparky minds and their super enthusiasm. Our morning routine means that we begin the day with Fluent in Five, if you finish your questions early you should have a go at the problem on the board...if you manage to finish both you can set your own maths challenge on your whiteboard. This morning, so many children came up with fabulous, creative maths problems including pattern spotting and even an algebraic approach. Well done guys-love that mind-set!
WAGOLL 12.10.18
Amelia is our WAGOLL this week for her can do, growth-mentality attitude. Amelia has a fantastic, conscientious approach to her work. No matter the task, Amelia is always careful to follow the steps to success in order to make sure she is working toward mastery.
Where Amelia really stands out though is in her attitude toward improvement. She is never phased by getting an answer wrong or by being ask to improve her work, but instead sees this as an opportunity for learning and makes fantastic and effective use of any positive criticism. Well done!Check out our WAGOLL here!
WAGOLL 05.10.18
Zoja is our WAGOLL this week for her super drama work.
Zoja’s performance was typically fantastic. She spoke clearly and delivered her lines with superb dynamism, enthusiasm and flair. However, where she really, really impressed us was in her teamwork skills. Zoja listens so well to others and is always a key contributor in any group task. She is a super leader but equally, where appropriate, she can be flexible and take a back seat. No matter the task, Zoja will do her upmost to support her team and is a credit to her team and herself.Check out our WAGOLL here!
Swinnow News...Live From Class Six
As part of our World War Two topic work, Class Six have been trying to imagine what it would have felt like to hear the Declaration of War back in 1939. This week, we went one step further as we produced a series of drama pieces depicting The News from that day. We heard from key political figures as well as housewives, children and soldiers from World War One. We then used our scripts to produce a piece of dialogue, using our knowledge of inverted commas and speech punctuation.
WAGOLL 28.09
Dexter is our WAGOLL this week for his much improved handwriting and presentation. Since beginning Year Six, Dexter has made it his own personal target to practise his cursive handwriting and gain his Pen License. He has made huge steps towards achieving this and if he carries on he will certainly have that license in no time.
Thank you so much to all the grown-ups and children who attended our Meet The Teacher Evening last week. It was great to see so many of you there and to get a chance talk to you about all the exciting things we have coming up in Year Six this year. For anyone who was unable to attend, please seethis linkfor an attachment to the powerpoint we shared at the event, detailing all the information you need to know.
WAGOLL 20.09
Our WAGOLL this week is for outstanding attitude to learning. She always puts her all into her learning and never, never gives up if she finds something tricky. This week, I enjoyed working in a small group with our WAGOLL as we explored rounding 4 digit numbers. With the use of a place value grid, we were able to see why the number 4973 would become 5000 when rounded to the nearest 100. This superstar’s enthusiasm and determination to succeed meant she made immense progress during this lesson. I know, from her reflections that she feels really proud of herself- as she should.Check out our WAGOLL here!
This week in Year 6 we are rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000! To help us to remember how to do this we have learnt a new song. Check it out here!
Our WAGOLL this week is for an all-round excellent start to Year Six. You really stood out to both myself and Miss Emmett this week-it is really evident that in every way possible you are determined to be the very best you can be. You have been focused, conscientious, polite, respectful, considerate, engaged…all round amazing! Well done!Check out our WAGOLL here!
Reading Challenge-Book Sorter!
In Class Six we love to read and we think that there is no better feeling than recommending your favourite book to a friend and seeing it give them as much pleasure as it did you. So if you're looking for a new book recommendation check out this super Reading Challenge Book Sorter. All you need to do is tell it your age and the type of books you enjoy and it will find the right book for you. All the recommendations come from children, just like you, who want to share their favourite books with other people who will love them too.Book Sorter