Swinnow Primary School

Welcome to the Swinnow Primary School website.




At Swinnow, by teaching a modern foreign language we hope to foster our pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world outside of their immediate community, helping them in their journey to becoming global citizens. Learning a foreign language opens a whole new world to children, exposing them to the practices and cultures of another country thereby developing our pupils’ cultural capital.

Pupils at Swinnow will develop their knowledge and skills as they move through Key Stage Two and by the time they leave us, they will have developed the ability to communicate for practical purposes in a foreign language. Children will also develop their understanding of the culture of another country, learning about their national celebrations and holidays as well as their foods and traditions. Through language learning, children will develop their ability to communicate with others in a meaningful and appropriate way. By the end of Key Stage Two, children will have developed the ability to read, write and speak confidently and competently in a foreign language. Students will develop an understanding of the grammar and vocabulary of the language, which in turn will support the development of their English acquisition.

By being exposed to the language and practises of another country, pupils will develop their tolerance and respect for cultures and people who are different to them.  Pupils will have the opportunity to work on their oracy skills as they communicate with each other in another language, improving their confidence and providing opportunities for them to verbally demonstrate their learning.


MFL Documents




          Image result for policy               Click to view our Modern Foreign Languages Policy.


 Click here to view our Whole School MFL Overview

  Click here to view our Whole School MFL Progression Map 


 MFL Home Learning

 Useful links to support MFL learning at home:

BBC French - An introduction to French covering greetings, introductions, shopping etc.

Interactive games

Rock and Learn - Numbers, colours and more