Swinnow Primary School

Welcome to the Swinnow Primary School website.




In Science at Swinnow Primary School we aim to stimulate a child’s curiosity to find out why things happen in the way they do through the use of high quality resources, hands-on experiences and exploration of the outdoor environment. We aim to provoke children to enquire, predict, investigate, ask scientific questions and evaluate evidence. Children learn about key scientists both past and present and begin to understand the way science will affect their future on a personal, national, and global level. The teaching of a wide range of Science topics enables children to know and understand the life processes of living things; know and understand the physical processes of materials, electricity, light, sound and natural forces; and know about the nature of the solar system, including the earth. Children learn skills to work both individually and collaboratively to plan, carry out and evaluate practical investigations selecting appropriate resources, including the use of ICT. We aim to ensure children treat the living and non-living environment with respect and sensitivity and recognise and assess risks and hazards to themselves and to others when working with living things and materials and to take action to control them.

Science in Action!




Science Documents





          Click the icon to view our Science Policy.



          Click the icon to view our Whole School Overview for Science.

 Curriculum Maps 


Year 1 - Coming soon 

Year 2 - Coming soon 

Year 3 - Coming soon 

Year 4 - Coming soon 

Year 5 - Coming soon 

Year 6 - Coming soon 


Science Useful Websites




Click on any of the links below to check out some really useful websites to support Science learning. 

Image result for bbc bitesize science


Useful links to support science home-learning:



Science Sparks - Science Experiments for Kids.

Sublime Science - 101 fun science experiments you can do at home with 'stuff' you've already got.

Mad Science - At home experiments for the family with ingredients you will already have at home.

Woodland Trust - 10 nature activities for children to do at home.

Chester Zoo - A range of resources to help with teaching & learning at home and school.

Science Museum - Lots of learning resources including activities, games and videos.

Primary Science Teaching Trust - Practical Science fun at home.


Try these  downloadable activities: 

Click here to download 10  activities you can use at home to help your child develop their science, technology, engineering and maths skills. 

Change Champions - a range of activities covering a real mixture of topics including; physical processes of weather, erosion, movement, energy and sound and much, much more!

Move it - this activity pack contains a range of different activities on the theme of motion.