Swinnow Primary School

Welcome to the Swinnow Primary School website.



English - Writing

At Swinnow Primary, we consider writing to be one of the most important tools needed for children to become successful life-long learners. We aim to teach our children how to be confident and accurate writers in order for them to express their thoughts, ideas, knowledge and emotions effectively.

We use a text-based approach to reading and writing. We have developed a carefully considered Reading Spine, which underpins all of our English work. The same quality text is used to teach key reading and writing skills, as well as enabling children to transfer their writing skills across the wider curriculum.  

We adopt a progressive approach to the teaching of writing focusing on grammatical conventions, punctuation and spelling rules, as set out in the National Curriculum.



We aim to:

  • Guide and nurture each child to be a successful writer
  • Use books and hooks to provide exciting writing opportunities and experiences
  • Help children acquire a wide and rich vocabulary through the use of quality texts
  • Model and teach children how to use language effectively in their written work
  • Equip children with the knowledge and skills needed to apply previously learnt spelling patterns
  • Teach children how to use punctuation and grammar accurately and meaningfully
  • Model and teach how to write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting language and style for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences
  • Encourage all children to take pride in their writing by adopting a neat, legible style of cursive handwriting
  • Nurture creativity and the confidence to adopt individual style and flair when writing


Writing Documents





    Click to view our Writing Policy.


    Click to view our Whole School Writing Progression Map.



Writing Home Learning



Useful links to support writing at home:

Coming soon!


Writing News




TAKE ONE BOOK - Summer Term

Across school we have been reading 'Dear Teacher' by Amy Husband as inspiration for our writing tasks. It is a fabulously funny book, full of hilarious letters from a young boy to his new teacher as he prepares for his next class in September. See below for some examples of our wonderful range of work, from Yr1 to Yr6...