Food Ambassadors
Food Ambassadors
Watch our fantastic cereal box challenge!
Cereal box dominoes
We are the Food Ambassadors of Swinnow Primary School. Our mission is to help people make healthy choices about what they eat in our school and community.
CLICK HERE to see our new lunchbox policy.
CLICK HERE for healthy lunch box ideas.
The Great Swinnow Dominoes Challenge!
We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who donated boxes of cereal—we were overwhelmed by your generosity. We managed to collect a staggering 533 boxes in total. Richard from Pudsey Community Project came to school to set off the challenge—it went brilliantly. As the class who collected the most boxes—109 in total—Year 4 came to watch the boxes fall. Class 1 also joined the fun as they came in second place with a brilliant 90 boxes. You can see the video yourself at the top of this page. Our food ambassadors have been amazing. They have encouraged people to make donations, moved the cereal to where it needs to be and spent break and lunchtimes working out how to set the boxes up. The event was lots of fun but most importantly, we have provided food for families in our community who need it. Well done!