Swinnow Primary School

Welcome to the Swinnow Primary School website.



Support for Parents


Transition Advice PowerPoint from STARS - useful advice for parents regarding your child's transition. 

Helping your child with Speech and Language Development

Let’s Get Talking - a wonderful set of resources and game ideas to encourage speaking and listening.

The CSLT toolkit-Leeds Community Health Care link- you can find numerous free resources to help your child with all aspects of speech and language development.

If your child has an individual plan for speech and language you should have a copy of this at home. If not, or you need further resources to support you in delivering the targets at home, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me. 

Helping your child with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs

youngminds.org.uk- this has lots of advice and information for families.

Mindmate Spa Contact number 0300 555 0324

For children over the age of 10, kooth.com offer online councillors, resources and support.

Learning support

https://dyslexia-assist.org.uk/ - This website has lots of pictures, game links, video links and tips on helping your child.

Crick software is offering every school and parent free access to their reading and writing support software. Type the link below into your browser bar, then follow the instructions. Add the code when prompted.

Link: http://www.cricksoft.com/home-installation.

Code for Windows/Mac machines:         8526P 863XU UGYQK 6D098

Code for tablets: FA 1T2P 7ATF KF7

For those children with working memory difficulties, click here for some activity ideas.

Supporting children with Autistic Spectrum Condition

http://www.starsteam.org.uk/coronavirus-resources. This contains some useful information and resources to help your child understand the current situation.

autismeducationtrust.org This website has some useful information and the progression frameworks, where you can identify specific targets for your child to work on.

The following resources were created and contributed by one of our parents of a child with ASC:

Exercise and Sensory Activities 

Useful Websites

Keeping a routine - example daily plan

Home-schooling my child with Autism

Other resources:

Sensory circuits at home

Edible sensory play ideas


Bereavement support

Supporting children with bereavement in this situation.

Parent Guide strategies and resources for supporting bereavement

General support

Go Noodle - active screen time using dance, yoga, mindfulness and games. 

Dough Disco - this is a Youtube channel that works with music and rhyme to develop children’s fine motor skills. Great fun!

Phonics Play -  free to use during this period. Children can use the site at home without their parents needing to subscribe. To access  resources all you need to do is log on using the following details.

Username: march20
Password: home

ReadingWise - online reading programmes which can be accessed from home. 

World of David Walliams - listen to free audio stories. 

SENDIASS - click here to view their May Newsletter. 

 Other websites


The local authority has set up a specific link on the “Local Offer” website that provides information and advice around SEND needs and the support available at the present time. Click below:


National deaf children's society - https://www.ndcs.org.uk/covid-19-coronavirus-support-for-deaf-children/

twinkl.co.uk - this site has a wealth of resources for all subject areas, ages and learning needs.