Wellbeing Ambassadors
We are the Wellbeing Ambassadors of Swinnow Primary School. Our mission is to promote the importance of self-care and to normalise talking about challenging feelings and mental health.
In Autumn 1, we held a wellbeing day to promote the importance of mental health. We came up with the slogan, "Together We Are Brighter", and everyone was invited to come into school wearing bright colours. In the afternoon, each class explored different aspects of wellbeing.
In Autumn 2, two of us attended the pupil ambassadors training that took place at Kirkstall Valley Primary School. We connected with other pupil ambassadors across the city, to learn more about our role and to learn and share good ideas. We enjoyed taking part in a variety of regulation activities, which we will share with our peers.
In Spring 1, our year 3 ambassadors went to visit Summerfield Primary School. They went to look at how Zones of Regulation is used across school to support emotional wellbeing. Zones of Regulation is something which our KS2 classes use and it was interesting to see it in action across all classes. This is now something which Swinnow will be introducing to our KS1 pupils and reintroducing to our KS2 pupils.
Also in Spring 1, we participated in a workshop to look at calming exercises. Gill Mullens from the School Health and Wellbeing Team led the session, with Swinnow being the first school to pilot it. A group of year 6 pupils also joined us, as we had identified that year 6 can be a stressful time. We particularly found deep belly breathing and tapping useful techniques. We learned the benefits of smell to lift your mood and to help you feel settled and calm. We made glitter jars and we found the experience very useful. In Spring 2, we will be rolling this workshop out to all classes in Swinnow. The videos below will give you an idea of some of the strategies we learned and which you may like to try at home.