Swinnow Primary School

Welcome to the Swinnow Primary School website.




Breakfast Club

 Breakfast Club - we are really pleased to offer a breakfast club for your children situated within the downstairs hall. It starts at 7:45am.  We aim to provide a good start to the school day with a selection of cereals, toast, fruit and yoghurts alongside a wide range of play activities.  

All the breakfast club staff are also class based so there is always a familiar face for your child. Staff will pass any messages to the class teachers and ensure that children arrive at class on time, ready to learn. Children from Big Nursery through to Year 6 can access this fabulous provision.

Breakfast Club costs £2.50 per day – please fill in a booking form to secure your child's place. Forms available from the school office or the children's centre office.  Places do need to be booked and paid for in advance via 'Parentpay' - if you do not have a log in please contact the office.