Swinnow Primary School

Welcome to the Swinnow Primary School website.




School Uniform Shop

School uniform is very important at Swinnow Primary as we believe that a uniform looks smart, and contributes to a feeling of belonging to the school.

The Swinnow Primary uniform can be ordered online from The School Uniform shop on Parentpay. Please see a short video below on how to order as the school office does not accept cash.

 Click here to order from the uniform shop





 As with most schools, we request that jewellery is kept to an absolute minimum - for safety reasons.  Children can wear stud earrings and a watch. All jewellery should be removed for PE lessons, including swimming. If your child is unable to remove their earrings please don't send them with earrings on PE days. If they have recently had their ears pierced, so they cannot be removed, we request that you cover the earrings with tape on PE days. 



 Children should come to school in PE kit on their PE days. No branded sports wear please. For warmth, they can wear a plain black, navy or grey top - or their school jumper. From September 2024, school jumpers only please. 

Uniform Cost

School Jumper - Red or Royal Blue

Year 6 School Jumper - Sky Blue


Jumpers without school logo - in school colours - can be bought from any shop 



School Cardigan - Red or Royal Blue

Cardigans without school logo - in school colours - can be bought in any shop


Trousers - Grey or Black

Shorts - Grey or Black

Leggings - Grey or Black

Not available from school

Not available from school

Not available from school

Skirt - Grey or Black

Pinafore dress - Grey or Black

Not available from school
Summer Dress - Red & White or Blue & White Not available from school

Polo Shirt - White

Blouse - White

Shirt - White


Not available from school

Not available from school

School shoes or trainers - NOT high heels, dolly shoes, flip flops or crocs for health and safety reasons.  Not available from school
Wellies (and warm socks in winter) for outdoor learning Not available from school
Book Bag £5.50
PE Kits

Polo Shirts - team colours

Polo shirts without school logo can be bought from any shop

Shorts - Black, grey or navy Not available from school
Unbranded leggings or jogger bottoms in black, grey or navy Not available from school
Pump Bag £5.50