Swinnow Primary School

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Governor Activities

During the Full Governing Body meeting held on the 13th March 2019 the usefulness of the governor activity page was discussed.

As a result this page will no longer be updated and all details of governors visits will be included on the schools weekly newsletter.

10/12/18 - Jenny Wilks

Attended a session of "Bounce and Wobble" at Swinnow Community Centre and spoke to staff from both the Children’s Centre and Swinnow Community Centre.

30/04/2018 - Jenny Wilks EYFS Governor

I met with Sarah Haigh to discuss termly items suggested by the local authority.  A report was made and shared with the governing body.

Jenny Wilks - Chair of Children’s Centre Committee - joined Jane Maybank (outreach worker) for the morning, meeting parents in the community and delivering a session of Rhyme Time.  Jane has great relationships with the families in our area and ran a busy session of Rhyme Time.  It was lovely watching the children having fun and developing their language and communication skills.  A report was written and shared with the governors.

Jenny Wilks - Year 1 Governor - observed a Science lesson in Year 1 and read a story to the class.  The children were very well behaved and talked confidently about their learning.  I hope they enjoyed my story too. A report was written and shared with the governors.  

07/02/18 - Cllr Josie Jarsoz

As the governor allocated to year 5 I visited the class. I arranged to go into school before the lesson began, as I had never met Mrs. Wyles before and it gave us both a chance to meet and then to get an idea of what was planned for the afternoon’s lesson. It was mental Health week, so the class had an in depth discussion about feeling and the words used to express those feeling. The discussion did not end there, but went on to examine how one person would know if another was emotional in any way. The pupils mentioned facial expressions, body language and uncharacteristic behaviour, I was relieved Mrs. Wyles did not ask me a question, the class came up with much better observations and words than I could think of. The next part of the lesson was to put some of the words and observations into sentences as part of the English curriculum, using modal verbs where possible.  

I went round the class whist the writing was being done and I thought that much of what had be spoken about during the class discussion handled to some thoughtful and insightful work being produced. Everyone, as far as I could tell completed the work asked of them in the time allocated.

The class was animated and occasionally noisy, but the subject matter leads to many different thoughts and emotions, which led to conversations outside the class discussion. I felt that it was a difficult balance to achieve in encouraging discussion but not letting the talking get too disruptive. My unprofessional observation was that this was handled very well, especially given there was a visitor in the room.

 I had an interesting and stimulating afternoon and If possible I would like to visit again.

 06/02/18 - Jenny Wilks & Christopher Wilson

We met with Mrs Naylor and Mrs Bell to look at equalities within School.  We looked in work books, at procedures and had discussions with children and staff. It was lovely hearing all the fantastic work that was going on and the children did the Swinnow proud. They were excellent at voicing their opinions and showed us first hand how our children are respectful and caring to one another.

15/01/18 - Jenny Wilks

I attended a meeting with Mrs Naylor and Neil Lawrence. Reviewing our governor action plan and make next steps.

Dec 2017 - Jenny Wilks

I attended a meeting with Mrs Haigh to ask questions and observe how data is tracked and used to enhance learning in the Foundation Stage.

28/11/17 - Jenny Wilks

I attended a meeting with Mrs Naylor to ask questions and observe how data is tracked and used to enhance learning for children throughout school.

19/09/17 Tim Clayton – Health and Safety Governor

I had a meeting with Health & Safety Officer and examined the health and safety evidence file. We reviewed the action plan from our last meeting and confirmed that the actions had been undertaken. A new action plan was made to address new issues that have arisen and a time scale set for completion.

14/7/17 Tim Clayton – Sports day

I enjoyed watching the children in the key stage 2 sports day. The event gave an opportunity for individual success as well as team efforts. It was well supported by parents and friends.

11/7/17 Tim Clayton – Year 3 Whitby trip

I was given the opportunity to review the risk assessment for the trip prior to departure and had a brief discussion about the format of the trip with the class teacher Mr Emmett. The trip itself was enthusiastically enjoyed by the children and adults. I think that everyone learned something from the paleontologist and were pleased to be able to not only find fossils on the beach but to bring them home.

8/7/17 Tim Clayton – Swinnow School fair

I attended the school fair and saw the organisation that had obviously been put into the event by the staff and the Buddies of Swinnow School(BOSS) as demonstrated by the variety of stalls, as well as the enthusiasm of the community that attended.

27/06/17 - Neil Lawrence, Tracey Lowthorpe & Jenny Wilks - Teaching & Learning Review

On the 27th June a Teaching & Learning review was held in school included in this was a review of school governance. Neil Lawrence, Tracey Lowthorpe and Jenny Wilks attended a meeting with members of the school governor support team. Jenny Wilks subsequently attended a meeting with Mrs Naylor and the review to obtain feedback on the Teaching & Learning Review as a whole. The results of the Teaching & Learning review and feedback from the governors meeting will be discussed fully with all governors at the next FGB meeting to be held on Monday 10th July.

 29/06/17 - Tim Clayton – Tooth Talk – year 4

I visited class 4 to speak with them about their current science topic – teeth. I was very impressed with how well the class stayed on topic, they were attentive, well behaved and asked some searching questions as well as sharing their experiences for the entire class. Mrs Bell also explained how she planned to integrate the discussion we had into her teaching.

 20/06/17 - Jenny Wilks - Early Years Governor

Attended a meeting with Sarah Haigh regarding early years update.

8/06/17 - Tim Clayton - Health & Safety Governor

The Headteacher and I performed a walk around the school looking at specific aspects in relation to disabled access. We discussed possible issues and set realistic goals in an action plan.

 03/05/17 - Claire Howells - Safeguarding Governor

CH met with SH and BN for the Safeguarding audit in school on 03/05/17 with Claire Dodd. Actions agreed and to be reviewed on 13/06/17.

The summer term questions from GSS were discussed by CH and SH and a report submitted.

 8/5/17 - 11/5/17 - Bill Taylor - Co-opted Governor

This week, in my role as governor, I monitored the security and administration of the KS2 SATs tests. I checked that the papers were stored securely both before and after the tests. All tests were supervised by at least 2 qualified and experienced members of staff in each room. The roles and responsibilities were clear. I was present when papers were securely packed up, in preparation for being collected. 

26/4/2017 – Tim Clayton – Health and Safety Governor

I attended a meeting with the school Health and Safety officer and reviewed the school’s monitoring and audit processes as well as checking that actions that had been raised previously had been performed. We did a walk around of the school premises including the Children’s Centre. We identified several issues that have been added to a new action plan.