Swinnow Primary School

Welcome to the Swinnow Primary School website.



Information for Parents/carers

Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility - we need to work together.

We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of all our children. If you have any concerns about a child at our school, please talk to us.

The following people are our Designated Staff for Child Protection.


     Miss Haigh                               Mrs Naylor                             Mrs Griffen 

                   Assistant Head                       Head Teacher                            SENDCO

                   Designated                        Deputy Designated              Deputy Designated 

               Safeguarding Lead               Safeguarding Lead                Safeguarding Lead     

CLICK HERE to see our leaflet about safeguarding - or contact the the office for a paper copy.

At Swinnow we have:

- A 'Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy' reviewed annually;

- Trained Designated Safeguarding Lead staff;     

- A named governor responsible for Safeguarding and Child Protection;

- Up-to-date training for all staff; 

- Positive working relationships with staff from other agencies such as health, social care and Children's Centre.                                  

If you see something outside school which makes you feel worried about a child's safety, you should contact social care on 0113 2224403. If you think a child is in immediate danger, you should call the police.  


Click on the links below for more information.

Pudsey Cluster - services to support families in our area.

Childline - advice about a wide range of issues.

Mindmate - information about mental health and organisations that can help.

NSPCC and O2 - tips for keeping children safe on-line.

CEOP - online safety.