Swinnow Primary School

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Year 4 Blog 2018-19

Class Assembly! - 24th May

A huge well done to all of the children in our rain forest class assembly! You all did amazingly well and truly showed how fantastic you are!


Sponsored Circuit Run! - 22nd May 

Well done to all of the children that took part in our sponsored circuit run to raise money for our class trip! They really challenged themselves and did an amazing job on a course that was not that easy - filled with star jumps, beanbag throws, skipping and sit ups! 



We even had time for a lovely game of 'What time is it, Mr Wolf?' after! 



As part of our drive to ensure our children are as fit and healthy as possible we are taking part in ‘Walk to School Week 2019.’ This runs 20th May to 24th May 2019.

We will be encouraging the children to walk to school by collecting stamps each day. These stamps will be added to a class total. If your child’s class can collect 70 stamps during the week they will earn themselves an extra playtime!

We are very aware some children have to come to school by car or bus because they live a long way from school. If you are one of these families we suggest you ‘park and stride’. This means you park your car a few streets away from school or get off the bus a stop earlier - then walk the rest of the way.

To find out more information click here!



The weather forecast looks good for next week, so I hope you can support the children. Let’s get walking!


Thank you, Mr Emmett and Mrs Wyles

WAGOLL - 17th May

This year, our WAGOLL has really challenged himself with his writing. He has written an amazing setting description from ‘The Tin Forest’ and really thought about different sentence structures to make his writing engaging – I was blown away when I read it!



We have spent a lot of time looking at WaterAid and the work that they do. We used the computers and internet to research the non-profit organisation and found some amazing information! 

We used the information we found to create fantastic information leaflets! The children worked extremly hard on these and the end results were outstanding! 

WAGOLL - 8th March

Haleema is our Class 4 WAGOLL this week!

Haleema is truly a pleasure to have in the class. She is a focused and determined girl who is making great progress in all of her learning and will always strive to do her best in whatever task is given to her.

Her happiness and positivity is contagious and she is a fantastic role model to all.

Haleema, you are a superstar! Well done!



Wednesday 6th February: Internet Legends


What great fun was had by all the children in Key Stage 2 on Wednesday afternoon. They enjoyed a special, interactive 'Be Internet Legends' assembly, which was developed by Google, to enhance our ongoing work on e-safety. The children were reminded about the importance of being sharp, alert, secure, kind and brave when using the internet. Your involvement at home can really help to reinforce these key messages. Try out some exciting online safety activities for the whole family by following this link: g.co/BeInternetLegends/Parents. Also explore 'Interland', the free online game that makes learning about digital safety fun by visiting g.co/Interland

WAGOLL - 7/12/18

Paige is this week’s WAGOLL!

Paige is really persevering with all her learning, making sure that she is always trying her best.

In PSHE this week, we have been looking at democracies and dictatorships – Paige really listened to help her understanding of the different types of leadership and thought about the disadvantages and advantages to both. She was able to think about which she would prefer and why.

Well done Paige! Keep it up!

Christmas Activity Morning! - 6/12/18

Wow! What an amazing Christmas activity morning we had! Thank you to all the parents that could make it!           


Egyptian Home Learning! - 22/11/18

Well done to all of those children who completed their topic homelearning! It has been lovely to see your amazing artefacts and to see how creative you can be! 


Class Four WAGOLL - 9/11/18

Well done to this week's WAGOLL - Kayden! 

Kayden’s attitude towards everything he does has shone this week. He is always participating in lessons and raising a quiet hand to share his answer with the class. Kayden is listening to other children and using what they share to help him with his own learning.

Kayden’s beaming grin always puts a smile on mine and Mrs Waite’s face.

Keep up this amazing attitude Kayden! 

Show not tell - 9/11/18

This week, we have been looking at 'show not tell' to help us with our expression of emotions. The children loved showing their freeze frames of their emotions and describing the tells that were given!   

Can you guess the emotions the children are showing?

Homelearning Policy - 6/11/18

Please see our updated home learning policy.

Class Four WAGOLL - 12/10/18


Well done to our WAGOLL this week! She always takes great pride in all of her learning. 

Her presentation in all of her books is what everyone should strive for. She takes her time and makes sure that she is always trying her best. This WAGOLL will also take the time to support other children in their learning if they are unsure and will try to explain how to do something instead of just giving an answer.

She is truly a WAGOLL for her effort, pride and caring nature.

Wednesday 10th October 2018: Harvest Songs to practice at home







WAGOLL - 28/9/18

Evie is this week's Class Four WAGOLL! Evie is always delving into every piece of learning that we do. She is focued, determined and persevered with all of her learning. Evie is definitely a role model to others and the presentation of her work is exquisite! Keep it up Evie! 










Shocking circuits! - 27/9/18

We investigated different circuits, looking at what they needed to be complete. We predicted and then tested different circuits to see if they were complete. Some children even investigated how and why the bulbs changed when there were two bulbs but only one battery!

Remember to check your child's ClassDojo portfolio to see them in action!



Number lines to 10,000 - 24/9/18

To help us with number lines to 10,000 and estimating where numbers would be placed, we used meter sticks and post it notes to show the start and end numbers and to place on a number. The children were able to use their skills to help them - finding the middle number first definitely helped! 


WAGOLL - 14/9/18


Well done to Lola for been the first WAGOLL of this year! 

Lola is consistently making the right choices and always has a smile on her face.

She is persevering in her learning (especially with maths problem solving) and taking feedback in her stride to help her improve. 

Well done Lola!