Year 2 Blog 2018-19
Week beginning Monday 3rd June
In Maths we have begun a learning focus on money. We have been identifying the different coins and looking at different ways in which we can make a variety of totals. Follow the link below to play a game focusing on money...
Week beginning Monday 20th May
This week in Maths we have been learning all about 3d shapes and their properties- edges, faces and vertices (sides) Follow the link below to find a game focusing on these skills.
Week beginning Monday 13th May
As part of our drive to ensure our children are as fit and healthy as possible we are taking part in ‘Walk to School Week 2019.’ This runs 20th May to 24th May 2019.
We will be encouraging the children to walk to school by collecting stamps each day. These stamps will be added to a class total. If your child’s class can collect 70 stamps during the week they will earn themselves an extra playtime!
We are very aware some children have to come to school by car or bus because they live a long way from school. If you are one of these families we suggest you ‘park and stride’. This means you park your car a few streets away from school or get off the bus a stop earlier - then walk the rest of the way.
To find out more information click here!
The weather forecast looks good for next week, so I hope you can support the children. Let’s get walking!
Week beginning Monday 6th May
In Maths this week our focus has moved onto 2d and 3d shapes and their properties. We have been exploring how many sides and vertices(corners) each shape has that means we can determine exactly what shape it is. We will be moving onto creating and continuing patterns using shapes as our next step. Follow the link below to play a game to practise this skill...
SATs Information for parents
Week beginning Monday 29th April
On Monday Class 2 were lucky enough to do some Pedestrian Training with Leeds Road Safety Team, where they were taught all about The Green Cross Code and then given opportunity for this to be put into practise. All the children showed super listening skills and a good awareness of road safety.
Week beginning Monday 22nd April
In Maths this week Class 2 have concluded their learning focus on 'Fractions' it has been a tricky area of maths to tackle but all the children have risen to the challenge. To continue practising recognition of different fractions have a go at the game below...
Our new topic in Science is Living things and their habitat where the children have begun to compare and discuss the differences between living and non-living things. Take a look at the clip below...
Week beginning Monday 15th April
Welcome back Class 2! Class 2 have come back into school after the holidays ready to wow and amaze us! They have been learning all about WaterAid this week and the importance of clean water.
In some areas of the world there is currently no clean running water so WaterAid work hard to raise funds to build wells and install taps in these areas. In Outdoor Learning the children worked in groups to make a 'TippyTap' which is an important device created using everyday materials to assist with hand-washing. Watch the clip below to see how one is made and how it works...
Take a look back later to see some photos of the children making the Tippy Taps...
Week beginning Monday 18th March
We have continued delving into the world of Leon and The Place Between this week, the children have had time to explore and enjoy this fantastic book and identify the word choices that the author has made. From this they then worked in pairs to write their own powerful sentences trying hard to include each word type.
Week beginning Monday 4th March
This week the children have worked in teams to complete a Science Challenge, their mission was to use 15 straws and some tape to create a free standing tower. They worked collaboratively together, sharing plans and ideas as well as taking on different roles. Well done Class 2!
Week beginning Monday 11th February
Click HERE for more costume ideas. Watch the video on the website to see costumes that other children have made.
Week beginning Monday 4th February
On Tuesday this week we had a full morning of Maths to introduce our new focus of Multiplication and Division. The children demonstrated their understanding on equal and unequal groups using a range of manipulatives. They were then challenged to find as many ways as they could to represent four group of three. What fantastic active learners!
Week beginning Monday 28th January
We have had a super time in P.E this week with Mrs Lilley, we practised travelling across the apparatus using different parts of our bodies and balancing using the larger parts of our bodies such as our backs, stomachs and even our bottoms! Take a look at the photographs below...
Week beginning Monday 21st January
In Maths this week we used the concrete resources to develop and show our understanding of addition crossing 10. We tackled calculations such as 56 + 27 where we had to exchange ten ones for a ten in order for our answer to be correct (this used to be called 'carrying the 10')
Week beginning Monday 14th January
This week we have begun our Geography focus on discovering the what the the seven continents of the world are and some facts about each one.
To help us learn their names and location we have learnt a catchy song. Please take a look...
Week beginning Monday 7th January
Happy New Year and welcome back!
It has been wonderful to welcome the children back into school after new year, they have been full of exciting news to share with us and raring to get our second term in Year 2 underway.
It is Class 2's turn for Outdoor Learning with Miss Crowther, as with the first half term this will take place on a Thursday morning. If you wish to send your child with their own pair of wellies for this session you are welcome to do so.
It has been amazing to see all the wonderful photographs showing all the weird and wonderful places that the children have been 'caught reading' We are all looking forward to celebrating the hard work and thought that has gone into this challenge. Thank you for your support.
This week we have begun to learn our 2 times table with Bridget the Lioness, have a look at the song below to help your child along with this skill.
Week beginning Monday 10th December
In English this week we have focused on the book 'The Polar Express' the children have thoroughly enjoyed sharing the book and discussing how the author has created the characters and his use of language to create a picture in our mind as we read the story. Follow the link below to listen to the story at home...
We have also been working on our final rehearsals for our Christmas performance of 'Hey Ewe!' We are looking forward to seeing you all and sharing our hard work next week.
Week beginning Monday 3rd December
This week the children have worked in groups to complie the facts that they know about the moon landing to then write their own report detailing this historical event.
Week beginning Monday 26th November
One small step for man one giant leap for Class 2!.... This week we have been learning all about the Moon landing in 1969. I wonder what fact the children can remember?
On Wednesday we had a Maths Open Evening, if you were unable to attend and wish to find out more about our approach to Mastery in Maths please ask Mrs Walker.
Have a look at some of the free apps below that you and your child can access at home...
Week beginning Monday 19th November
In Maths this week Class 2 have been adding three 1 digit numbers using a range of methods- counters, tens frames and brain only! They can continue to practise these skills at home by playing the game below. The children can use counters or drawing the amounts to help them. Please select the addition symbol then the option of 'Three 1 digit numbers'
Class 2 are continuing to have a fantastic time in their P.E sessions with Mrs Lilley on a Monday afternoon. Have a look at some of the photos to see the skills they are developing...
Week beginning Monday 5th November
Welcome back! The children have arrived back into school after the half term holiday raring to go, it has been fantastic to see them continuing to be active learners.
In Maths we have been focusing on fact families, looking at the relationship between addition and subtraction. Have a look at the game below to practise these skills (please click the addition and subtraction symbols and numbers up to 10/20 initially)
Fact Family Game
For this half term our P.E sessions will be on Mondays and Thursdays. Have a look back in a few days for some photos...
Week beginning Monday 15th October
This week we have begun to learn our 5 times table. We have been using the Super Movers to help us with this new skill. Clink the link below and have a listen and a dance!
Week beginiing Monday 8th October
What a busy week we have had! We all thoroughly enjoyed the class trip to Leeds Central Library on Tuesday to see the Nick Sharratt exhibition.
The children behaved fantastically and were a real credit to us all. Have a look at some of the photos below to see some of the fun we had...
Week beginning 1st October 2018
In Maths this week we have been focusing on using our place value knowledge when ordering numbers. The children have shown some super progression in their skills becoming much more confident in using their knowledge of 'Ten and Ones' when putting numbers in the correct sequence.
We have particularly enjoyed playing a caterpillar game on Top Marks follow the link below to play...
We are very excited to go on our trip to Leeds City Library next week to see the Nick Sharratt exhibition. We have been watching and singing along to The Pants Song in preparation. Have a sing-a-long too...
Autumn Term 1
Welcome to Class 2's Blog for 2018-19! The children have made a super start to Year 2 and we are so impressed with the enthusiasm they have shown so far when tackling their new challenges.
Thank you to those of you who were able to attend the Meet the Teacher event on Tuesday, it was fantastic to see so many friendly faces and to share some information with you. If you were unable to attend I have uploaded some of the slides that include a few of the important points we discussed. If you have any questions please feel free to ask Mrs Walker or Mrs Bell.
Useful Websites
Follow some of the links below to find games or ideas to help support your child's learning.
In Maths we have begun to learn our 10 times table, with our end goal being that we can have quick recall of these facts. We have been singing along with Webster the Spider from BBC Super Movers to help us increase our speed and fact knowledge. Have a look and join in!
This half term one of our P.E slots is being delivered by Rebecca from The Rhinestones. The children are really enjoying the dances they are learning which is being linked into our English theme of Fairytales. Have a look at some of the photos below...
More photos to follow!
Look at our amazing art work from this week!