Swinnow Primary School

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Reception Class Blog 2017-18





























9/11/17 This week we have been looking at the story of The Little Red Hen, coming up with actions for each part of the story. Soon we will know the whole story by heart! We have also been taking part in lots of different activities in choosing time, to become more familiar with the story such as stick puppets to act out the story and popcorn kernels to practice our maths and fine motor skills, separating them into groups with tweezers.




This week Reception had their first P.E. lesson with a coach from Leeds Rhinos. They pretended they were moving through the jungle using different actions, and played a game throwing food to the different animals. They impressed me by listening carefully and following the coach's instructions.






















We have had a musical week in Reception. Some children have been experimenting on the piano playing high notes like a squeaky mouse and low notes like a stomping Gruffalo. We have learnt a new Gruffalo song which the children already know all the words to, and a song for rainy days about splashing in puddles (...there has been plenty of that this week too!). In maths we have been practicing some counting songs and learning how to write the numbers under ten. 

Click on the links below to see the songs we have been singing:

How many fingers on one hand?      Image result for how many fingers on one hand

The Gruffalo      Image result for gruffalo

The Umbrella Song: (tune only-lyrics below)     


Down come the rain drops SPLASH, SPLASH, SPLASH! (stamp feet on the splashes)

Let’s run for cover, DASH, DASH, DASH!  (run on the spot)

Pitter patter, pitter patter, DRIP, DRIP, DROP! (clap hands in rhythm)

I’m under my umbrella till the raindrops STOP! (put up pretend umbrella)


The children have really impressed us in phonics this week. They have learnt how to form 'm, a, s, d, t and i' so far and have been practicing writing them every day. We have also been playing games to help them improve at sounding out and blending words orally. e.g. 'Eye spy with my little eye a p-e-g...who can show me which object I have chosen?'. Lots of children showed a great can-do attitude and have been listening carefully to the sounds. You can play this game at home too. 


Reception have had their first experience of Outdoor Learning this week and they had a great time exploring the environmental area; looking for minibeasts, climbing trees, playing games and talking about Autumn. 

We also had the first of our weekly cooking sessions. Some children had a go making apple and blackberry crumble. They enjoyed chopping the apples, mixing the ingredients for the crumble...and of course eating it. Delicious!


Reception's giant new sandpit has been popular this week and the children have been very busy digging, pouring, mark making and building in the sand (and working those arm and hand muscles ready for writing!). 

We also discovered the word 'spectacular' in the book 'Sam and Dave Dig a Hole' at story time and discussed when we might use it. Have a go using the word spectacular with your child at home and encourage them to use it too. 



The Reception children have really risen to the challenge of starting school! They have explored every area of the classroom inside. Outside, they have tested their balancing skills on the climbing frame, and worked together to create fantastic balance beam tracks with the crates and planks. I have been really impressed at how quickly they are settling in to their new routines and expectations.