Welcome to Reception Class Blog 2022-23!
April 2023
You will not believe what has appeared in our classroom! When we came to school today we realised that a beanstalk had grown and it looks like it is disappearing through the roof.
We have been sharing our ideas about what could be at the top of this mysterious beanstalk. Take a look at some of some of our thoughts....
In Maths we are currently focusing on the composition of the numbers 9 and 10. To help us with learning the key bonds to 10 we have been learning a new song. See if you can join in...
March 2023
As we have now moving quickly through Phase 3 of our phonics scheme we are keen to practise the sounds we have learnt so far- both at school and at home. Click the link below to play an online phonics game...
February 2023
Science Week at Swinnow! We have been celebrating Science week in Reception- tackling many challenges and taking part in some exciting experiments! In class we read the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff and became engineers building bridges and boats to help the goats cross the river safely. Mrs Griffen came to visit our class to show us more experiments- we saw a magic pencil and an explosion! We have conducted our own experiment outside, we added mentos to a bottle of fizzy pop and observed what happened, the children made predictions and many correctly guessed that there would be an explosion! We thought it was fantastic!

January 2023
Happy New Year! Reception have come back into school and got straight back into impressing me with their learning!
We are working our way through the Phase 2 sounds in phonics and beginning to write cvc words with less adut support- amazing!
Click on the links below to listen to and join in with some of our phonics/tricky word songs...
December 2022
In Reception we have really been getting into the Christmas spirit! We have been learning about the traditions that different families have and tried out some in our classroom. We have role played, created, discussed and written amongst many other things to develop our understanding of what happens at Christmas time.
November 2022
Yo ho ho, what an exciting couple of weeks Reception class have had! We discovered a treasure map in our garden, but we did not know who it belonged to or where it was from, such a mystery! We used the clues to realise that a Pirate had dropped it and that his name was Pat. We then spent lots of time making our own treasure maps, finding safe places to hide the treasure, and writing back to Pirate Pat. We even used our super counting skills to count how much treasure there was to find! Take a look on below to see some of the pirate songs and stories we have enjoyed sharing...
This week we have been thinking about Remembrance Day and why poppies are so important. On Thursday we watched the Poppies programme to help us understand a little more about what Remembrance Day is and what it means.
October 2022
In Maths we have been exploring and developing our understanding of repeating patterns. We used a wide range of resources to develop our own patterns from cubes to shells to gems to sticks and leaves and we even had to help Mrs Walker out when she muddled up her own pattern! Follow the link below to play a game the children have loved trying out this week...
This is a song we really enjoy in class, it is a song that incorporates patterns using body movements and sound!
September 2022
We have begun our phonics and maths sessions this week and the children are showing super listening skills and great joining in! We have been learning some new songs to help us with our skills. Have a look at some of our favourites...
We begin each day by singing a song to help us learn the days of the week...
Over the past two weeks we have given a big Swinnow welcome to our new Reception Class for 2022-23! It has been wonderful to see just how smart and grown up they all look and how well they have all settled in. The children have spent lots of time exploring their new classroom and outdoor space: trying out all the different resources and taking care to look after them as well as looking after each other. We have talked about how to be superstars in Reception and each and every child is trying so hard to make sure that they are being the best that they can be. We cannot wait to see what adventures we will have together as a Reception class team!
We hope all the parents enjoyed their 'First Day of Reception' gift from the Reception team :-)
Magic Wand:
Create your own magical wand using materials around your home, or you could use natural materials that you find whilst out on a walk.
Think about different ways of joining your materials to your wand.
Will you use glue, sellotape, or can you you use string to help you tie/wrap your items to your wand?
Magic Potion:
Can you create a magic potion?
Write a list or draw all of the things that you will put in it.
What does your magic potion do?
A new video is uploaded every weekday at 10am
Click the picture below for the link.
Click the picture to access the teaching videos for this week:
This week's activities are all linked to the story, The Princess and the Wizard.
You can listen to the story by clicking on the youtube video below:
Create your own Days of the week flap book:
Click the picture for instructions.
Week beginning Monday 1st June 2020
It's our last half term in Reception, so whether you are returning to the classroom or you are continuing with home learning, let's try and make it best half term we can.
A Whale of a Time!
Did you know?
A whale can make noises that can be heard for miles underneath the water.
A blue whale has a heart the size of a small car!
What whale facts can you find out?
Have a go at making your own whale... Click the picture below for instructions or create your own.
Click the picture to access the teaching videos for this week:
This week's activities are all linked to the story, The Snail and the Whale.
Click the link to watch the BBC animation, or you can listen to the story by clicking on the youtube video below:
Try and create your own Henri Matisse snail inspired art. Click the picture below to see how.
Week beginning Monday 25th May
This week is half term week, why not have a try at one or two of these activities. Don't forget to check Tapestry too :-) Have a super week!
You could play some board games or even try to make your own!
Week beginning Monday 18th May
This week our Maths learning is all about Superworm!
Can you make an obstacle course and show off show Superworm moves?
Will you go through, under, around, next to or something else? Can you explain to someone else how to complete your course?
Week beginning Monday 11th May
Yesterday my family and I went on a walk to the woods near our house, we spotted lots of things as we walked. Can you spot any of the patterns and shapes we saw? How would you describe them?
We even saw a tree that I think looks like it has a face!
I wonder what you see when you go out for a walk....
Take a large roll of paper (you could open up a cardboard box or tape sheets of paper together of you don't have paper big enough)
Then draw around each other onto the paper. Next ask each other what their favourite things are and draw or write them inside the outlines.
Ideas for favourites.... food, colour, book, song, oufit, fruit, toy
You could also write each others age, shoe size and height.
Have lots of fun finding out more about each other!
Try out one of these games or take a look on the 'Fun and Games' page within the Home Learning part of our school website
Daily lessons to support your child's phonics skills can be found at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw
or to watch one of the recent lessons click the video below
Take a look on the this Facebook page for some super phonics game and fine motor skills ideas you can do at home...
This week's Maths learning is all about The Very Busy Spider! Click the link below to find the challenges...
If you would like to listen to the story first just watch the clip below
Can you design and make your own web? You could draw it or even make a 3D one!
How will you get through it? Can you give some instructions to someone? Do they need to go through, above, between, under or over?
Whole School History
On Friday 8th May, the UK commemorates the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day, Known as VE Day. This is the date that World War 2 ended in Europe. This week, leading up to that date would have been a whole school history focus week had we been together, learning at school.
So that we can still learn about this important time in British history, you can click on the picture above to access a pack of home learning ideas all focused on life during World War 2, and the celebrations of VE day. The pack can be used as a scheme of learning, where you work through the suggested activities in the order of pages, or you can dip in and choose to do anything you like the look of.
Guidance is given with each activity as to whether it is most appropriate for KS1, KS2 or whole school, including Early Years. We would love to see your VE day learning. You can upload onto ClassDojo, Tapestry, or send it to info@swinnowprimary.com with a note to forward it to Mrs Wyles and your class teacher. There will be lots of programmes on TV this week related to VE Day - look out for them to support your learning. All the resources you may need can be found by clicking on the links below.
Have a Happy History Week!
Folded Paper Spitfire Activity
Week beginning 27th April 2020
Pirate Flags
Create your own flag. What will you put on it?
Pirate Boat
Have a go at making your own pirate boat using materials around your home.
If you're feeling brave...why not test it to see if it will float.
Pirate Treasure Map
Click the picture below to make your own pirate treasure map.
Have a Teddy Bears' Picnic
(If the weather isn't great, have the picnic inside)
Can you make a jam sandwich for the teddy bears’ picnic?
Can you help the bear families get ready for their picnic?
Can you make sure all the bears enjoy the teddy bears’ picnic?
What are the bears doing at their teddy bears’ picnic?
You could:
Write a list of things needed for the picnic
Write a menu or invitations
Count out the number of plates and cups needed
Make party hats for the bears.
Garden Exploration
Click the picture below to access this week's maths lessons.
The focus story theis week is The Night Pirates. Click the link below to watch and listen to the story.
Daily phonics sessions starting Monday 27th April at 10.00am.
Click the picture below to follow the link.
Week beginning 20th April 2020
Colour Hunt:
Use an egg carton or something similar. Choose six colours and then colour a section with each.
Whilst out on a walk, can you find items to match the colours and fill your treasure box?
You could do it with things around the home or in your garden.
We're Only One Call Away...
Thank you to everyone who helped make this lovely video!!!
Paint with vegetable scraps
Can you create your own paint using vegetable scraps or food items from around the home?
We can't wait to see the pictures you create using your homemade paint. Don't forget to upload them to Tapestry.
This week's Maths:
Click the picture below to access the lessons for this week.
Captain Tom Moore is 100 on 30th April!
Why not make him a card to say Happy Birthday and to celebrate the amazing fundraising he has carried out.
You could send it to him at...
Captain Tom Moore c/o Post Office Limited
67 Bedford Road
Marston Moretaine,
It can be tricky not seeing family or friends who are special to us, you could look at some photos and talk about them. You could even write them a letter or draw a picture to send them.
Don't forget to take a picture of the challenges or anything that you are doing at home and upload it to Tapestry to share with us. I can't wait to see of your ideas!
Week beginning 13th April 2020
Mini Beast Hunt
Go on a mini beast hunt.
How many can you spot?
Remember to be careful and try not to disturb the mini beast habitats too much. Wash your hands once you have finished your hunt. Click the picture below for a mini beast hunt tick list.
Five Minute Mum
Check out the Five Minute Mum blog for lots of fun activities for busy people to do with little kids. Click the picture below to follow the link.
Ice Science
Have a go at freezing cars, glitter, sequins, feathers, LEGO, plastic coins or super hero figures. Pop them in a sandwich box, fill with water, then put in the freezer over night. Have fun trying to free the treasures.
Click the picture below for some great STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) ideas linked to Easter.
Create your own target games. You don't have to use a Nerf gun, you could use rolled up socks or a ball. Have numbers 1-10 as your targets or letters of the alphabet.
Week beginning 6th April 2020
Bubble Snake
Or you could try this activity from Cbeebies and make your own bubbles
Natural Art
Create your own pictures using items from your garden, or why not collect them whilst out on a walk? Remember to: be safe and follow social distancing guidelines.
Obstacle Courses
Click the picture below for lots of ideas to help you make an obstacle course at home.
We will continue to upload activities that you can complete at home over the next two weeks but we understand that some people may want to switch off and try have a break.
We support your choice and are here to help

Recipe for Salt Dough Easter Eggs
Mix up your favorite salt dough recipe. For this project, I used the following recipe:
1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
1/2 cup water
Stir together all three ingredients until a dough forms. Kneading the dough a couple times can help make it smoother.
Roll it out (I rolled mine to 1/4 inch thick) and cut out desired shapes.
Week beginning 30th March 2020
Home learning Challenge:
Can you learn this song and the Makaton signs to go along with it?
Try to learn as much of the song as you can (It doesn’t need to be the whole thing) and ask an adult to film you.
Then, upload your video to your ClassDojo portfolio.
Please check your emails for your unique code. Email info@swinnowprimary.com if there are any problems.
Finally, keep your eyes peeled for our ‘Lockdown video montage.’
Please upload your videos by Friday 10th April 2020.
By uploading your video you are giving permission for this to be added to the montage, which will be shared with all school pupils via tapestry or class dojo online systems - if you do not wish your child's clip to be used in this way please ensure you add a comment to the uploaded video to indicate it is NOT FOR SHARING.
Thank you to George, Luke and Daisy in Year 1 for the inspiration.
Memory Game
What can you make with an egg box?
Click on the picture below to get some lovely craft ideas that you can do at home using an egg box.
How many activities can you complete?
Sound Hunt:
For the sound hunt you will need:
-to watch the video above
Write the following words on separate pieces of paper: chip, pitch, chin, chat, chick and bench.
Hide the pieces of paper around your home or in your garden.
Can your child find and read all of the words? Encourage them to break the words into the units of sounds e.g. ch-i-p.
This week's tube challenge is...
Can you use your new binoculars to spot these birds outside?
Click on the picture below to access week 2. The maths lessons are fun and linked to stories. The resources are free and easy to follow.
All you need to do is as follows:
Get something with separate letters of the alphabet on. It could be scrabble tiles, light box letters, magnetic letters, a puzzle or even the alphabet written on scraps of paper.
Get a bag. Any will do.
Find a place to display your letter of the day every day. Fridge? Radiator? A Door? somewhere they can see if regularly and access it from their height.
In that place put a paper and pen.
Every day your little one is going to pick out their “Letter of the Day.”
First of all you, the adult, is going to write the letter they’ve chosen in capital form. They will copy. Then you will write it in lower case form. They will attempt it too.
Then for the final post-it... run around the house looking for something that has the SOUND that letter makes in it…with lots of help from adults of course! And they will draw a picture of the item they found.
Fancy making music at home? No musical experience is required or even a musical instrument!
For this activity you will need: 10 pegs, 1 coat hanger, paper and pencil. Use the coat hanger to work out all of the different ways to make 10. Can you write the number sentence to go with it?
Shadow Art
Get outside and enjoy the sun whilst creating these lovely shadow pictures. This is a great way of developing pencil control.
Name Recognition
There are lots of fun ways for your child to practise writing and recognising the letters in their name. Click the picture below to follow the link.
Chase the Rainbow
Why not join in with the Chase the rainbow trend. Create a rainbow picture (how you do it is up to you). Place the picture in a window for everyone to see and keep a look out for all the smiles your rainbow creates.
Support during School Closure for Parents and Carers
RWI Phonics lessons at home
Free Read Write Inc. Phonics lessons on Facebook and YouTube for children to watch at home; three short Speed Sound lessons every day.
From Monday 23rd March and for the next two weeks, films will show at the times below and be available for 24 hours.
Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
Please share with RWI schools and parents.
Films and resources for parents on ruthmiskin.com
Daily updates on Facebook/Twitter for regular tips to support reading and writing at home.
Click on the picture below to access free lessons that you can complete at home. The resources are free and easy to follow.
Tube Challenge:
Stockpiling toilet rolls = tubes!!!!!!
Why not give this activity a try with your left over toilet roll tubes. You could use it for number recognition or letters and sounds.
Set up a tuck shop and give your children a certain amount of money to spend (maybe £1 a day). This could be real or pretend money. The children might even enjoy making their own money that can be used in the tuck shop.
Encourage your children to go to the tuck shop to choose their snack and count out the money needed. Once their money has gone...no more snack. A great way to learn about money and hopefully make your snacks last a little longer!
Busy busy Reception Class!
This week in Reception we have been tackling some new challenges in our classroom, we have been developing our maths skills by playing a bowling game where we had to record our scores, work out the total and then decide who had the most and the least. We enjoyed it so much that we made our own version outside!
We even tried out some new reading challenges too...
Week beginning Monday 20th January
This week we looked at how Chinese New Year is celebrated, we watched a programme from Cbeebies and talked about what we had seen. We then compared it to the celebrations we have and how some things are the same and some things are different.
We had lots of fun using our knowledge to create our own Chinese lanterns using the colours red and gold because they are a sign of good luck in Chinese culture, we made red envelopes that are traditionally given out (sadly ours did not contain golden coins!) and in the outside area we created Dragon Dances and music to dance to. Have a look at the pictures below...
Week beginning Monday 13th January
Click on the link below to play a counting game we have been playing in class...
Week beginning Monday 6th January
Happy New Year!
The children have come back into school full of lovely things to tell us after the Christmas holidays. It has been wonderful to see them and they have all settled back in beautifully.
This week we found out that a sneaky little someone had been in our classroom and left a trail of crumbs! I wonder if you know who they are...
Our little visitor had left us a special box with the story of The Gingerbread Man in it and some wonderful ginger spiced play dough!
Week beginning Monday 25th November
Our focus story at the moment is Stickman, last week we received a letter from Stick Lady asking us to help find her missing husband Stickman! We drew maps to help him get home and put Missing posters up around school.
This week we have been re-telling the story of Stickman using the tuff tray and small world props, we have created our own Stick family sculptures and explored the different marks sticks make when using them to paint.
What a busy couple of weeks we have had!
Week beginning Monday 11th November
This week your child will bring home letter cards with the phonemes we have learnt so far as part of our Phonics sessions. Please help your child to become secure with these sounds by practising them at home. You could play flashcard games, ask them to find the letters around the house, look for those letters and sounds in the world around them or use them to make cvc words (words that have three letters- consonent-vowel-consonent e.g sat, pat, map)
To support your child and ensure that they are pronouncing the sounds correctly take a look at the clip below...
Week beginning Monday 21st October
It has been such a busy half term in Reception, the children have worked so hard and we have had lots of fun along the way!
Reading books have been sent home this week, the children are very excited to start their reading journey and have talked about the characters in class this week. We ask that you read a minimum of four times a week with your child along with practising the Super Power Words (watch the clip below to see the ones we have learnt so far) and record this in their reading record.
If you have any questions about the reading books please see one of the Reception Team.
Thank you for all your support throughout this half term, the children have settled wonderfully and we have all loved getting to know them. We cannot wait to continue their learning journey through Reception with them and see just what they can achieve. They are all superstars!
Week beginning Monday 14th October
What a mystery! Reception came into their classroom on Tuesday to a crime scene! It seems as though someone has been in their classroom and spilled a magical potion.....I wonder who it could have been? Can you spot any clues to help identify the culprit...
Week beginning Monday 7th October
This week we have begun our phonics learning sessions, each week we will send home a note detailing the sounds the children have been learning that week.
Within our phonics lesson we have also been focusing on 'Super Power Words' which are the tricky words your child needs to be able to read and write by the end of their Reception year. You may have noticed your child has been coming home with a sticker each day which has a word on it. This is the word we have focused on on that particular day, please ask your child to say it, read it and put it in a sentence. We will put the super power words on the phonics note each week too.
Week beginning Monday 30th September
What a busy week we have had! On Monday we discovered a treasure map in our classroom which has led to a pIrate crazy week in Reception!
Watch the clips below to see some of the pirate songs and dances we have been enjoying this week...
Week beginning Monday 23rd September
Keep a look out in your child's book bag for information about the Maths facts we are focusing on this term and the high frequency words that we will be working on throughout the year with your children. Any questions about them please see Mrs Walker.
This week we have been focusing on number 2 as our 'number of the week'
We use Numberblocks from Cbeebies to help teach the concept of each number so the children have a secure understanding of what a number is and is made up of.
Week beginning Monday 16th September
This week Reception class have begun their 'Busy Bodies' sessions as they come into school on a morning, they have been amazing!
We have also began to learn a song to help us with remembering the days of the week, have a look at the video below to sing-a-long...
Week beginning Monday 9th September
Wow what a super first full week we are having in Reception Class, we have spent time getting to know our classroom and exploring the environment whilst finding out how to be superstars by following our school rules.
We have shown we are 'Ready' to learn, discover and explore. 'Respectful' to one another and caring for our surroundings whilst also keeping ourselves and each other 'Safe'.
Keep a look out for the curriculum newsletter that will be coming home at the end of the week to find out more about the things we are doing...