Swinnow Primary School

Welcome to the Swinnow Primary School website.



Reception Blog 2018-19

Summer Fun!

Week beginning Monday 13th May 2019

Fine motor Friday and a visit from Dogs Trust.


Walk to School Week 2019

As part of our drive to ensure our children are as fit and healthy as possible we are taking part in ‘Walk to School Week 2019.’ This runs 20th May to 24th May 2019.

We will be encouraging the children to walk to school by collecting stamps each day. These stamps will be added to a class total. If your child’s class can collect 70 stamps during the week they will earn themselves an extra playtime!

We are very aware some children have to come to school by car or bus because they live a long way from school. If you are one of these families we suggest you ‘park and stride’. This means you park your car a few streets away from school or get off the bus a stop earlier - then walk the rest of the way.

To find out more information click here!



The weather forecast looks good for next week, so I hope you can support the children. Let’s get walking!


Week beginning Monday 25th March

Look at the key rings we made for Mother's Day!

Week beginning Monday 25th February

The weather was perfect for outdoor learning and the children enjoyed the sunshine and catching up with their friends. In class we have started looking at a counting book called One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab. The book combines the feet of different animals to make amounts. The children counted ten to make a crab and used their fine motor skills to roll card for their one footed snails. 




Week beginning Monday 11th February

An enjoyable end to the half term. We did yoga and lots of other interesting activities to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week. Best of all, the baby dinosaurs finally hatched out of their eggs!

Week beginning Monday 4th February

Lots of fun with 3D shapes this week. We talked about their names, properties and explored how to create them using lolly sticks and plasticine. 

Week beginning Monday 28th January

At last we had word from mummy dinosaur that the eggs would arrive on Thursday! The children split into three groups and followed three different number trails from zero to twenty. At the end of each trail was a nest with a dinosaur egg. When we returned to class the children decided it was important to keep them warm and happy so the they covered them up and read stories to them. Hopefully they will hatch out soon....



Week beginning Monday 21st January

This week the children practised retelling the story, Tom and the Island of Dinosaurs using actions to help them remember it. Then they drew a story map and used it to retell the story in their own words. They had fun developing their fine motor skills by tearing paper to make papier mache balloons. In maths the children did a dinosaur hunt around school doing careful counting.


Week beginning Monday 14th January

We made an amazing volcano to go in our small world area enabling the children to act out the story of Tom and the Island of Dinosaurs.

The children were very excited to receive a letter form Mummy Dinosaur asking if they could look after her eggs while she found a safe place to live. The children wrote back and we tied their letters to some helium filled balloons and watched them float into the distance all the way to dinosaur island.....

Week beginning Monday 7th December

The children were very excited to see their friends again and talked excitedly about the Christmas break. In literacy they worked with a talk partner, taking it in turns to to listen to their partner and report back what they heard.

We also started reading a new story about dinosaurs, volcanoes and hot air balloons!



Week beginning Monday 10th December 

We have been busy writing letters to Santa this week. We used special Christmas paper and our phonic knowledge to sound out the words to write down the things we hope he will bring! 

In Maths we have worked really hard exploring different ways to make 6 using the Numicon. 

We also had lots and lots of fun playing together with the parachute. 


Week beginning Monday 3rd December

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! The decorations are up and we have all been busy using our phonics skills to write Christmas cards. The children are excited about The Nativity performance and have been practising singing the songs and sitting on the big stage. Thank you for coming to our Christmas activity morning, it was lovely to see you enjoying activities with your children. 



Week beginning Monday 26th November 2018

We had lots of fun looking after our environmental area during outdoor learning this week. We learnt how to use a rake safely to sweep the leaves into a huge pile to keep the paths clear. 

During PE we continued developing our balance skills; independently, with a partner and using bean bags. We are also getting a lot better at getting changed without any help!

In Maths the children continued to practice 1:1 careful counting. 



Week beginning Monday 19th November 2018

Reception were shocked to discover an intruder had visited their classroom leaving behind footprints and a sinister letter! We decided it was the Big Bad Wolf from the Three Little Pigs story. We have had lots of fun writing messages, building traps and role playing the story. 



Wednesday 17th October 2018: Learning through Play