Nursery Blog 2016-2017
2 Year Old Blog 2016/17
Week Commencing 26th June 2017
This week it is STEM week in school
The children will have access to a range of
Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths activities
including pouring and filling, counting, problem solving and construction,
Week Commencing 19th June 2017
Week Commencing 12th June 2017
Week Commencing 5th June 2017
Welcome Back - we hope you have had a super half term break and you are all refreshed and ready for the summer term
Don't forget to check the school website for the newsletter and upcoming dates
Week Commencing 22nd May 2017
Wow what a sunny week - look at all the fun we have had splashing in the water this week
Week Commencing 15th May 2017
Now that the sun has started shining please remeber to
Slip - on a Tshirt
Slap - on a hat
Slop - on some suncream
Or if it carries on raining to bring a suitable coat, wellies and change of clothes
Singing in the rain
Week Commencing 8th May 2017
Come to the Nursery car wash!!
We have been taking turns, developing our control and coordination in physical skills, using our words to make our needs known and trying hard to look after our toys - what a lot of learning!!
Week Commencing 1st May 2017
Playing with friends
Week Commencing 24th April 2017
Busy problem solving this week outside in the water play
Week Commencing 17th April 2017
We hope you have had a super Easter break and are looking forward to some exciting learning challenges in the next term.
We would also like to welcome some new friends to our provision in the coming week as well as waving some of the older children off to 'big nursery'.
Don't forget to check the newsletter
for the upcoming dates and school events
Week Commencing 27th March 2017
Join us for Easter crafts and activities on Tuesday 28th March at the beginning of the session (8.40 or 12.15)- Everyone welcome
Week Commencing 20th March 2017
Happy Mothers Day to all our super Mummies for Sunday 26th March - enjoy your day
!!!!! STOP PRESS !!!!!!!!
Week Commencing 13th March 2017
We are patiently waiting for the eggs to hatch in big Nursery, take a look here at a clip of chicks hatching
We will update you when we have our first chick
Week Commencing 6th March 2017
We are really interested in exploring colour - this week we are looking at all things yellow, red, green and blue
pop in to see what we have been up to
Week Commencing 27th February 2017
Pancake Day - Tuesday 28th February
The children enjoyed tasting pancakes today-
World Book Day - Thursday 2nd March
How fabulous did you all look today in your outfits - well done everyone.
The children have enjoyed exploring the story of Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell
Watch the story video Dear Zoo here
Week commencing 6th February 2017
Children's Mental Health Week - Spread a little Kindness
This week we are taking a look at feelings and the words we use to describe how we feel.
The children will be supported to look at different facial expressions in pictures, in mirrors and on each others faces, the staff will use words to descibe these expressions to help develop the children's understanding such as happy, excited, sad, grumpy.
Week commencing 30th January 2017
The children are really enjoying singing along to
and dancing or moving to a selection of learning songs
Try this one at home
Week commencing 23rd January 2017
Let's build a castle today!!
The children have been really interested in princess', catles and dressing up.
Together with the staff they created their own castle from a HUGE cardboard box! What fun!!
3 Year Old Blog 2016-17
Don't forget to check the latest newsletter for this terms dates and events
Week Commencing 26th June 2017
This week is
Science Technology Engineering and Maths week
The children will have access to a range of STEM activities all week including bridge building, turn taking games, pattern making and baking.
Week Commencing 19th June 2017
On Tuesday our older Nursery children enjoyed a trip to Abbey House museum, they had a fantastic time exploring the ruins, playing in the park and taking part in an amazing Fairytale workshop. Thankyou to everone who worked so hard to ensure the day was a success.
Week Commencing 12th June 2017
Week Commencing 5th June 2017
Welcome back - we hope you all enjoyed a sunny half term break and are ready for the next half term in Nursery
Week Commencing 22nd May 2017
School closes on Friday for half term and will reopen on Monday 5th June - enjoy the sunshine - we have had a glorious week this week taking our learnng out and about in the garden
Week Commencing 15th May 2017
Diary Date - Time2Write Friday 26th May - join us for stay and play at teh beginning of the session
"I can write my name" said Tommy
Can you make a mark? with paint, with chalk, with your body?
Week Commencing 8th May 2017
We go out and about what ever the weather
don't forget your wellies, your coat and a change of clothes so the fun doesn't stop!
Week Commencing 1st May 2017
We have been busy planting seeds this week, thinking about what they need to grow - soil, sunshine, water and a little bit of care and attention too
Week Commencing 24th April 2017
Busy exploring Mobilo - following instructions, using different connectors, improving our models, using our imaginations
Week Commencing 17th April 2017
We hope you have enjoyed the school holidays and the early spring sunshine - we look forward to an exciting term with lots of exciting learning for all the children
We would also like to welcome Miss Render who will be teaching in nursery on a Tuesday and Wednesday for the summer term - I am sure she will have a fabulous time exploring at Swinnow.
Week Commencing 27th March 2017
Join us on Tuesday 28th march for Easter crafts and activities 8.45-9.15 Everyone Welcome
Week Commencing 20th March 2017
Happy Mother's Day to all our super mummies for Sunday 26th March
Time4Maths - Wednesday 15th March
A Big thank you to all the parents who joined us today for Time4Maths
it was a fantastic stay and play session
Book fair - Tuesday 14th March
The children enjoyed a special story session from Derek from the book fair
Dont forget to use your £1 book voucher off a book
!!!!!!!!! STOP PRESS !!!!!!!! New arrival in Nursery!!!!!!
Our first chick hatched today 12.45 Tuesday 14th March
We now have 3 chicks in Nursery - Wednesday 15th March
Week Commencing 13th March 2017
Chick chick chicken
We are waiting and eagerly anticipating the arrival of the baby chicks...pop into Nursery this week to see if we have any hatchlings
Click here to see chicks hatching
Week Commencing 6th March 2017
Sunshine, Mud and problem solving
We have been enjoying the spring-like sunshine this week in the Nursery garden although the grass is still VERY muddy! The children have been negotiating to turns on the bikes, writing lists to check who is having the next turn, exploring full and empty when pouring water to and from different sized bottles and exploring the puddles and mud in the garden.
We have had such fun at Nursery this week why not join us next week for
"Time4Maths" on Wednesday 15th March between 8.45 and 9.30 there will be a selection of maths activities for you to share with your child
or pop to the Book Fair on Tuesday 14th March to buy a special new book to share at bedtime.
Week Commencing 27th February 2017
World Book Day - Thursday 2nd March
Wow what a super day all the children in Nursery looked fantastic in their dressing up outfits and we have had such fun reading "Dear Zoo" by Rod Campbell.
What animal would you like to have at your house?
Click here to hear the story Dear Zoo
Pancake Day - Tuesday 28th February
What a busy day in nursery today the children have measured, weighed, mixed and made their own pancakes and chosen from the selection of toppings yummy!
Week Commencing 20th February 2017
Chicks eggs
What an exciting first week back, on Tuesday Debs from Eggucation delivered our chicken eggs and brought 2 real hens to see us! We now have an incubator set up in Nursery to look after the eggs until they are ready to hatch and then we will hopefully have 6 tiny chicks in Nursery before the Easter holidays - pop in to see the set up and we will keep you up dated.
Week Commencing 6th February 2017
Children's Mental Health Week - Spread a little kindness
Thank you to all the parents who were able to join us today to take part in the activities alongside the children - it really was a lovely session.
In Nursery this week we are sharing the Rainbow Fish story, creating our very own feeling monsters, talking about different feelings and the different things that makes us feel happy or sad or grumpy or excited. We are supporting the children to acknowledge how they are feeling and to find the right words to be able to express these feelings.
We like the song If you are happy clap clap clap -
click on the links above to sing it at home or to hear the Rainbow Fish story
Week Commencing 30th January 2017
The children in Nursery are really enjoying counting and a wide range of counting songs - we really love this monster counting song and even take our socks off to count our toes!! Why don't you give it a try at home, just click below
Week Commencing 23rd January 2017
This week in Nursery we have been finding out about and celebrating
Chinese New Year.
We watched some fantastic dragon dances and moved to the beat , we developed our control and coordination using red paper and black paint to copy some chinese writing and we looked at stories about celebrating chinese New year.
We especially enjoyed this CBeebies clip, why don't you take a look - just click on the link below