Class 6 Blog
Mrs Griffen has created a comprehensive list of SEND resources, documents and websites to help support your child's individualised learning at home. Click the picture below.
Home Learning w/b 13.07.20
Year 6 Leavers Performance
This leavers performance really is testament to the will power and determination of our fabulous year 6s. Not even the current situation could stop them from putting on a show!
You have done an amazing job and had a fabulous year. Everyone at Swinnow Primary is very proud of you all and we look forward to seeing you flourish as you take the next steps in your lives.
Good luck!
Good morning Class 6, I hope you've all had a lovely weekend!
Here is your maths for this week:
The link below will take you to the White Rose Maths Home Learning videos:
The link below will take you to a Google Drive folder with this week's worksheets and answers.
Please let me know if you have any problems accessing these.
This week's theme is WHO DUNNIT?!
Follow the link to the Google Drive file where you will find a 'WHO DUNNIT?!' themed maths, reading and grammar activity.
Good luck Detectives!
If you want a writing challenge have a go at creating your own 'WHO DUNNIT?!' piece using 'The Mystery of the Missing Painting' as inspiration.
Home Learning w/b 06.07.20
Good morning Class 6, I hope you've all had a lovely weekend!
Here is your maths for this week:
The link below will take you to the White Rose Maths Home Learning videos:
The link below will take you to a Google Drive folder with this week's worksheets and answers.
Please let me know if you have any problems accessing these.
Click here to download this week's reading comprehension with a famous landmarks theme. After reading the text, have a go at answering the questions. Parents BEWARE the answer sheets are included.
This week's theme is FAMOUS LANDMARKS!
View the PowerPoint which introduces you to many famous landmarks from around the world.
Once you have viewed this, choose one of the landmarks or one of your own if you prefer, then here are some ideas for learning tasks you could complete:
Imagine the landmark is going to be demolished - write a letter to the government of that country protesting about the proposal.
Create a non-chronological report about your landmark that would feature in a geographical information book.
Design a leaflet for tourists about your landmark.
Write an adventure story using your landmark as the setting of your story.
I look forward to seeing your work!
Home Learning w/b 29.06.20
Good morning Class 6, I hope you've all had a lovely weekend!
Here is your maths for this week:
The link below will take you to the White Rose Maths Home Learning videos:
The link below will take you to a Google Drive folder with this week's worksheets and answers.
Please let me know if you have any problems accessing these.
Click here to download this week's reading comprehension with a toy theme. After reading the text, have a go at answering the questions. Parents BEWARE the answer sheets are included.
This week's theme is LEGO!
Watch the video below which tells the true story of the history of Lego.
Once you have watched the video here are some ideas for learning tasks you could complete:
- Create a Lego model and write a set of instructions for how to build it.
-Create an advert for the early toys
-Create the biography for Ole Christiansen.
-Compare Lego with other toys such as meccano or modern games and create a discussion piece to argue why Lego is best. Maybe worthwhile comparing with mine craft, listing similarities and differences, which is more engaging? Which is best for money?
-Design your own Lego land - use Lego to build it. Draw a maps, write the brochure and visitors guides.
Home Learning w/b 22.06.20
Good morning Class 6!
Here is your maths for this week:
The link below will take you to the White Rose Maths Home Learning videos:
The link below will take you to a Google Drive folder with this week's worksheets and answers.
Please let me know if you have any problems accessing these.
This week's theme is Football - I hope you enjoy!
Use the link to watch a short video clip from Sky Sports.
Writing Task:
Imagine you are a fan in the crowd. Write a poem to describe the experience. Describe the reactions of the crowd, managers, officials. Describe what you could see? hear? smell? taste? touch? Describe how you felt etc.
Reading Task:
Click to download this week's reading comprehension with a World Cup theme. As always there are three texts, choose the one that is pitched well for you. After reading the text, have a go at answering the questions. Parents BEWARE the answer sheets are included.
Home Learning w/b 15.06.20
The link below will take you to the White Rose Maths Home Learning videos:
The link below will take you to a Google Drive folder with this week's worksheets and answers.
Please let me know if you have any problems accessing these.
Good morning Class 6! I'm seeing lots of you in school which is fantastic; for those of you who are continuing to work from home I'm thrilled to be working with you virtually for the remaining few weeks of term.
This week's theme is Jungle Rainforests - I hope you enjoy!
Use the link below to go on an expedition to the jungle rainforest with the serious explorers.
Writing Task:
Imagine you are one of the serious explorers. Write a letter home to a friend or family member informing them all about your experience.
Imagine you are one of the serious explorers. Write a diary entry following a day exploring the jungle rainforest.
For both tasks consider the sights, sounds, conditions, dangers and creatures that you would experience on the expedition.
Reading Task
Click here to download this week's reading task. As always there are three texts, choose the one that is pitched well for you. After reading the text, have a go at answering the questions in your exercise book. Parents BEWARE the answer sheets are included.
Art / DT Task:
Watch the following video for inspiration:
Use your fabulous imaginations to design and create your own rainforest animal. Be as creative as you like - maybe paint/draw a picture or make a 3D model of your animal. Write a fact file to go alongside your creation to share key information about your animals appearance, diet, behaviour etc etc.
If you need further inspiration, watch:
Enjoy! Mrs Griffen
Summer Reading Challenge 2020
This summer, once again, you can join in with the Summer Reading Challenge! Many of you have taken part in previous years and have loved being a part of it.
Click on the image to sign up for an online library membership where you can access 100s of free e-books from BorrowBox (Leeds Library); play games; complete challenges and collect rewards! Enjoy!
Home Learning w/b 08.06.20
Good morning Year 6! Well done for all your hard work last week :)
Click on The Googledrive Link for access to Your Home Learning this week as well as the Maths Worksheets (Week 7).
As always, the White Rose Maths Videos can be found at:
(Week 7)
Year 6-return to school 03/06
We have been blown away by how our Year Sixes have returned to school this week. They have been positive, respectful, mature and just absolute role-models for our school. We really have missed them in school :)
Click here to download our special 'Welcome Back Year 6' Newsletter all about the Year Sixes return to school.
Home Learning 01.06.20
For those children who are still going to be completing home learning this week, we are going to be looking at the wonderful world of theme-parks!
Follow the link below to go on a virtual tour of Flamingo Land- a place I know many of you know and love.
Click on the second link to access your Home Learning for this week. There is a folder for your maths (make sure you click on Y6) and a different folder for everything else.
Returning to School
Hi Class 6!
We are really looking forward to welcoming many of you back to school next week. I know that things may feel different and a little strange and I am so proud of the resilience and positivity you have shown throughout this unusual time.
School is going to look a little bit different because all of the grown ups are working very hard to make it a safe place for you to be in. Our classroom will look different and, depending on the group you've been put into, you may not be in the Y6 Classroom.
To try to help with this, I am uploading some pictures onto Googledrive which will show you:
Where you will line up in the morning
Where you will come in in the morning
What your group's classroom will look like
Make sure you check which group you are in first so that you open the right link. If you are not sure of your group, please check the letter that was sent out about this. If you are still not sure please message me on here or contact the school and we will be able to let you know.
I'm sure you will have lots and lots of questions and the teachers in school will be happy and ready to talk to you about anything and everything you're wondering and worrying about.
Well done for everything superstars! :)
Group A: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12F9GsyOMGS6r4eDanp5MmewEfzIIJ6S_?usp=sharing
Group B:
May Half Term 25/05/20

Good morning Class 6! For May Half Term, have fun playing outside and enjoying the sunshine and carry on
doing your best to help your grown-ups at home.
Thank you for all your hard work and positivity this term, and for all your uploads and updates, it's been so
lovely seeing and hearing what you've been getting up to at home.
I am attaching some ideas of things you might like to have a go at at home this week and, as ever, I will love
looking at anything you upload to your profiles. Happy Half Term Class Six! :)
Click on the picture to download the file.
Roman Activities. Home Learning wb 18.05.20.
After our Virtual School Trip on Friday, this week we're going back in time to Ancient Rome and looking at all things Roman! Click on the link to access a huge range of Roman Activities that have been specially adapted for you to try at home. Have fun!
Click on the picture to access the link.
Maths Home Learning w/b 18/05/20. Week 5.
Follow the link below to access 5 video lessons for your maths learning this week. Make sure that you follow the video tutorial as you're filling in the activity sheet and pause the video where it says to. It's important to do any weeks that you haven't done first as the learning will build on itself each week.
Click on the picture to access worksheets for this week.
Joy of Moving Home Festival
Welcome to the Joy of Moving Home Festival!
The EFL Trust have launched the Joy of Moving Home School Festival to celebrate International Day of Families!
We will release 2 or 3 activities each day this week for you to have a go at. Some will get you up and moving, some will get you thinking about your own levels of activity and some are there just for fun!
So give them a go! Everyone in your house can get involved, or you can do it independently if you wish!
Monday's Activities: 1) Scavenger hunt 2) Warm up
3) Joy of moving – Game 1: option A, option B and C
Tuesday's Activities: 1) Understanding physical activity: option A, option B
2) Joy of moving – Game 2: option A, option B and C
Wednesday's Activities: 1) A - z of: sports and activities, fruit and vegetables
2) Joy of moving – Game 3: option A, option B and C
It would be great to see pictures and videos of you all having a go at these challenges, so send them in to us!
Have fun moving!
Friday School Trip 15/05/20

Good Morning Class 6! It's Friday morning and, this week, we're off back in time...to Ancient Rome! The University of Reading have created these amazing 3d digital models that you can explore and investigate to feel like you are looking at the world famous buildings of Ancient Rome.
*The links to each area are attached in the document in files. Click on the picture to download the quiz. Have fun, explore and get involved- enjoy!
*You don't need to download the Kubity app, just copy and paste the different links underneath the QR code into your browser and click 'Got It' to the message that appears. Don'y use Safari as your browser.
*Use the icons in the bottom left to explore. 'Tour' will tell you the name of places and move you around the building. To walk, drag the picture of the man from the icon bar to where you want to go, the blue circle is where you'll land. Use your mouse or your arrow keys to move. Refresh starts each building again.
English Home Learning w/b 11/05/20- The African Continent.
This week, our English Home Learning is all about the continent of African. If you haven't already had a go at Friday's trip and the quiz find that posted below.
Click on the link to access your English Home Learning for this week.
Maths Home Learning w/b 11/05/20 Summer Term Week 4.
Follow the link below to access 5 video lessons for your maths learning this week. Make sure that you follow the video tutorial as you're filling in the activity sheet and pause the video where it says to. It's important to do any weeks that you haven't done first as the learning will build on itself each week.
Going forward, the worksheets will be uploaded in a separate file ready for you to download from here.
Friday Virtual School Trip 08/05/20!
This friday, we are jetting off to the continent of Africa...! Using the Explore.com Live webcam feeds, from across Africa, we will be able to go on an amazing animal safari where we'll be guaranteed to see a whole range of incredible wildlife living in its natural habitat. The best part of all is that because it is live we may all get to witness slightly different things- some of us may even see some really rare sights.
As always, I have prepared a fact finding mission for you to try to complete as you go along, but please just explore the areas you find most interesting. The most important thing is that you have fun. There are lots of different webcams for Africa- explore the different areas underneath the webcam screen.
The theme next week will be on Africa and so the webcam link I am sending is for the African safari. However, if you look along the top of the page, there are lots of similar webcam links for many different animals and places across the world!
https://explore.org/livecams/african-wildlife/tau Click on the picture to download the quiz.
White Rose Maths
We've had lots of positive feedback about the White Rose Maths Resources that we've been uploading for Maths Home Learning each week. You may have seen an alert from White Rose informing you that, as of next week, White Rose will be charging for access to this resource. We just wanted to let you know that as a school we have signed up to the paid subscription service so the resources will still be free for you to access. The only change for you will be that the worksheets will now be available in a file that will be posted, by your child's class teacher, on Class Dojo and on Class Blogs, as opposed to being accessed via the link. The videos will still be available via the usual link.
Whole School History
On Friday 8th May, the UK commemorates the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day, Known as VE Day. This is the date that World War 2 ended in Europe. This week, leading up to that date would have been a whole school history focus week had we been together, learning at school.
So that we can still learn about this important time in British history, you can click on the picture above to access a pack of home learning ideas all focused on life during World War 2, and the celebrations of VE day. The pack can be used as a scheme of learning, where you work through the suggested activities in the order of pages, or you can dip in and choose to do anything you like the look of.
Guidance is given with each activity as to whether it is most appropriate for KS1, KS2 or whole school, including Early Years. We would love to see your VE day learning. You can upload onto ClassDojo, Tapestry, or send it to info@swinnowprimary.com with a note to forward it to Mrs Wyles and your class teacher. There will be lots of programmes on TV this week related to VE Day - look out for them to support your learning. All the resources you may need can be found by clicking on the links below.
Have a Happy History Week!
Map of Europe
List of countries and their alliances during WW2
KS1 VE Day PowerPoint
KS1 VE Day Factfile
Winston Churchill Fact File
Significant People Writing a Fact File Template
The Royal British Legion - VE Day Information Powerpoint (KS2)
Write a Diary Entry Template
Morse Code Challenge
Folded Paper Spitfire Activity
Union Jack Bunting
Union Jack Flag
Note of Thanksgiving
PlanBee Live Learning Session- VE Day. 07.05.20 11am
PlanBee will be hosting a Live Learning Session, this Thursday at 11am. It will be all about World War Two and the VE Day celebrations so it's a great opportunity to get involved and find out more.Click on the pcture above to access the link, where you will also be able to download worksheets for you to have a go at at home!
Good morning everyone! i'm loving all the Mountains and Peaks uploads I've had this week- fab work everyone!
Don't forget to log on at 9am on Friday morning for our next virtual school trip. This one will be a little different but I hope that you will enjoy it :)
I will also post the answer to last week's Yosemite Quiz then too so you can check how you got on.
Lino Printing-Art Home Learning w/b 27/04/20

Aren't these lino printed mountains amazing? Once you've created the template, you can create the same print over and over in whatever colour you wish.
Follow this link to find out how you can make your own lino print using a pencil and polystyrene. If you don't have polystyrene, you could use cardboard or even a potato!
Science Home Learning w/b 27/04/20
Click on the picture to access a video which shows you how mountains and peaks are formed. Have a go at home!
English Home Learning-w/b 27/04/20
This week, after our trip to Yosemite, our English home learning will be all about mountains and peaks! We will be following the real life story of Joe Simpson and Simon Yates-two mountain climbers who faced serious peril in the Andes.
If you missed the Virtual School Trip on Friday, make sure you scroll down to find the link and the quiz. Click on the picture to access the link.
Maths Home Learning w/b 27/04/20. Summer Term Week 2.

Follow the link below to access 5 lessons for your maths learning this week. Make sure that you follow the video tutorial as you're filling in the activity sheet and pause the video where it says to. It's important to do any weeks that you haven't done first as the learning will build on itself each week
Friday Celebration!
I have had lots of super uploads linked to our space theme this week, well done everyone. This week, I was really wowed by Matilda's amazing space rover. She took inspiration from the other rovers we had learnt about but also made it her own. She managed to create a robotic arm that really moves as well as an adjustable camera...it even has an ariel signal! Super attention to detail, well done Matilda.
Friday School Trip! 24/04/20
It's Friday! Which means it's time to head off on our Friday trip! This week we are going to...Yosemite National Park in California, U.S.A.
Click here to join in!
I have designed the quiz to give you a good starting point to explore but please don't feel like you should only go to those areas. The best thing to do is to do is just to go wherever you're interested and if you pick up some answers along the way then that's great. The most important thing is to enjoy yourself! Click on the picture to access this week's quiz.
* Make sure you have the sound turned on on your computer.
* Press the 'Caption' button in the bottom right-hand corner if you would like more information on any area.
We're Only One Call Away...
Thank you to everyone who helped make this lovely video!!!
Other Home Learning Activities 20/04/20
Click on the link below to find out more about Curiosity's complex design.
At home, why don't you have a go at designing, building and evaluating your own space rover? Challenge: Can you make your rover move? Can you make your rover using only recycled materials that you can find around the house?
Check out these examples of amazing, moving space rovers.
English Home Learning w/b 06/04/20
We had so many wonderful responses to our Virtual School Trip to Mars that this week your English Home Learning Challenges will all be based around the subject of the space rovers.
In 2004, Curiosity's brother, Opportunity, was launched into space and set the mission of exploring Mars. It was only supposed to stay for a few months but ended up traveling the planet for the next 15 years! Unfortunately, in 2018 there was a terrible dust storm on Mars and NASA lost contact with Opportunity rover. The final message that NASA received from the bot was very sad. It is reported that Opportunity sent the message, 'My battery is running low and it's getting dark now'. This was the final contact that NASA had with Opportunity before they lost track of the rover completely.
Click on the picture below to access your English Home Learning Challenges for this week.
Maths Home Learning w/b 20/04/20: Week 3
Click on the picture below to access 5 free Maths lessons for your Maths home learning this week. Make sure you have completed weeks one and two before moving onto week 3. Use the videos alongside the worksheet to support you with this week's learning. This week, we will be looking at angles. An angle is just the word used to describe the distance from one side of a corner to another. Challenge! Can you spot any right angles at home? How do you know?
Click the picture below for some great STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) ideas linked to Easter.
Celebration Friday!
I was absolutely blown away by Ruby's writing this week. She chose to write a description of the sun shining over the city of Rome, which is the beginning of a short story she is working on. Her use of personification and her incredible creativity absolutely wowed me. Truly beautiful writing, Ruby. Well done.
Mars Trip Answers:
Well done to everyone who took part in last week's Virtual School Trip! Stayed tuned after the Easter holidays for more Mars related activities as well as a new Friday morning trip.
Click here to check out the answers to last week's quiz to see how you got on.
Easter Holidays
As it would have been the Easter Holidays now, I won't be posting any Home Learning for the next two weeks. We will carry on our with our Mars Missions learning after the holidays.
I will still be responding to anything you upload on here, so let me know what you're getting up to and get in touch if you have any questions at all.
Have a go at the activities on the Easter Holidays Bingo card (Click on the picture of the egg to access the link) or check out the school website for more ideas of fun things to do. You can find lots of great games on the Fun and Games page. https://www.swinnowprimary.com/Fun-and-games/
Or, you can find more activities on the Home Learning page https://www.swinnowprimary.com/Key-Stage-2/.
Have a lovely Easter break :)
Home learning Challenge:
Can you learn this song and the Makaton signs to go along with it?
Try to learn as much of the song as you can (It doesn’t need to be the whole thing) and ask an adult to film you.
Then, upload your video to your ClassDojo portfolio.
Please check your emails for your unique code. Email info@swinnowprimary.com if there are any problems.
Finally, keep your eyes peeled for our ‘Lockdown video montage.’
Please upload your videos by Friday 10th April 2020.
By uploading your video you are giving permission for this to be added to the montage, which will be shared with all school pupils via tapestry or class dojo online systems - if you do not wish your child's clip to be used in this way please ensure you add a comment to the uploaded video to indicate it is NOT FOR SHARING.
Thank you to George, Luke and Daisy in Year 1 for the inspiration.
Start your day with a Daily Brainteaser:

Celebration Friday:
I have had so many pictures, videos and written pieces of work uploaded since we launched Class Dojo with Year 6. Here are some examples of the amazing artwork that you've been producing in the past few weeks:
Mia has used needle felt to create an amazing landscape scene in textile.
Matilda has used her sewing skills to make this fantastic Mickey Mouse sock puppet!
Ruby set herself the challenge of drawing a Mackintosh rose, in the style of Charles Rennie Mackintosh, isn't it beautiful!
Zak created a comic book biography all about his favourite footballer, it was very detailed and really well researched.
Shay used his skills in design to plan, evaluate and create this amazing 3D letter for his door.
Fantastic work everyone! Well done :)

Friday Virtual Trip:
I hope you're all ready and raring to go on our mystery school trip! Today, we are going to...Mars! We will be using the actual photography taken by the Curiosity Space Rover, who traveled to Mars 8 years ago and is still roaming the planet to this day, to venture around the surface of this mysterious planet, collecting clues which will help you to answer the quiz.
Make sure you update your Portfolio to let me know how you're getting on and you can also comment on this post to share your thoughts with me and your other classmates. Enjoy!
Click here for blast off: https://accessmars.withgoogle.com/
Click on the picture to access the quiz.

Brainteaser Results!
Well done to Fizah, Harry, Ashton, Matilda, McKenzie, Peter and Mia for entering yesterday's brainteaser. You came up with a whopping amount of interesting words such as: saturn, seminar, remnant, stamina, emu, minute, tusk...and many, many more!
The person who came up with the most amount of words was Mia with an outstanding 155 words! Ruminates was her longest at 9 letters long, however Ashton just beat her for the longest word with the word instrument at 10 letters long!
Well done everyone!
Ruminate: To think deeply about something or to think something over in detail.
Instrument: A tool necessary for a particular job. eg a musical instrument is needed in order to play music
Click here to read about ClassDojo and how you and your child can use it during this time to enhance their learning.
Please make sure you are aware of the ClassDojo privacy policy.
Start your day with a daily brain teaser!
Leeds Rhinos School Challenges
The Leeds Rhinos Foundation have been working hard to create a range of short challenges for you to keep active.
Challenge 1: Volleyball game with Dane! Click the picture below the give it your best shot!
Please feel free to send in clips and pictures of you taking part to info@swinnowprimary.com -it would be great to see them and share them with the Rhinos team!
Art Home Learning wb/30/03 -Live lesson
Live on 1st April at 11am, Plan Bee will be showing a live art lesson aimed at Year 5 and Year 6 children. The lesson is all about Japanese Art, enjoying drawing your manga characters everyone!
Click the link below to take you to the live lesson, where you can also download some resources for the lesson. Click on the picture to follow the link.
Science Home Learning Ideas

James Dyson has created this amazing pack of science challenge cards. Each one gives you a fun experiment that you can easily do at home, as well as information about what happened and why. Have a go at home. Click on the picture to download the file.
English Home Learning w/b 30/03/20
We're continuing to look at Harry Potter this week as we consider the villainous figure of Dolores Umbridge. Think about how you can use your figurative writing skills to describe Umbridge. If you were to personify or use anthropomorphism to describe, for example, her eyes-what could you liken them to. Are her eyes steely sitting still as they challenge Harry and Hermione with their gaze? Or are they darting, back and forth, like an adder ready to strike? Challenge yourself at home. Click on the days below to access the links.
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
If you fancy challenging yourself even further, have a go at entering this Harry Potter Themed Escape Room. You will need to use your skills in Maths, English, Science, Topic and more in order to solve each clue and escape the room. Clink on the picture below to access the link...Good luck!
Maths Home Learning w/b 30/03/20
Click on the picture below to access your 5 free maths lessons for this week. This week, we are continuing to look at ratio and scale factors. Remember to follow along with the video at home so that it supports your independent work.
The Great Indoors:
Have a look at this fab site by the National Scouting Association where they have come up with a huge range of ideas of things you can do whilst stuck indoors. There's everything from Science to Art to learning new hobbies and skills. Click on the picture below to access the link.
Under 11s Writing Competition!
Do you want to be in with a chance of wining £100? We have some fantastic writers in Class Six and now you could have the chance to show off your writing skills in this super competition. All you need to do is call someone over the age of 60, perhaps a grandparent, and ask them to tell you an interesting story from their life. Then, you have to retell that story, using whatever form you wish. You may choose to write a newspaper article, a diary entry or narrative form. The story itself MUST be true but you can choose to tell it using whatever means you wish. If your story is chosen then you could win a prize of £100!
Watch the video below for more details.
Entrants must be 11 years old or younger.
Entries must be 100% factual and directly based upon the experiences of someone aged 60 years or older.
Entries must be written by one person and one person only.
Entries can be written in any style the entrant wishes. Narratives, autobiographies and poems are all examples.
Good Luck!! :)