Class 6 Blog 2017-18
Goodbye Year Six!
We just cannot believe we're into the final week of Year Six...! September seems like just yesterday. In that time each and every child has done themselves so proud. They have made fantastic progress and are leaving Swinnow Primary School as kind, bright, interesting, funny, fantastic people-ready for their next steps toward High School next year. We are immensely proud of you all for who you are and for what you have achieved. Good luck and all the best for the future. Make sure you come back and visit us!
Our Leaver's Performance
This week, Year Six performed their Leaver's Performance for the whole school and for all our grown-ups at home. Everyone worked so hard to learn and deliver their lines and we had laughter, tears and rave reviews from our audience. Well done Year Six-you smashed it!
WAGOLL 13.07.18
Charlie is our WAGOLL this week for his handwriting. He has worked so SO hard on improving his handwriting this year and the results are really beginning to pay off. Anyone who knows Charlie will know how much hard work and perseverance it will have taken for him to get his writing looking like it does now. I am really proud of him and I know that he is both pleased with and proud of himself. Check out our WAGOLL here
Real Friends Theatre Workshop
This week, Year Six enjoyed an amazing Theatre Workshop from Leep1-Leeds People First. Leep1 is an organisation which enables people with learning disabilities to be in control of their own organisation and to fulfil their lives with safe, meaningful and enjoyable activities, tailored for them. Through drama, Leep1 endeavours to remove barriers to communication and to dissolve stigma and prejudice, by creating real in-the-moment interactions.
The workshop was entitled 'Real Friends' and dealt with the duel issues of 'Mate Crime' and 'Hate Crime'- directed toward children and adults with a learning disability. Initally, we enjoyed a performance from the Leep1 actors in which we were given a series of real life 'Mate Crime' and 'Hate Crime' scenarios. After much discussion of these issues the groups divided into four teams made up of our year 6 children and the Leep1 adults. Each team created their own tableaus to depict a variety of different scenes.
Afterwards so many children came up to me to tell me: how much they'd enjoyed the session; how fun, funny and engaging it had been and how much they had learnt through it. It was a really fantastic morning.
Trip to Bridlington Beach
Year 6 had an absolutely fantastic time in Bridlington on Tuesday! We had so much fun paddling, sunbathing, playing games, digging holes (some were nearly as deep as the ones from our class book, ‘Holes'!) and just enjoying each other’s company. The trip was designed to celebrate all the hard work Year Six have done this year and to commemorate some of their final days with us as pupils at Swinnow Primary school. As always, every single child did us proud with their responsible attitudes and their lovely manners. Three cheers for all of you, Year Six!
WAGOLL 29.06.18
Our WAGOLL this week is a fantastic role model in Year Six. He is always striving to be the best he can be and has a diligent and enthusiastic attitude toward his learning-no matter the task. He is a very skilled mathematician however he is our WAGOLL this week for his literacy work. Although success in writing may not come quite as naturally as his skills in maths do, he is always sure to listen carefully to instructions and to thoughtfully challenge himself to edit and improve his work. Through doing this, our WAGOLL has made super progress this year. Check out our WAGOLL here!
Sports Day with Our Buddies!
We had such a fun morning today as we planned, organised and helped to run the Early Years Sports Day! First, we planned out the different events and then we came up with fun exciting names for them all! Finally, we spent the morning in groups running and organising each event for the Early Years children. Every single child in Year Six absolutely blew us away with their calm, caring attitudes towards their buddies and the younger nursery children. Many parents commented on how well the Year Six children knew their buddies and the wonderful care they showed toward them. One parent said 'Every day when I ask my child 'What was the best part of your day?' She answers, 'Seeing my buddy'. Once again, we feel so proud of our Year Six children and the wonderful Role Models they are.
WAGOLL 22.06.18
Our WAGOLL this week is a real role model in every single thing she does. Jasmine is enthusiastic, positive, well mannered, determined, focused…I could go on forever. This week she really wowed me with her biography of Carol Ann Duffy. She was focused and determined; she asked for help where she needed it and, most of all, she showed characteristic independence and maturity. The work she produced is fantastic, especially considering she was absent for a lot of the build-up. Check out our WAGOLL here!
Road Safety Transition Day.
This week, Year Six have taken part in a road safety day-focused on the job of getting them to school safely next year when they transition to high school. In the morning we took part in a quiz all about the important things you need to remember, in order keep yourself safe as a pedestrian. Later, we played some fun games outside as we measured the effect that exercise has on your body and therefore the positive effect walking to school would have on your well-being. Finally, we explored the Metro Travel website and found out all about how to use bus timetables and how to plan our journeys to and from high school next year.
WAGOLL 15.06.18
Our WAGOLL this week is a shining star in Year 6 and this week, during Cricket in The Classroom, she has really shone. Our WAGOLL always puts her best effort into whatever she is faced with, and does so with an amazing determination to succeed. During the cricket workshop, you showed fantastic enthusiasm and effort, were a brilliant, and supportive team-mate and stood out for your excellent sporting ability. Really well done. Check out our WAGOLL here!
Cricket in The Classroom at Headingley Stadium
This week, Year Six enjoyed the opportunity to visit Yorkshire County Cricket Club at Headingley Stadium. The children got to see behind the scenes as they toured the stadium- seeing everything from the Media Room to the changing rooms! They also got to tour the museum and learn more about the fascinating history, and incredible success, of the cricket club, its founder and the different players across the years. Finally, the children took part in a cricket lesson and played a very enthusiastic game of quick cricket- we were so impressed with the skills they displayed, especially from those children who had never played cricket before!
As always, Year Six were superb ambassadors for the school and impressed everyone they encountered with their super knowledge and enthusiasm and their wonderful manners. Well done Year Six and what a great day!
Time For... Maths!

What do you get when you add Maths and chocolate...? A whole lot of fun for Year Six! We had a fantastic time in Year Six this week when our grown-ups joined us for Time For Maths. We were using Smarties in order to work out statistics and proportion. We worked out the different fractions and ratios, of the different colours of Smarties, for our own box and then compared this to others in the class. We were shocked to find that not all boxes contain the same amount! We then plotted the information on a graph and used this to work out the mean, mode and medium colours.
Theme Park Maths!
Wow! The Wonderful World Theme Park adverts, that Year Six created for their Challenge Homework this half term, are absolutely incredible! A huge amount of time, creativity, research and knowledge has gone into every single one of them. The winners of the advert competition were promised a cheque- which would go toward their budget for designing the theme park during our maths work this term. It was very difficult for us to choose a winner but we have picked our first, second and third place contestants. Congratulations guys! Click here to check out our amazing winners!
MOD Pizza Trip!
We had an amazing time at the Mod Pizza making workshop this week. We found out all about how Mod makes its pizzas and even had a go at making some of our own! They tasted delicious!
As always, Year 6 behaved beautifully and really did us proud. What a fantastic morning!
WAGOLL 18.05
We are so proud of Class 6 this week. All of their hard-work, focus, determina- tion and diligence paid off this week as they readied themselves to face their SATs tests. They approached the week with calm, cool and positive attitudes-we really could not have asked any more of them. They have absolutely lived up to their role-models title. We spent Friday morning together at the park, chilling out, eating ice-lollies and playing games together, all in all enjoying a well earned break.
Maths, Maths, Maths...!
We're loving these great websites in Year 6 at the minute. Check out Mathsbot for a go at our daily Arithmetic Challenge, or look at this page for practise SATs questions with helpful Youtube links to help you when you're stuck!
Arithmetic gone wrong...!
We absolutely love arithmetic in Year Six (honestly, we really do...!) and we are seriously amazing at it too. So, this week, for a change, we asked an unwitting stranger to have a go at answering some arithmetic questions from the year six SATs paper. We couldn't believe the silly mistakes we saw! This person was forgetting to carry tens, getting the place value wrong for their formal methods...using bus stop division for dividing by ten and one hundred!
We soon set them straight but we did so with steam coming out of our ears! Thank goodness we know what we're doing, Year Six! :)
WAGOLL 11.05
This week our WAGOLL star has really impressed us with his attitude to learning. In class, we have noticed a huge increase in your confidence as you participate in class discussions and contribute toward group tasks. As well as this, our WAGOLL has been so focused on his own targets and has been working really hard, both in school and at home, in order to progress toward these goals. Great work, well done! Check out our WAGOLL here!
WAGOLL 04.05
This superstar is such a joy to have in Year Six. He makes us all laugh and smile every single day.
You are our WAGOLL star this week for your positivity and your drive to improve, which has led to huge progress and achievement. As well as this, you are a fantastic friend to so many people in Class Six. You always show care, kindness and great maturity in your dealings with others. You should be really proud of the person you are. Check out our WAGOLL here!
Our visit to the Polling Station
This Thursday was the day of the local elections and so Class Six went to visit our nearby Polling Station and find out what it was all about. We found out how people vote and what happens to your vote after you have made it. We learnt about why people vote and how that impacts on our country and the people living in it. We enjoyed seeing the booths and the ballot paper and asked some fantastic, insightful questions.
WAGOLL 27.04
Huge well done this week for our WAGOLL Star’s hard-work, perseverance and responsibility for learning.
We have seen an enormous change in this super star’s focus in the last few weeks through her renewed concentration in lessons and her challenge attitude toward her learning. It is clear to everyone how determined she is to succeed and be her very best and it’s great to see. Check out our WAGOLL here!
Year Six Library!
Great news! Our book order has started to arrive! Before home time each day, we will be sharing extracts from each of the new books so that we can sample a taste of each before people decide which they want to read first...that's if i can get my hands on them first!
WAGOLL 20.04
Amy is our WAGOLL Star this week for her outstanding figurative writing. She used the subject of her pen to represent her attitude toward writing and the process of creating a piece of written work. She used anthromorphism to create the character of her pen then structured her sentences to sound like the movement of that animal. What a beautiful poem, Amy. Check out our WAGOLL here!
Parent's SATs Information Evening.
Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend the SATs Information evening this week. For anyone who was unable to attend, please watch the video below, which includes a lot of the information shared at the information evening.
SATs-Information for Parents Video
Year 6 World Cup of Books!
A few weeks ago, in Year Six, we staged the World Cup of Books. We collected 100 recommended books, (all aimed at our age group) and read the blurb, some extracts and reviews for each one. Finally, we voted for our favourite books. We used this fun activity to extent our class library and make sure that it is filled up with books that will continue our love of reading in Year Six. We can't wait for our new books to arrive...!
WAGOLL 23.03
Our WAGOLL Star this week is a role model for progress in Year Six. She has an outstanding attitude toward learning. No matter what it is we’re learning, she takes everything we say on board and is always working to improve on her work. Through doing this she has achieved a fantastic set of results in our most recent tests and I know she will continue to go from strength to strength as we go on through the year. Very, very well done. Check out our WAGOLL here!
World Book Day
WAGOLL 09.03
Our WAGOLL Star this week has been using super metacognition to reflect on his own work. This Meta-cognitive role model took the time check his work properly and reflect on where he went wrong so that he could improve on it next time. He has been thinking hard about what he knows and what he needs to know to improve and through doing this he’s making fantastic progress. Check out this super star here!
Spelling Apps
Following our most recent Parents' Evening and our Time to Spell morning, many parents have asked for a list of useful websites where children can practise their spelling skills at home. Check out this list of free, easy to use and fun spelling apps and websites.
KP2: Time to Spell
This morning, Year Six went fishing...for pre-fixes! We explored how pre-fixes can modify the meaning of a word and how this knowldge can help us with our spelling patterns. We went fishing for the different root words and then found the common pre-fixes that they could all share. From here we were able to work out the meaning of the prefix. For example: Tri always means three. As in triangle and triathlete.
A quadrilateral is a four sided shape and quadrupling something makes it four times bigger...
Podiatrists are doctors for a our feet and a pedicure is a beauty routine for your feet...
Can you work out what a quadruped might be?
Saturday SATs School
As many of you may already be aware, we are currently proposing that Year Six children begin attending school on a Saturday morning, in preperation for the upcoming SATs tests. We still have yet to finalise our decision on this and, as such, are very interested to hear Year Six's opinions on the subject.
The class appear to be divided in opinion. Many children argued that this would be a good idea-that learning should be our priority and that Saturday school would boost attainment and promote positive mental health as individual's academic performance improved as a result. However, other children posited that out of school commitments are very important to many children as is spending time with family and friends. They suggested that the decision to hold a Saturday school would, in fact, be detrimental to mental health.
What do you think? Year Six are full of opinions on this subject and we believe in the pupil voice. Please do discuss the topic at home to further develop your child's opinions on this debate.
Half-Term Homework:
We have also asked that children complete a Prodigy assignment every week. This will usually take an average of 40 minutes/week, or 5 minutes/day, over the course of a week.
As class teacher ,I can monitor each child's progress on Prodigy and Read Theory, and so can easily identify, and support with, areas of learning that children are struggling with at home.
Dragon's Den-The Finals!
Finally the day has arrived! The 'Dragon's' took to their seats, ready to har the pitches of our eager contestants and pass judgment on their incredible inventions. We saw the comfort-inducing heated camping mat, the time-saving Breakfast Buddy, the incredible Twisting-Spaghetti fork and many, many more. All of our contestants managed to secure an investment from The Dragons-we can't wait to see what these budding entrepreneurs will do next...!

WAGOLL 02.02.18
Our WAGOLL star this week is such a delight to have in Year Six. Her enthusiasm and positivity are infectious and she makes me smile every single day
This week we were blown away by the work you did as part of our Dragon’s Den project. You contributed to class discussion with enthusiasm and have produced some fantastic writing, explaining how your invention works. Not only that, but you also went home and created an amazing prototype of your invention to share with us in school! I love your fanatatsic attitude toward you learning. Check out our WAGOLL here!
Year 6 Dragons Den
This week, Year Six began their Dragon's Den Inventions Project. On Monday, five budding entrepreneurs arrived in our classroom, ready to pitch their incredible inventions to us-the Year Six Dragons. We saw:
Mrs Wyles and her handy and comfortable radiator cat-bed.
Mrs Naylor's terrific, time-saving pineapple-corer.
Mr Mir and his durable, douse-able waterproof socks.
Mrs Griffen and her life-saving suction-pad commuter cup.
And, lastly, Miss Stevenson with the panic-preventing E-Whister Key-Mate.
We really enjoyed playing the part of 'The Dragons' and, after having a good look at all the inventions we'd been pitched, as well as finding out about even more weird and wonderful designs, we became inspired to come up with our own incredible creations...
WAGOLL 26.01.18
We have been absolutely blown away by our WAGOLL Star all week, this week! You have shown fantastic organisational skills, super independence and a renewed focus toward your work.
We have been particularly impressed with your reflective attitude. You have taken super responsibility for your work and understand clearly what you need to do in order to be supported at your own challenge level!
Check out our WAGOLL Star here!
Prodigy Maths!
This week in Year 6 we can't stop talking about Prodigy Maths Game. It is a fantastic learning tool for the children to practise a whole range of great maths skills. The programme is able to analyse the children's answers and, from there, it generates questions appropriate to each individual child's own learning stage.
And we would love for grown-ups to get involved too! By linking your email address to your child's account you can receive regular updates as to your child's progress in maths, and can clearly see those areas that they need a bit more help and practise with.
Just go to:
1., and select ‘Get Your Free Account.’
2. Choose ‘Parent’ and enter your account details.
3. Once logged in, choose your location.
4. Select ‘Add my kid,’ then enter your kid's username and password (listed below). 5. Select ‘Add my kid.'
Each child in Year 6 has a letter with their Log-in details and information on how to link a parent account but if you would like another copy of that letter please let Miss Stevenson or Miss Emmett know.
WAGOLL 19.01.17
This week you are our WAGOLL Star for your work on ordering and comparing fractions with different numerators and denominators.
Our WAGOLL star has a fantastic attitude toward her work and is absolutely flying in both maths and Literacy this year.
One of the reasons she is so successful is because she always knows when and how to ask for help, in order to support her learning. During maths she worked independently and, when she was unsure, we worked together for a short while so that she felt comfortable to be challenged at the next level.
Our WAGOLL is an enthusiastic, motivated and conscientious learner, who is doing wonderful things with her learning in Year 6. Check out our WAGOLL Star here!
Our Class Library:
For the past few weeks a group of children in Year Six have been working hard to re-organise our class library. They decided that our library should be organised by genre, as opposed to alphabetical order. The group felt that this would better inspire their classmates to seek out, and find, new books that would excite and challenge them . They thought hard about the kind of categories that they would need to create and designed the lay-out and all of the labelling themselves.
The library looks FANTASTIC now and the new system has already helped lots of children to find wonderful new books to read. Great work!
WAGOLL 12.01.18
Polly is our WAGOLL star this week for excellent responsibility for her learning and outstanding perseverance.
Polly always works so hard and produces fantastic work in every subject but recently she has worked so hard to take responsibility for her own learning and the results are seriously paying off. Polly used her assessment ladders to identify some language features that she was not currently using in her writing. Polly then set herself the challenge to use ONE of those features in her next piece of work…Instead of using just one she used all six! She thought carefully about how to use each one to create maximum impact and the resulting work is outstanding! Huge well done! Check out our WAGOLL here!
Time for Words 11.01.18
We loved having our Grown-ups in on Thursday for Time For Words! We played Pairs and Heads-Up in order to learn some new up-levelled words. Test us to see if we can still remember the meaning of these words:
WAGOLL 05.01.18
You are our WAGOL this week because of your diligent and conscientious attitude toward your work as well as for being a wonderful role model in Year 6.
As part of KP1: Challenge, Year 6 were asked to interview someone important in their lives about that person’s most treasured object. Our WAGOL star created a fantastic interview where she asked in-depth questions that resulted in a detailed and interesting interview and a fabulous piece of homework. Not only that but she presented it beautifully and took care with her spelling, handwriting and grammar.
Excellent work! :) Check out our WAGOLL here!
Christmas Activity Morning
We had so much fun with our grown ups at Christmas Activity morning as we got crafty, creative and Christmassy. Check out our fabulous creations!
Can you solve the =100 problem?
We love this problem in Year 6 at the moment but so far only Charlie has managed to find the solution.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = 100
Using only + and - can you make this statement true? You can't change the order of the numbers and you have to use every single number. For example you could do 123+45+67+89=
Good luck!
Prime Numbers Song with Composite & Square Numbers
Check out this catchy song, to help you remember all the things we've been learning about Prime, Composite, and Square Numbers. Listen here!
WAGOLL Star 24.11.17
Bethan is our WAGOLL this week for her stunning descriptive narrative work on the book, Rose Blanche.
Bethan listens carefully and always challenges herself to show everything she knows in her work. She has used a huge range of literary techniques in her writing in order to create effect, and describe both action and emotion. Her writing is ALWAYS outstanding but what’s even more impressive is the care she takes in reading through and editing her own work. Check out our WAGOLL here!
Anti-Bullying Week 2017
We have been spreading positivity and push-ups in Year 6 recently as part of our work on Anti-Bullying Week 2017. We had some great discussions all about what bullying might look and feel like, why bullying might happen and how we all have the power to help. This year's message is All Different, All Equal and in support of that Year 6 made some great Push-Up hands in class. Every child has their own individual hand and on it their class mates have written some words or sentences to tell that person what it is about them that makes them so great! We were all smiles that afternoon in Year 6.
Here's what some children in Year 6 said:
"it's great to feel so happy, and to see how happy my words made someone else feel!"
"After reading my hand I felt...filled up!"
"I'm just...speechless! I can't stop smiling!"
WAGOLL Star 17.11.17
This week you are our WAGOLL Star for perseverance, independence and a determination to succeed.
We have been absolutely blown away by our WAGOLL Star this half term and both me and Miss Emmett feel like we’re saying his name every two minutes, always for very positive reasons.
He has make exceptional progress in both literacy and maths, all down to his positive attitude and sense of responsibility toward his own learning.
Outstanding work! Well done. Check out our WAGOLL here!
Our Visit to Pudsey Cenotaph
This year Class Six were invited to visit Pudsey Cenotaph to take part in the remembrance day services. We were absolutely blown away by Year Six's outstanding behaviour and mature attitudes. We were approached during our walk by two people we had walked past, who said to me, 'What an exceptionally polite group of children, you must be a very proud teacher'. I felt incredibly proud of every single one of them for their sensible, polite behaviour and their respectful attitude toward the event. Some of the children were even brave enough to stand up and read their poetry in front of the crowd and they did so beautifully. They have absolutely risen to and surpassed our expectations of children in Year 6 at our school.
WAGOLL Star 10.10.17
This person is our WAGOLL Star this week for their wonderful attitude to learning and a fantastic start to the new half term.
Our WAGOLL has showed amazing focus and concentration, fantastic maturity and a great pride in his work.
Well Done! :) Check out our superstar here!
KP1 Challenge Homework!
We have been absolutely blown away by the supreme effort, imagination and innovation Year 6 have shown toward their Half Term Challenge Homework. Year 6 were asked to research the subject of gas masks in World War Two, and to create their own-using any materials they could think of. The results were absolutely outstanding! Well done everyone!
World War Two Music
We are getting so stuck into our World War Two Topic in Year 6! We are learning some new World War Two songs that we absolutely love! Have a listen to them here:
Hey Little Hen We'll Meet Again War Time Dancing
WAGOLL Star 3.11.17
Oliver W is our WAGOLL Star this week for his fantastic descriptive writing.
Oliver created tension and atmosphere in his writing by using:
- Fronted adverbial and prepositional phrases
- 2a sentences
- Single Adverbs
- Personification
- Up-levelled Right Choice Words
- Alliteration
Isn’t that amazing? And as if that wasn’t enough he also took care with his punctuation and used a dictionary to help him with his spellings. Outstanding work Oliver! Check out Oliver's writing here
WAGOLL Star 20.10.17
We have been absolutely blown away by our WAGOLL Star all week, this week! You have shown fantastic organisational skills, super independence and a brilliant enthusiasm for your learning.
We were particularly impressed with you during topic this week, where you showed all sorts of new and natural knowledge, all about World War Two. You asked our visitors some really interesting questions. Well done!
WAGOLL Star 13.10.17
Georgia is our WAGOLL Star this week for her outstanding formal writing in literacy.
Georgia used the passive voice, up-levelled vocabulary and formal conjunctions, alongside her usual positive challenge attitude and fantastic creativity, to re-write Neville Chamberlain’s declaration of war speech.
Well done Georgia, this is fantastic work! Check out Georgia's super speech here!
Problem Solving in Year 6
We have been doing some fantastic problem solving in our maths lessons, where we have seen every single person challenging themselves and showing amazing growth mentality skills! The air has been full of concentration, perseverance and enthusiasm and we absolutely love it. Well done Year 6!
Check out one of our favourite puzzles here... and have a go at this one at home!
WAGOLL Star 06.10.17
This superstar is our WAGOLL Star this week for his challenge attitude and super concentration.
You really wowed us this week during literacy and the work we’ve been doing on direct speech. You showed super listening and made sure you absolutely understood the task before then getting your head down and working totally independently on it.
You even challenged yourself to improve your work and you did a super job of it! We felt really proud of you, but what was lovely was seeing how proud you were of yourself!
Check out our WAGOLL Star here!
WAGOLL Star 29.09
Rosie is our WAGOLL Star this week for her positive attitude and perseverance.
We were so impressed with your maths work on area and perimeter this week. You listened carefullyto instructions and participated wonderfully during whole class discussion. Then you absolutely flew through your independent work and even challenged yourself to have a go at the mastery challenge. Well done Rosie, great work! :) Check out Rosie's work here!
Spelling Support Apps
One of our Key Priorities this year is Spelling and we are working so hard in Year 6 to improve our spelling. The goal is to not only score 10/10 on their weekly spelling test but also for the children to be able to accurately use their spelling words in their writing. Practise makes perfect and already Year 6 are accurately spelling some VERY tricky words. Keep up the good work guys, and please check out these websites to help you with all that super practise.
WAGOLL Star 22.09
Our WAGOLL Star this week is a credit to Year 6. He is always sunny and cheerful and he always, always tries his best, even when he finds something difficult.
This week you are our WAGOLL because of the fantastic team-work skills you showed during P.E. You listened carefully to instructions and gave very thoughtful feedback on how you and your partner could improve on your performance. Well done! Exactly what we like to see! Check out our WAGOLL here
Rounding Numbers Song
This week in Year 6 we are rounding numbrs to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000! To help us to remember how to do this we have learnt a new song. Check it out here!
Reading Challenge-Book Sorter!

In Class Six we love to read and we think that there is no better feeling than recommending your favourite book to a friend and seeing it give them as much pleasure as it did you. So if you're looking for a new book recommendation check out this super Reading Challenge Book Sorter. All you need to do is tell it your age and the type of books you enjoy and it will find the right book for you. All the recommendations come from children, just like you, who want to share their favourite books with other people who will love them too.
Book Sorter
WAGOLL Star 15.09
Class 6 have been learning about the power of word classes this week. Now that they can confidently identify the different word classes, they are beginning to use them in their writing in order to expand and improve their sentences.
Our WAGOLL stars showed drive, enthusiasm and good teamwork skills as together they planned and discussed what Right Choice Words they would use in their writing, and the result was very impressive!
Well done girls!! Click here to see their work.
Mrs Naylor with her incredible time-saving pineapple corer.