Class 6 Blog 2016-2017
Week beginning - 17th April 2017
Callum and Jack did an amazing piece of writing about Winston Churchill! The information they included was really interesting and they co-operated brilliantly sharing ideas. Keep up the good work!
Pie charts
On Tuesday we are looking at Pie Charts, use the following link to work through SATs questions to help you practise this!
Week beginning - 13th March 2017
Friday 17th March - WAGOLL Chloe
Read theory
Year 6 have been given access to a special website to practise their reading skills. Each child has been given an individual logon and needs to use this to complete the assessment as soon as possible. This should hopefully allow us to complete some reading practise at home!
Watch out for the american spellings!
Angle measuring!
In class 6, we have worked really hard at measuring and finding missing angles this week! We had colourful tape stuck on our tables and had to solve the missing angles!
Spellings - Double letters

Group 1 spellings Group 2 and 3 spellings
All groups (1, 2 and 3) are focusing on double consonants this week. To help us get as well prepared as possible, we will be given 12 spellings a week from now on! Thankfully, all our spellings this week follow the same pattern.
Play this game to practise your spellings!
As well as this, we will now be tested on one aspect of grammar on Friday as well. This week, we will be focusing on being able to identify different word classes within sentences. We will be learning about this throughout this week but please check out this wonderful website at home to explore this with!
Week beginning - 6th March 2017
Arithmetic Practise
In class we are doing everything possible to prepare Year 6 for the upcoming testing which take place during the week beginning 8th May. Throughout this year, we have been working hard to practise our arithmetic skills! To help us with this, Miss Owen has created a practise sheet with all the types of questions which are commonly asked in this paper.
We have been looking at this in class and using it to challenge our learning!
You can download the practise here!
If adults or children would like to discuss the tests they will be taking, come in and speak to Miss Owen!
Friday 10th March - WAGOLL Jake
Week beginning - 27th February 2017
In year 6, we look putting our maths skills to the test by attempting to solve problems using what we know! This week, we were set a very difficult problem where we had to think logically, work systematically and try to find some sort of pattern! Thankfully, we were all very resilient so did fantastically well!
Spellings - tial/cial and wh
This week, groups 2 and 3 are focusing on the sound cial/tial which sounds like shuhl. Group 1 are focusing on ensuring they remember the wh on words such as while. As always, we will be assessing these spellings on Friday. Make sure you practise! Use these games to help you:
Wh game! tial/cial game!
Week beginning - 20th February 2017
Pizza Party!
Some children in year 6 and year 5 combined together on Friday to create the ultimate pizza restaurant! We planned out restaurants, designed the layout and thought about our menu. We even became chefs, creating incredibly delicious pizzas! Well done!
Order of operations
This week we have worked looking at the different orders of operations, and following BIDMAS to preform calculations correctly. Play this special version of who wants to be a millionaire to test your knowledge!
World War II Reading list
Struggling for your next book choice? Take a look at this list of World War II fiction books, all linked to our topics! Each book is summarised, so you can chose the book which most takes your interest!
Week beginning - 6th February 2017
Homework - Set: Friday 10th February - Due in: Tuesday 28th February
Friday 10th February - WAGOLL Megan
We have a mathematical genius in class 6! Megan has been using all the resources available to her on the website to practise her calculation skills! This has clearly paid off as she managed to achieve an incredible score of 38 in her recent arithmetic test! Well done Megan! Your hard work is really showing!
Click here to learn more about why Megan is such a super star!
Persuasive writing!
In our literacy work for the last two weeks we have looked at persuasive writing. Last week we practised this by writing incredibly persuasive leaflets, trying to convince people to come to ancient Athens!
This week we have received a letter, telling us what terrible Greek soldiers we would make! Using a range of sentence openers, we decided to try and convince the General to make us a member of the Phalanx. We are working on using the structure:
- Introductory point
- Evidence
- Explain
- Link
We look forward to showing you our work!
Compound area
In maths we are learning how to the find the area of a range of different shapes, including compound shapes!
For an explanation of what we have been learning, click here!
Take this quiz to test your knowledge of area!
Spellings - 6th February
Class 6's spellings this week are focused on being able to spell words using the grapheme 'ough'. We've looked at the different sounds this set of letters can make!
Click here to play a game which can help you practise these tricky spellings. As always, spellings will be assessed on a Friday!
Week beginning - 30th January 2017
Friday 3rd February - WAGOLL Cian
What a super star Cian has been this week! Every adult in the class has noticed Cian's incredible learning attitude! He has put brilliant effort into every piece of work he has completed and even managed to to help Mr Taylor out using the technology around the classroom! Well done Cian!
Division with year 6
In year 6 we have been looking at the written methods for division as part of our CALCULATION session of Big Maths. We have been practising this every week to ensure that we are confident in this method. After learning from all our errors, we are finally confident in both written methods of division!
Well done Class 6! You showed wonderful resillience.
Ask your child to solve the following questions to show off!
- 49568 ÷ 12
- 68551 ÷ 45
- 45752 ÷ 66
- 854741 ÷ 86
- 710325 ÷ 36
- 45725 ÷ 74
- 851235 ÷ 52
- 542135 ÷ 56
Friday 20th January - WAGOLL Abi-Marie
What a super star Abi-Marie has been this week! Find out why she has earned our WAGOLL this week!
Friday 13th January - WAGOLL Jacob
Well done Jacob on being our WAGOLL this week! He showed what a brilliantly curious learner he is!