Swinnow Primary School

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Mrs Griffen has created a comprehensive list of SEND resources, documents and websites to help support your child's individualised learning at home. Click the picture below.

Parent Workshop: 13 Categories of Special Education | P.S.135Q ...

 Home Learning w/b 13/07/2020

Good morning Class 5, I hope you have all had a lovely weekend!


Here is your maths for this week:
The link below will take you to the White Rose Maths Home Learning videos:

The link below will take you to a Google Drive folder with this week's worksheets and answers.
Please let me know if you have any problems accessing these.


This week's theme is WHO DUNNIT?!

Follow the link to the Google Drive file where you will find a 'WHO DUNNIT?!' themed maths, reading and grammar activity.
Good luck Detectives!

If you want a writing challenge have a go at creating your own 'WHO DUNNIT?!' piece using 'The Mystery of the Missing Painting' as inspiration.

Home Learning w/b 06.07.20

Good morning Class 5, I hope you've all had a lovely weekend! 


Here is your maths for this week:
The link below will take you to the White Rose Maths Home Learning videos:


The link below will take you to a Google Drive folder with this week's worksheets and answers.
Please let me know if you have any problems accessing these.


Click here to download this week's reading comprehension with a famous landmarks theme. After reading the text, have a go at answering the questions. Parents BEWARE the answer sheets are included.


This week's theme is FAMOUS LANDMARKS!

View the PowerPoint which introduces you to many famous landmarks from around the world.

Once you have viewed this, choose one of the landmarks or one of your own if you prefer, then here are some ideas for learning tasks you could complete:

Imagine the landmark is going to be demolished - write a letter to the government of that country protesting about the proposal.

Create a non-chronological report about your landmark that would feature in a geographical information book.

Design a leaflet for tourists about your landmark.

Write an adventure story using your landmark as the setting of your story.

I look forward to seeing your work!

Home Learning w/b 29.06.20

Good morning Class 5, I hope you've all had a lovely weekend! 


Here is your maths for this week:
The link below will take you to the White Rose Maths Home Learning videos:


The link below will take you to a Google Drive folder with this week's worksheets and answers.
Please let me know if you have any problems accessing these.


Click here to download this week's reading comprehension with a toy theme. After reading the text, have a go at answering the questions. Parents BEWARE the answer sheets are included.


This week's theme is LEGO!

Watch the video below which tells the true story of the history of Lego.

Once you have watched the video here are some ideas for learning tasks you could complete:

- Create a Lego model and write a set of instructions for how to build it.
-Create an advert for the early toys
-Create the biography for Ole Christiansen.
-Compare Lego with other toys such as meccano or modern games and create a discussion piece to argue why Lego is best. Maybe worthwhile comparing with mine craft, listing similarities and differences, which is more engaging? Which is best for money?
-Design your own Lego land - use Lego to build it. Draw a maps, write the brochure and visitors guides.

Home Learning w/b 22.06.20

Good morning Class 5! 


Here is your maths for this week:
The link below will take you to the White Rose Maths Home Learning videos:

The link below will take you to a Google Drive folder with this week's worksheets and answers.
Please let me know if you have any problems accessing these.


This week's theme is Football - I hope you enjoy!

Use the link to watch a short video clip from Sky Sports.

Writing Task:

Imagine you are a fan in the crowd. Write a poem to describe the experience. Describe the reactions of the crowd, managers, officials. Describe what you could see? hear? smell? taste? touch? Describe how you felt etc.


Reading Task:

Click here to download this week's reading comprehension with a World Cup theme. As always there are three texts, choose the one that is pitched well for you. After reading the text, have a go at answering the questions. Parents BEWARE the answer sheets are included.

Home Learning w/b 15.06.20

Good morning Class 5! I'm absolutely thrilled to be working with you virtually over the remaining few weeks of term. I can't wait to see, through Class Dojo, what you are all getting up to and what work you are producing.
This week's theme is Jungle Rainforests - I hope you enjoy!
Use the link below to go on an expedition to the jungle rainforest with the serious explorers.


Writing Task:
Imagine you are one of the serious explorers. Write a letter home to a friend or family member informing them all about your experience.
Imagine you are one of the serious explorers. Write a diary entry following a day exploring the jungle rainforest.

For both tasks consider the sights, sounds, conditions, dangers and creatures that you would experience on the expedition.

Reading Task

Click here to download this week's reading task. As always there are three texts, choose the one that is pitched well for you. After reading the text, have a go at answering the questions in your exercise book. Parents BEWARE the answer sheets are included.

Art / DT Task:

Watch the following video for inspiration:

Use your fabulous imaginations to design and create your own rainforest animal. Be as creative as you like - maybe paint/draw a picture or make a 3D model of your animal. Write a fact file to go alongside your creation to share key information about your animals appearance, diet, behaviour etc etc.

If you need further inspiration, watch:


Enjoy! Mrs Griffen

Summer Reading Challenge 2020

This summer, once again, you can join in with the Summer Reading Challenge! Many of you have taken part in previous years and have loved being a part of it.

Click on the image to sign up for an online library membership where you can access 100s of free e-books from BorrowBox (Leeds Library); play games; complete challenges and collect rewards! Enjoy!


Home Learning w/b 08.06.20

Good morning Year 5! Well done for all your hard work last week, I saw some fab uploads and some amazing rollercoasters work. This week our theme is all about money! Enjoy :)

Click on The Googledrive Link for access to Your Home Learning this week as well as the Maths Worksheets (Week 7).

As always, the White Rose Maths Videos can be found at:
(Week 7) 

Home Learning 01.06.20

Hello Year 5! I hope you've had a lovely May Half Term and have been enjoying the sunshine. I look forward to seeing what you've been up to :)
This week, to keep the fun going, we
 are going to be looking at the wonderful world of theme-parks!
Follow the link below to go on a virtual tour of Flamingo Land- a place I know many of you know and love.

Click on the second link to access your Home Learning for this week. There is a folder for your maths (make 
sure you click on Y5) and a different folder for everything else.



WC/ 26.5.20

Happy half term Class 5! Thank you to everyone who has been uploading their lovely work and photos and videos of what you've all been up to. It is so wonderful to see what you all are doing!

As it is half term I won't set any formal work and I will attach some fun ideas that you can have a go at if you like. Stay safe everyone and enjoy the beautiful sunshine! 

 The Woodland Trust website is full of fantastic ideas and activities for you all the enjoy the beautiful woodlands and outdoor areas we have. The activity is for a Woodland Olympics (Class 5 will be able to tell you where the Olympics originally come from!) and looks like loads of fun!

Woodland Olympics

If you are feeling a  bit more arty or crafty this week, have a go at creating your own leaf animals! The squirrel is my absolute favourite.

Leaf animals

The National trust have designed a list of 50 things to do before you're 11 and three quarters. The ideas in this list are wonderful - I am way past 11 and three quarters but I will be doing as many as I can this week!

Look at the list here


WC/ 18.5.20

This week is Rainforest Week for Class 5!

Rainforests are the oldest living ecosystems on our planet. Some are over 70 million years old (that's when the dinosaurs were around). They are full of plant and animal life, many of which are weird and wonderful.

To get you started watch this video and answer the questions below:


1. Wat does it mean when it says the rainforest 'thrives'?

2. What are the two types of rainforest?

3. How much rainfall per year do rainforests get?

4. Name 3 things you would find in a rainforest.

5. What is happening to rainforests now?


Planet Earth and Planet Earth II both have amazing episodes on the rainforest and the jungle. They are well worth a watch!




The link below will take you to the White Rose Maths Home Learning Videos:


The link below will take you to a Google Drive Folder with last weeks perimeter work and this weeks fractions worksheets and answers.

WC/ 11.5.20

Class 5's theme for this week is: Under the Sea!

71% of our planet is covered in water, but much of this water is unexplored. Our world's oceans play a really important role in keeping us healthy, they help make sure we have enough oxygen to breathe and help provide much of the food we eat and water we drink. However, we don't know everything that is under the surface and we still need to explore further.

This week you will explore the oceans and the life that flourishes underneath the surface. I can't wait to see what you discover!

Watch this to get you started!


To start the week off have a look at this link. On the BBC website you can find all the episodes of Blue Planet II, why not have a watch of an episode and see what you discover?





For your writing this week have a think and do a bit of research and create an in-depth report about a sea creature.

You can choose any sea creature you like, you might want to watch an episode of Blue Planet first to get you thinking. You can present your writing in any way you choose! Have a look at the planning sheet to help you.



Planning Sheet 



Deep below the surface of the ocean is an eerie and mysterious world that remains largely unexplred. Beyond the reach of sunlight it is hard to understand how life could survive in such a place! Have a read of this activity to find out more about Deep Sea Explorers:

 Deep Sea Explorers



Use your geographical knowledge to help you label the oceans and seas of the world. Use the internet, an atlas or a globe to help you!

Label the Oceans and Seas

We've had lots of positive feedback about the White Rose Maths Resources that we've been uploading for Maths Home Learning each week. You may have seen an alert from White Rose informing you that, as of next week, White Rose will be charging for access to this resource. We just wanted to let you know that as a school we have signed up to the paid subscription service so the resources will still be free for you to access. The only change for you will be that the worksheets will now be available in a file that will be posted, by your child's class teacher, on Class Dojo and on Class Blogs, as opposed to being accessed via the link. The videos will still be available via the usual link. 

Week Beginning 4th May 2020

Whole School History

On Friday 8th May, the UK commemorates the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day, Known as VE Day. This is the date that World War 2 ended in Europe. This week, leading up to that date would have been a whole school history focus week had we been together, learning at school.

So that we can still learn about this important time in British history, you can click on the picture above to access a pack of home learning ideas all focused on life during World War 2, and the celebrations of VE day. The pack can be used as a scheme of learning, where you work through the suggested activities in the order of pages, or you can dip in and choose to do anything you like the look of.

Guidance is given with each activity as to whether it is most appropriate for KS1, KS2 or whole school, including Early Years. We would love to see your VE day learning. You can upload onto ClassDojo, Tapestry, or send it to info@swinnowprimary.com with a note to forward it to Mrs Wyles and your class teacher. There will be lots of programmes on TV this week related to VE Day - look out for them to support your learning. All the resources you may need can be found by clicking on the links below.

Have a Happy History Week! 

Map of Europe

List of countries and their alliances during WW2

KS1 VE Day PowerPoint

KS1 VE Day Factfile

Winston Churchill Fact File

Significant People Writing a Fact File Template

The Royal British Legion - VE Day Information Powerpoint (KS2)

Write a Diary Entry Template

Morse Code Challenge

Folded Paper Spitfire Activity

Union Jack Bunting

Union Jack Flag

Note of Thanksgiving

W/C 27.4.20

Class 5 have a special week this week - for us it is SPACE WEEK!

At the beginning of the year Class 5 did some out of this world work in Science all about Space. This knowledge will come in handy this week as we continue to explore our Solar System and the universe outside of our small home planet. Get your crafty skills, writing skills and investigation skills ready for blast off!

 Have a look at the Nasa Kids website here to begin exploring...


Mars Colony Competition:


is there anyway that humans could survive on Mars?

Your job is to design a colony for humans to live in, should we decide to leave our home planet Earth. Have a look at tis video to get you inspired https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQqHDEYpIvI


Follow the steps:

Step one, consider the problems of living on Mars - no water, no oxygen, too hot and too cold, raditation from the Sun is toxic, no water...

Step two, consider how to solve them. Take a look at the mind map I made.

Step three, draw your design. I did mine as a birds eye view but you can do it anyway you choose. You could also design it on the computer. 

Step four, build your colony. This is optional, feel free to build your colony out of materials you have at home.


I cannot wait to see what you all think of, please use my WAGOLL if you need some ideas to get you started.


Good luck everyone!



Writing: Non Fiction

Class 5 did some incredible writing based on space at the beginning of the year and you have so much wonderful knowledge to bring into your writing this week. To start the week, have a go at writing either a set of instructions about how to build a rocket at home or a report about Tim Peake (the British astronaut who worked on the International Space Station).

The best instructions are funny as well as instructive so please use your imagination!

If you are doing a report, present this work in anyway you choose!

Science Investigation:

Why does our shadow change?

Go outside and stand in the Sun, have a good look at your shadow. What does it look like? Is it tall, short, wide, thin? Have a go at measuring it. Then so the same at another time of day (morning, noon, afternoon) and see how it changes.

What do you notice?

Can you keep a table of results?

Reading: The Moon

Have a go at this reading activity about the moon.


 Space Crossword:



W/C.  20.4.20

We're Only One Call Away...

Thank you to everyone who helped make this lovely video!!!

I hope you all have had a lovely Easter Break and enjoyed the beautiful sunshine! Please remember to put onto your Class Dojo portfolio anything you complete at home - I love to see the work you've been doing and anything you've gotten up to!

Writing - Robin Hood

Have a try at finishing this story starter; I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Robin exhaled slowly. As an archer, this final exhalation, almost a ritual, was the calm before the storm; the final moment before releasing the arrow and wreaking havoc on its target.
Like all bowman, Robin was as strong as an ox. Daily training had seen to that. Hours upon hours of drawing back the beautifully curved yew bow had thickened Robin’s muscles like hempen rope, to the point where he could now draw the massive bow with ease.
The thousands of arrows that he had loosed since the age of 6, when he had been given his first bow, made Robin a professional, and like his ancestors, a bowman of his skill didn’t miss. The yew bow was so familiar that it was like an extension of his body; when it was not in his hands he didn’t feel alive.
He was the bow. The bow was him.
He didn’t need to aim; all he had to do was glance at his target and he knew the missile would find its mark.
A rustle from the treeline to his left disturbed Robin’s thoughts…



Click on the link below to access the White Rose Maths Hub home learning packs. These resources are easy to follow and the videos are brilliant at explaining the concepts. Year 5 will be focusing on decimals for the next couple of weeks.

  Click here to see the maths learning for this week.



Art - Andy Goldsworthy

 Andy Goldsworthy is a British artist, known for his sculptures and photography. he is an environmentalist, which is someone who wants to protect the environment around them. He was born in Cheshire and grew up in Leeds! Andy makes sculptures with natural materials on sites in the UK and around the world. He has made them in forests, fields, cities, lakes and fields. They are known as land art.

 I challenge you all to produce a sculpture or piece of land art using natural materials. You can do this is your garden or on your walk! Get a photograph and upload it onto your Class Dojo portfolio.




Click the picture below for some great STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) ideas linked to Easter.

STEM Learning - Badges - Acclaim 

W/C 6.4.20

We will continue to upload activities (on here and on Class Dojo) that you can complete at home over the next two weeks but we understand that some people may want to switch off and try have a break.
We support your choice and are here to help.


Easter Activities

Have a go at completing as much of this Easter Bingo as you can - I can't wait to make a den, have a movie night and go on a bug hunt. As always, upload to your portfolios (on Class Dojo)  what you manage to do!

Easter Activities!

Message from Miss McNelis

Hello all of Class 5! I hope you are all keeping yourselves safe and well and are enjoying spending some time with your families and carers. I will be uploading loads of learning ideas to our class blog each week so make sure you keep checking back to take part in some of the fun activities we find. Stay safe and keep learning! 


Please see the Fun and Games tab on the Home Learning section of the website - there are loads of ideas for games you can play as a family submitted by members of our school community. If you can get any photos of you and your family playing these games, send them in and they will go on the gallery section of the website!


World Book Day 2020

It was wonderful to see so many children in costume for World Book Day today. A huge thank you to all the children who made Book Character Potatoes - the creations were truly imaginative, funny and colourful. Class 5 have produced some beautiful work today, well done everyone for their hard work.

Leeds Week - The West Indian Carnival

For Leeds Week this week, Class 5 have been exploring the exciting world of carnivals. We were posed the question: How did the carnival come to Leeds? We began by exploring the Caribbean and investigating the culture, the foods and the people who live there. We discovered so much about the place! We then explored the legacy of the British Empire in the Caribbean - how many soldiers during WWII came from there, and we discovered that much of the sugar we ate used to come from there. We also investigated how people moved from the Caribbean to England, with many travelling on The Windrush ship to begin a new life.  As a final celebration of our learning we designed our own carnival headdresses which every child loved creating. Take a look at the incredible creations:







Class 5 Caving!

'"Today we went caving. We did loads of safety talks about what to expect, and we put on waterproof suits and helmets with flashlights. First we did an exploration of the downstairs cave and then we had a look around the upstairs. We then explored the caves without the lights on! We had to escape the cave and we were the first group ever to get out of the cave without the lights on TWICE!"

Liam - Class 5







The River Challenge

Some of Class 5 were challenged to clean their cup of water as much as they could! They all used their knowledge of filtration to make the cleanest water possible, with the least amount of spillages! Really well done to everyone - they did an amazing job. I really hope you enjoyed your science challenge.


Class 5 Trip to Grangefield!

Class 5 were treated to a fantastic trip to Pudsey Grangefield today to tryout some science experiments. We found out a way of classifying materials: to separate them into acid or alkaline. We then got to make some multicoloured puffer fish to find out which material was which. We all enjoyed it so much!


Separating Science!

Year 5 this morning worked really hard to separate a variety of mixtures. These included: soil and water, orange juice and pulp, paper clips and rice, rice and flour, flour and stones and sugar and sand! We used so many different things to separate our mixtures and used our knowledge of filtration and dissolving. 

Year Five and Six Tea Dance

In celebration of the end of our World War Two topic, Year 5 and 6 celebrated with a tea dance. We showed off our amazing dance moves and ate the tasty treats we made on our topic day. We hope all children and all parents who came had fun and enjoyed celebrating VE Day!




Year Five and Six World War Two Topic Day

This week, to round off our World War Two Topic Work, Year Five and Six came together to enjoy a fantastic World War Two Topic Day. 

We spent the morning cooking World War Two food using real recipes that were designed in 1940s using the rations that people would have had. We made carrot cookies, bread pudding, honey biscuits and eggless fruit sponge.  

We made Union Flag bunting, Propaganda Posters and HUGE red, white and blue paper chains!

And finally, after learning how to swing dance during their dance lessons this half term, Year 5 paired up with Year 6 to teach them how to do it too! It was absolutely fantastic and very athletic!!



Macbeth - The Battlefield

On Tuesday, we used our dramatic skills to build an amazing battlefield, thinking about the sounds, smells and sights of a medieval battle!


The Egg Drop!

Class 5 have had an egg-stravagant week this week. The children were given the question - how do spacecraft land on other planets? We looked back on the designs we made a couple of weeks ago and reflected on what we could do to improve. Next the fun bit - we built and tested them! Many children's designs were very successful, and most eggs survived the 2 metre fall. What was your child's favourite part of the experiment? Would they do anything differently next time?