Swinnow Primary School

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Class 4 Blog


Mrs Griffen has created a comprehensive list of SEND resources, documents and websites to help support your child's individualised learning at home. Click the picture below.

Parent Workshop: 13 Categories of Special Education | P.S.135Q ...


This summer, once again, you can join in with the Summer Reading Challenge! Many of you have taken part in previous years and have loved being a part of it.

Click on the image to sign up for an online library membership where you can access 100s of free e-books from BorrowBox (Leeds Library); play games; complete challenges and collect rewards! Enjoy!


w/c 13th July 2020

Science Experiment Wednesday! 


Have a go at one (or two - or all!) of these science experiments - think carefully about what happens and why.  

Dancing raisins

Fireworks in a glass

Rain cloud in a jar



Maths Tuesday - Emoji Code Breaker

Can you crack these Emoji codes using your super maths skills?

The numbers get bigger with each page - which ones can you solve? 


Creative Monday - Balloon powered vehicles


Get creative by building your own balloon powered vehicles. Click the picture above to learn how to do this - or create your own! 


Writing - Summarising your school year. 


Write a recount of your (shortened!) time in Year 4.

What did you enjoy most? Which are the most memorable events? What have you learned? What did you find difficult? What are you proud of? Who did you enjoy working and playing with? How are you feeling about moving into Year 5?



This week's reading focuses on summarising and the skills needed to sum up a text. 

Find out more about summarising here. 

Have a go at these texts below to put these skills into action:

Charlie Brooke

In Paris

Our Teachers are Superheroes

Three Friends


White Rose Maths

This week's WRM lessons can be found below. They focus on symmetry and grid positions:

Day 1

Worksheets        Answers

Day 2

Worksheets        Answers

Day 3

Worksheets     Answers

Day 4

Worksheets        Answers

Links to the videos can be found here.


w/c 6th July 2020

Challenge Friday - Balancing Act

Have a go at these balancing acts - time yourself to see how long you can hold each pose!


Science Thursday - Escape the Dentist's Chair!

Put together all of the knowledge you have learnt about the digestive system and teeth to help you with this escape activity! 

Click the picture about for the clues to help you solve the code to escape! 

Use this recording sheet to help you keep track of your answers. 

Will you escape? Or will you be trapped forever in the dentist's chair?!


History Wednesday - The Battle of Hastings 

The Battle of Hastings was an important event in British history. Learn about the battle by clicking the image above.


The Bayeux Tapestry told the event leading up to the Battle of Hastings and is an intricate piece of art. Learn about the Bayeux Tapestry here.


Here are a few activities that you may want to try:

  • Write a newspaper report retelling the events of the Battle of Hastings.
  • Create your own historical storyboard of the battle.
  • Read more about the battle here.
  • Match up the events with the Bayeux Tapestry with these cards.
  • Create your own Bayeux tapestry – it could be about an event in your life!
  • Research William the Conqueror (or use this PowerPoint here) – create a poster about him.


RE Tuesday - Hinduism

This week, we will look at special places, festivals and symbols associated with Hinduism.

Click on the picture above to find out more about these elements of the Hindu faith.

Here are a range of activities you might like to try (you do not have to do them all!):


Creative Monday - Optical Illusion Drawing


Have a go at creating your own optical illusion drawing - it looks 3D, but it is flat! 

Click on the picture to watch a step by step video on how to create your own. 


Writing - News Reports

 Work your way through these sessions with the end goal being to continue a story. 

I look forward to reading them! 

Session 1: Reading comprehension - Fact retrieval

Session 2: Reading comprehension - Inference

Session 3: Identifying the features of a text

Session 4: Inverted Commas

Session 5: Write a news report



Click on the links below for some short texts that your children may enjoy reading, and some questions to help them with their reading comprehension skills. You do not need to print the texts, children can read from the screen and either answer the questions orally, or write answers on any paper that you have to hand. Answers are on page 2 of the short texts, and follow the questions on the longer text.

A parents' guide is included for the '60-second reads', this explains the reading skills that children will be using to answer the questions such as retrieval, vocabulary, inference etc. Although the characters used by Twinkl are different from the 'VIPERS' we use at school, the skills are the same and children are familiar with the names of each reading skill.

This week's reading texts focus on: animals and living things


Parents Guide - 60 second reads

 Incredible Invertebrates!

Great Galapagos

Emma’s Puppy Problem

Amazing facts about the Human Body


White Rose Maths

This week's WRM lessons can be found below. They focus on angles, triangles and quadrilaterals:

Day 1

Worksheets        Answers

Day 2

Worksheets        Answers

Day 3

Worksheets      Answers

Day 4

Worksheets        Answers

Links to the videos can be found here.

w/c 29th June 2020

Challenge Friday - Float your boat! 



This challenge is about having fun and making the best boat you can to hold different weights. 

Create your own boat using only tin foil, or click the picture above for some guidance to help you.

You can design and assess your boat with this sheet here.


Science Thursday - Food Chains

Food chains allow for energy to transfer from one organism to another. 

Click the picture above to learn about how food chains work - then have a go at creating your own! 

Food chain pictures

Food chain template

Food chain recording sheet



Geography Wednesday - Countries and cities in the UK

Learn about the different countries that make up the United Kingdom as well as learning about different cities within.

Have a go at labeling the cities here - you may want to use this map to help support you. 

Why not give directions from one city to another? Click here to give it a try. 


RE Tuesday - Hinduism

Hinduism is a huge faith - and there is not just 1 right way to be a Hindu. This week, we will look at who founded the Hindu faith and where, as well as their many beliefs. 

 Click on the picture above to find out more about the Hindu faith.

Click here for the Hindu creation story.

Here are a range of activities you might like to try (you do not have to do them all!):


Creative Monday - Musical Instruments


It is time to get creative by making your own musical instrument!

Click on the picture above to find out how to make your own guitar or a water xylophone!  


Writing - Character description

 Work your way through these sessions with the end goal being to continue a story. 

I look forward to reading them! 

Session 1: Reading comprehension - Fact retrieval

Session 2: Reading comprehension - Inference

Session 3: Identifying the features of a text

Session 4: Subordinate Clauses

Session 5: Write a character description




Click on the links below for some short texts that your children may enjoy reading, and some questions to help them with their reading comprehension skills. You do not need to print the texts, children can read from the screen and either answer the questions orally, or write answers on any paper that you have to hand. Answers are on page 2 of the short texts, and follow the questions on the longer text.

A parents' guide is included for the '60-second reads', this explains the reading skills that children will be using to answer the questions such as retrieval, vocabulary, inference etc. Although the characters used by Twinkl are different from the 'VIPERS' we use at school, the skills are the same and children are familiar with the names of each reading skill.

This week's reading texts focus on: myths, legends and fables


Parents Guide - 60 second reads


The building of Heorot

The boy who cried wolf

Pandora’s Box

The Dragon Kings


White Rose Maths

This week's WRM lessons can be found below. They focus on interpreting data and graphs:

Day 1

Worksheets        Answers

Day 2

Worksheets        Answers

Day 3

Worksheets      Answers

Day 4

Worksheets        Answers

Links to the videos can be found here.


w/c 22nd June 2020

Challenge Friday - Water Bucket Challenge


Today's challenge is best when completed OUTDOORS - so remember your sun cream - it is hot, hot, hot

For this challenge, you will need 2 buckets or containers (1 filled with water and 1 empty) and a cup or sponge (sponge is more fun!)

Place the containers at least 2m apart. The aim of the challenge is to get all of the water from one container to the other, as quickly as possibly without moving the containers! 

How fast can you transfer ALL the water from 1 container to the other?

Swimming Thursday - Water Safety

Swimming is an important skill - but knowing how to keep yourself safe around water is more important. 

Click on the picture above to watch a video about the Water Safety Code.

Below are a range of activities for you to have a go at to learn about how to stay safe around water:

Spot the dangers interactive PPT

Water Safety Code and Beach flags

Colouring in activities

Water safety puzzles


History Wednesday - The Titanic

In 1912, the Titanic set sail from Southampton in the UK to New York, however, it never made it there. 

Click on the image above to find out what the Titanic was and what happened to it. There are links on some of the pages - use them to expand your knowledge! You can also find out more with these fact cards!

Have a go at some of the activities below:

Titanic wordsearch

Titanic reading comprehension

Write a newspaper report on the Titanic and the events that happened

Find out about Captain Smith here - do you think he was responsible for what happened? Write a persuasive letter/ create a poster that explains your thoughts. 


RE Tuesday - Judaism


Judaism is one of the 5 major religions on Earth.

Click on the picture above to find out more about the Jewish faith.

Here are a range of activities you might like to try (you do not have to do them all) :


Creative Monday - Shadow Drawing

Click on the picture to find a range of shadow art ideas for you to have a go at! 


Writing - Write a Story

 Work your way through these sessions with the end goal being to continue a story. 

I look forward to reading them! 

Session 1: Reading comprehension - word meaning

Session 2: Reading comprehension - Fact retrieval

Session 3: Identifying the features of a text

Session 4: Fronted Adverbials

Session 5: Continue the story




Click on the links below for some short texts that your children may enjoy reading, and some questions to help them with their reading comprehension skills. You do not need to print the texts, children can read from the screen and either answer the questions orally, or write answers on any paper that you have to hand. Answers are on page 2 of the short texts, and follow the questions on the longer text.

A parents' guide is included for the '60-second reads', this explains the reading skills that children will be using to answer the questions such as retrieval, vocabulary, inference etc. Although the characters used by Twinkl are different from the 'VIPERS' we use at school, the skills are the same and children are familiar with the names of each reading skill.

This week's reading texts focus on: adventure stories


Parents Guide - 60 second reads

Dear Adventurer

The Final Challenge

The Journey

The Town of Egarim


White Rose Maths

This week's WRM lessons can be found below. They focus on money:

Day 1

Worksheets        Answers

Day 2

Worksheets        Answers

Day 3

Worksheets       Answers

Day 4

Worksheets        Answers

Links to the videos can be found here.


Already done these lessons? You can find alternative lessons below which focus on estimating:

Weekly Overview

Lesson 1    Lesson 1 Answers

Lesson 2    Lesson 2 Answers



w/c 15th June 2020

Challenge Friday - Learn a dance

Today's challenge is all about having fun! The cha-cha slide is a fun dance where the lyrics tell you the moves, but don't be afraid to put your own twist on them! Learn part of it - or all if you want to! 

We look forward to seeing your awesome moves! 


Science Thursday - Teeth

Click on the image above the learn about the inside of a tooth. 

Label the inside of a tooth

Teeth reading comprehension - text    questions     answers

As we know, our teeth are very important. But what is even more important is how we look after them. Click the link here for an experiment to show you how what we drink can affect our teeth. This is one of my favourite experiments! I hope you enjoy it too! 


Geography Wednesday - European Flags

Can you find out what the flags of different European countries look like? Click on the picture of the flag to find the activity sheet. 

Why not have a go at researching one of the European countries and creating a fact file about it?


RE Tuesday - Buddhism

Buddhism is one of the 5 major religions on Earth.

Click on the picture above to find out more about Buddhism.


You can learn more about Buddhism below:

The beginning of Buddhism reading comprehension

The beginning of Buddhism reading comprehension answers

Buddhism fact cards


Here are a range of activities you might like to try (you do not have to do them all!):

Retell the Story of Buddha in a comic strip or story board.

Find some facts about India and record them in a fact file.

Design your own Buddhist temple.

Try meditating.

Make your own lotus origami flower decoration.

Create a poster on one of the following:

o The Five Buddhist Morals

o The Four Noble Truths

o Buddhist symbols

o Buddhist Worship

o Or another area of Buddhism you are interested in!


 Creative Monday - Origami

Origami is the Japanese art of ‘folding paper’.

It is great for hand-eye co-ordination as well as lots of other skills.

Click the link here to find out how to make your own origami animals.





w/c 8th June 2020

Challenge Friday - Newspaper constructions

All you will need for today's challenge is 6 sheets of newspaper and some tape or string.

Have a go at creating a one (or more!) of the structure below - or create your own!

  • What is the tallest tower you can build from 6 sheets of newspaper. Can your tower support the weight of a small beanie toy?
  •  Can you make a bridge at least 30 centimetres long that will support 8 toy cars?
  • Can you build a table from newspaper that will support the weight of 5 books?
  • Can you build a structure large enough to sit inside?

Science Thursday - Teeth


Ever wondered about our teeth and why we have different ones? Click on the picture to learn about the different types of teeth and what their purpose is. 


Click the links to find a range of activities to help you further understand our teeth and their functions: 

Historical Wednesday - Significant People

Find out about a significant person in British History.

 What did they do that was important and changed the way that people live?  Can you explain what they did and why it was important? Find out a bit about their background; when and where did they live? What was it that led them to do what they did?

You could research an inventor, a scientist or medical person that changed the way we deal with illness and injury, a person who campaigned and changed the way we treat other people.  Perhaps you could find out about significant people from our local area.

Record your research any way you like. You could write an information text, make a poster or leaflet, a PowerPoint presentation or give a talk.

Here are a few suggestions for significant people you might like to research, but there are many, many others…

William Wilberforce

Titus Salt

Florence Nightingale

John Logie Baird

Emmeline Pankhurst

Percy Shaw

George Stephenson

For this challenge I am looking for information about Significant People, not famous people. By that I mean people who have changed the world we live in, not just people that you have heard of who are famous for playing sport, music or being ‘influencers’.


Art Tuesday - Umbrellas

Click on the picture to find out about some of the history of umbrellas. 

Have a go at creating your own piece of umbrella art and filling in the 'space'. You could draw or use paint to create your new art piece - or if you have chalk and an outdoor area at home, create an art piece outside! 


Creative Monday - Marble Run

Click on the picture above to learn how to make your own marble run! 

If you don't have some of the materials, get creative! You can use a range of recyclable materials around from your house.



w/c 1st June 2020

Challenge Friday - The Teabag Challenge

You will need only 3 things for this challenge: a teabag, a cup and yourself!

 Can you successfully throw the teabag into the cup?

 What is the furthest distance you can throw it from? In the beginning, you may want to start closer to the cup and increase the distance as you build your confidence.

We look forward to seeing your teabag throwing skills!


Science Thursday - Parts of the Digestive System

The human body is very complex in how it works. The digestive system is one of those complex systems. Click the picture above to learn about how the digestive system works. Have a go at some of these worksheets to test out your new found knowledge.


Digestive system visual aid

Digestive system cut and stick

Digestive system labeling activity

Digestive system word search

Digestive system reading comprehension


Now that you have done the learning – see how it works! Create your own digestive system to see how food travels through the body! Click here to see how you can make your own digestive system!


Creative Mondays - Bubble Snake

Click on the picture for instructions on how to make your own bubble snakes! 



Tudor Timelines - 04.03.20

Today, we have started our learning journey on the Tudors. To begin with, this morning, we learnt about Richard III - who he was and why he was important. Using our inference skills, we decided that he was a mean man - his nephews were murdered in his care! 

After, we learnt about the 6 Tudor monarchs; Henry VII, Henry III, Edward VI, Lady Jane Grey (who only ruled for 9 days!), Mary I and Elizabeth I. We created our own timeline of events using meter sticks and added in other event that happened between 1485 and 1603.



Ice cream time! - 13.02.20

Today, we have looked at how liquids can become solids and what process it needs to go through. 

First, we each got a cup of milk and poured it into a bag. We added sugar and vanilla for some taste. 


Then, we used a bigger bag and filled it with 2 cups of ice. To the ice, we added salt. The salt causes a reaction with the ice and although it melts it slightly quicker, it stays colder for longer. 


After placing the bag of milk into the bag of ice, all that was left to do was shake it! We kept on shaking the bag for as long as possible. 



After a while, we were able to feel the milk solidifying - making our ice cream! 

Tomorrow we will have the joy of eating our own home made ice cream! Well done Class 4! 

Bus stop division - 13.02.20

This week, we have began to look at division in more detail. Well, it has been tough! There are so many steps to remember and it can all get a bit confusing! 

We have used our concrete materials (a mix of Base10, place value counters and even numicon!) to help us understand how and why we do bus stop division - going through questions as a class, in small groups, pairs and even trying some question independently! 

Although we are not 100% confident yet, I am sure we will be with a bit more practice! Well done Class 4!




Show and Tell

Right across school, Show and Tell is going to look a little different this year. It will be taking place every few weeks and will be organised into themes. Children should sign up to the theme they would like to present on and are encouraged to use PowerPoint presentations, posters, books and objects to design a carefully thought out presentation of information they would like to share. 

Our next Show and Tell theme is 'Photographs and pictures ' and it will take place on Thursday 27th February.

Children can sign up for Show and Tell in class. 

Pudsey library 07.02.20

Class 4 took a little trip back up to Pudsey library today. Although the weather was a bit cold, the children were super stars!

When we arrived at the library, the librarian Matthew told us what our task was: to re-create a Roald Dahl story using LEGO! The children worked in teams of 5 and discussed which story they wanted to make and then began to build!

Look at the fantastic settings the children made below! Can you guess which settings were created? 




Oh the drama! 14.01.20

In English, we have started to look at play scripts. The children were challenged with acting out a script in groups. They worked extremely well together, thinking about their actions, tones of voice and facial expressions. Well done Class 4! 


Solid, liquid or gas? - 07.01.20

Today, we looked at the different states of matter - solid, liquid and gases. We looked in detail at the particles that made up each state and how the particles moves, causing each state to either be a solid, liquid or a gas. The children worked in groups to replicate each state - with solid particles been compact with small vibrations but minimal movements, liquids have more space to moving and filling the space of the container they are in and gases filling up the entire space and moving freely. 

Can you guess which state of matter is below?

Pudsey Library - 26.11.19

Today, we took a walk in the drizzle up to Pudsey Library. While we were there, we learnt about different types of books and how they are aimed at certain groups of people. We found out how books in the library are organised and how to care for books. 

We even listened to a reading of 'Burgular Bill'!

After, we were all able to choose our own library book to take home and draw our memories of the library and books. It was a wonderful trip! 



Science Games! - 19.11.19

What a fantastic start to creating our own wire loop games! Last week, the children worked in pairs to design their own wire loop game, focusing on insulators and conductors and to help develop their understanding of complete circuits. Well, this week we started to build them! 

We focused solely on the bases, using creating shapes and designs to make our games unique and endearing.



WAGOLL 15.11.19

Finley and Nyla are our Class 4 WAGOLLs this week!

In science, we have started to design our own game. Finley and Nyla worked together so well, collaborating and discussing their ideas and then compromising to design a game that they were both happy with! Their discussions about which materials they would use and why was fantastic to hear as they were justifying their thoughts.

Superb effort this week to you both!


Show and Tell 8.11.19

Right across school, Show and Tell is going to look a little different this year. It will be taking place every two weeks and will be organised into themes. Children should sign up to the theme they would like to present on and are encouraged to use PowerPoint presentations, posters, books and objects to design a carefully thought out presentation of information they would like to share. 

Our next Show and Tell theme is linked to our Topic Work- the theme is 'Ancient' and it will take place on Thursday 14th November.


The children have been set their topic home learning for this term - to create an Egyptian artefact! Please see the link below to discover more about this home learning. Projects are due in 11th November.

Egyptian Topic Home Learning

TT Rockstars! - 8/10

A HUGE well done to all of the children who completed their TT Rockstar homelearning this week! 

Staying safe with online video games - 3/10

Over the last few weeks, we have been looking at staying safe online. This week, we looked at video games and talked about their PEGI (Pan European Game Information) ratings and why they had specific age ratings. The children then played an online safety game, where they had to think about how they would respond to online situations. The children showed great knowledge and understanding about how they can keep themselves safe online. 


Electrical Circuits - 1/10

This week, we looked at how electrical circuits work. The children were then challenged to light a bulb using a battery, two wires and a light bulb! 



After successfully lighting the bulb, the children had to look at a variety of circuit pictures and predict whether they were complete or incomplete. The children then built and tested each circuit to see if their prediction was correct! 


WAGOLL - 20/9

Ali is our Class Four WAGOLL this week!

Ali has shown himself to be a super mathematician this week.

When learning how to compare numbers, Ali listened carefully and followed the steps to help him succeed. He worked independently and pushed himself when working on the challenge question.

Ali’s attitude is fantastic. He embodies our school rules and shows that he is ready, respectful and safe.

What a great start to year 4 Ali!


WAGOLL - 20/9

 Our Class 4 WAGOLL this week is Joshua!

Joshua’s attitude towards everything and everyone is superb! He goes over and above to show that he is ready to learn and show respect to both adults and children around the school.

Joshua is also great at working in a team. When mummifying tomatoes this week, Joshua helped to support his partner in their learning and co-operated with them to take turns in mummifying their tomato. Even when their tomato lost its head, Joshua still persevered!

What a great attitude to have! Well done Joshua!    


Mummification! - 17/9

Today, the children learnt about the Ancient Egyptians mummification process.... by mummifying tomatoes! All of the children got involved and really stuck in! 

 First, we discussed what the tomatoes looked and felt like before the mummification process began. 


We cut into our tomatoes and scooped out their insides - just like the Egyptians! 


We then washed and filled our tomatoes with natron salt to help purify and absorb the moisture. 


Finally, we placed our tomatoes in a box and covered them with the natron salt. In 40 days, we will dig them out and wrap them! 


Meet the Teacher - 17/9

Thank you to those parents who were able to attend our Meet the Teacher event today - it was lovely to meet you properly!

Below is link to the PowerPoint used which includes key information that is relevant to you child this year. 

Please feel free to come and see me if you have any questions. 

Meet the teacher Presentation

WAGOLL - 13/9

Our first WAGOLL of the year is Isabelle! 

Isabelle has come back to school with an amazing attitude – she has been focused on her learning and has had a positive attitude to everything she has been given.

In topic, she created a wonderful map of Egypt’s key cities and attractions. After plotting on the River Nile, she looked at the distance between the different places and the Nile to help her recreate the map. Isabelle took great pride and perseverance with her map – which led to a fantastic piece of learning!

Well done Isabelle! 

Static Electricity - 10/9

We started looking at electricity today and talking about its uses. 

Before we started, each group were given a balloon and a piece of tissue. Their task: to move the tissue using the balloon, without them touching. The children worked well together to try and get the tissue to move. There were balloons being swung around, a few blows of breath and even whacking the tissue with the balloon! Eventually, the children found that rubbing the balloon against their jumper would cause the tissue to move when it was raised above it - but why? 

We talked about static electricity and how the particles in the balloon become negatively charged when rubbed against woolen fabrics, it becomes attracted to objects with positively charged particles such as hair and tissue - this is why the balloon was attracted to the tissue! 

The children all had great fun with their discovery task and even tried to see how many objects would negatively charge the balloon!