Class 4 Blog
Musical Notation in Year 4
We have been learning about musical notation in music this week. We learned about semibreves, minims, crochets, quavers and semi quavers, as well as the notation for a rest! This was us having a go at chanting the beats for each note in the song, before we had a go on the glockenspiels.
Our Learning in March
Key Stage Two were visited by a Parliament expert this week who came to tell us all about how the Houses of Parliament work. We learnt about the House of Commons and the House of Lords and discovered that they help make decisions about important things such as health, housing and education. We now know that our local MP represents us in Parliament and is the person to speak to if we want to suggest a new law. The children did a fantastic job of demonstrating how a bill becomes a law. Well done Key Stage Two!
Our Learning in January & February
Class 4 have connected with lots of people this Children's Mental Health Week. First we began by making a puzzle piece to represent ourselves and connected them together to create a beautiful piece of class art. We then came together with Class 3 for our Well Being Wednesday activities where we wrote a letter to a special someone, made kindness tokens to give away and then had a colouring dance party!
Our Learning in December
Class 4 have been learning all about Risk in PSHE this term. We have looked at how to stay safe while playing different games online and have discovered why different games have different ratings. We also have thought carefully about Road Safety. Class 4 researched different methods to help us stay safe on roads and designed road safety posters to help everyone stay safe.
Our Learning in November
Class 4 did some beautiful poppy art on Friday for Remembrance Day. The task took a great deal of focus and concentration and they are really proud of the pieces they produced. Well done Class 4, I can't wait to see more of your artistic talents! Class 4 also produced some beautiful firework art using mixed mediums. the end result was really very impressive!
Our Learning in October
Class 4 have continued to amaze me with their wonderful learning this month! We have been able to try so many different things and experiment in other subjects to enhance our learning!
We thoroughly enjoyed our Harvest Topic
Day today! We made corn dollies, chopped vegetables for our vegetable stew and made some beautiful harvest collages.
I am so proud of Class 4 for trying the vegetable stew we made as part of our Harvest Festival learning. Everyone in our class had a least a little taste - some children even had 3 whole helpings! Inside our stew was carrots, onions, parsnips, potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower. Well done on the brilliant chopping and peeling everyone!
Class 4 began to build and experiment with circuits, questioning what materials will allow electricity to pass through them (conductors), and which would not (insulators). Many children managed to classify different materials and some even managed to build their own switches in their circuits. Can you spot what the children used as their switch to allow, and prevent, the flow of electricity through their circuits?
Our Learning in September
Class 4 have got off to an amazing start in their learning this year. It has been so fantastic getting to know all our learners and I have so enjoyed discovering the personalities of the people in Class 4!
We have thrown ourselves into our Rainforest Topic and Class 4 loved their Hook - I'm A Year 4 Get Me Out Of Here! We stuck our hands in the mystery box and discovered lots of items and foods that come from the rainforest. Some items were really suprising! Did you know that we would not have tyres without the rainforest? Did you know that lots of medicines come from the rainforest?
In science, we have been investigating electricity. We have discovered what electricity is, how it moves and where it comes from. We will begin building circuits and investigating insulators and conductors of electricity this week. Class 4 loved looking at the website to find out how to keep themselves safe when using electricity.