Class 3 Blog
Mrs Griffen has created a comprehensive list of SEND resources, documents and websites to help support your child's individualised learning at home. Click the picture below.
Thank you everyone who is posting their news, photos and videos on Class Dojo - it's fantastic to see how busy you are and to share the lovely things you've been doing! Keep them coming - Myself, Mrs Haw, Miss Hall, Miss Wiechula and Mrs Naylor are so proud of you all! Stay safe and keep learning! Love Mrs Wyles
This summer, once again, you can join in with the Summer Reading Challenge! Many of you have taken part in previous years and have loved being a part of it.
Click on the image to sign up for an online library membership where you can access 100s of free e-books from BorrowBox (Leeds Library); play games; complete challenges and collect rewards! Enjoy!
Week Beginning 13th July 2020
Science Experiment Wednesday!
Have a go at one (or two - or all!) of these science experiments - think carefully about what happens and why.
Maths Tuesday - Emoji Code Breaker
Can you crack these Emoji codes using your super maths skills?
The numbers get bigger with each page - which ones can you solve?
Creative Monday - Balloon Powered Vehicles
Get creative by building your own balloon powered vehicles. Click the picture above to learn how to do this - or create your own!
This week's reading focuses on summarising and the skills needed to sum up a text.
Find out more about summarising here.
Have a go at these texts below to put these skills into action:
Click here to see the spelling patterns and Common Exception Words (Red Words) for this half term.
This week we look at dictionary skills.
Click here for a range of activities that focuses on using dictionary skills.
Recap your red words from this half term using your favourite method. Some activity ideas can be found here.
Writing - Summarising your school year
Write a recount of your (shortened!) time in Year 3.
What did you enjoy most? Which are the most memorable events? What have you learned? What did you find difficult? What are you proud of? Who did you enjoy working and playing with? How are you feeling about moving into Year 4?
Maths - Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs)
Use your super maths knowledge to help solve this maths puzzle - can you find out who took all the towels?!
White Rose Maths
This week's WRM lessons can be found below. They focus on capacity, pictograms and bar charts:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Links to the videos can be found here.
Week Beginning 6th July 2020
Challenge Friday - Balancing Act
Have a go at these balancing acts - time yourself to see how long you can hold each pose!
Maths Thursday - Venn Diagrams
Venn diagrams can provide a wide range of information - this one shows the similarities and differences between whales and fish. Click on the picture to find out more about venn diagrams and how you can create your own!
Here are the activity sheets:
Database cards for venn diagram
Interpreting data questions 1* 2* 3*
History Wednesday - The Battle of Hastings
The Battle of Hastings was an important event in British history. Learn about the battle by clicking the image above.
The Bayeux Tapestry told the event leading up to the Battle of Hastings and is an intricate piece of art. Learn about the Bayeux Tapestry here.
Here are a few activities that you may want to try:
- Write a newspaper report retelling the events of the Battle of Hastings.
- Create your own historical storyboard of the battle.
- Read more about the battle here.
- Match up the events with the Bayeux Tapestry with these cards.
- Create your own Bayeux tapestry – it could be about an event in your life!
- Research William the Conqueror (or use this PowerPoint here) – create a poster about him.
RE Tuesday - Hinduism
Hinduism is a huge faith - and there is not just 1 right way to be a Hindu. This week, we will look at who founded the Hindu faith and where, as well as their many beliefs.
Click on the picture above to find out more about the Hindu faith.
Click here for the Hindu creation story.
Here are a range of activities you might like to try (you do not have to do them all!):
- Create your own fact cards about the Hindu Gods.
- Retell the Hindu creation story in a comic strip or story board.
- Hindu creation story Word search
- Hindu Word search
- Hindu Quiz cards
Creative Monday - Optical Illusion drawings
Have a go at creating your own optical illusion drawing - it looks 3D, but it is flat!
Click on the picture to watch a step by step video on how to create your own.
Click on the links below for some short texts that your children may enjoy reading, and some questions to help them with their reading comprehension skills. You do not need to print the texts, children can read from the screen and either answer the questions orally, or write answers on any paper that you have to hand. Answers are on page 2 of the short texts, and follow the questions on the longer text.
A parents' guide is included for the '60-second reads', this explains the reading skills that children will be using to answer the questions such as retrieval, vocabulary, inference etc. Although the characters used by Twinkl are different from the 'VIPERS' we use at school, the skills are the same and children are familiar with the names of each reading skill.
There is also a longer reading comprehension about the Romans. There are 3 versions of the text and questions. The * text is the beginning level, appropriate for most of our Class 3 children the ** and *** have increasing levels of challenge for those who wish to stretch themselves.
Parents Guide - 60 second reads
Longer reading text – The Romans text Questions and answers
Click here to see the spelling patterns and Common Exception Words (Red Words) for this half term.
This week we look at changing tenses.
Click here for an activity that focuses on tense change.
Practice this week's red words using your favourite method. Some activity ideas can be found here.
busy business island
Writing - The Romans
Imagine you are a Roman soldier and write a diary entry about your journey from Rome to England.
Write a persuasive speech to the Roman Emperor asking for work in his city.
Write an explanation about how the Romans affected England when they came.
Write a description of one of the famous Roman buildings such as the Colosseum.
Maths - Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs)
Find 10 or 100 more or less than a number to 1000
Click on the links for some resources to help you learn and practice finding 10 or 100 more than a number to 1000:
White Rose Maths
This week's WRM lessons can be found below. They focus on mass and capacity:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Links to the videos can be found here.
Week Beginning 29th June 2020
Challenge Friday - Float your boat!
This challenge is about having fun and making the best boat you can to hold different weights.
Create your own boat using only tin foil, or click the picture above for some guidance to help you.
You can design and assess your boat with this sheet here.
Maths Thursday - Pictograms and bar charts
Pictograms and bar charts represent a set of data. Pictograms use pictures and bar charts use bars!
Have a go at learning about both below:
Pictogram questions - 1* 2* 3*
Bar Charts
Bar Chart questions - 1* 2* 3*
Geography Wednesday - Countries and cities in the UK
Learn about the different countries that make up the United Kingdom as well as learning about different cities within.
Have a go at labeling the cities here - you may want to use this map to help support you.
Why not give directions from one city to another? Click here to give it a try.
RE Tuesday - Buddhism
Buddhism is one of the 5 major religions on Earth.
Click on the picture above to find out more about Buddhism.
You can learn more about Buddhism below:
The beginning of Buddhism reading comprehension
The beginning of Buddhism reading comprehension answers
Here are a range of activities you might like to try (you do not have to do them all!):
Retell the Story of Buddha in a comic strip or story board.
Find some facts about India and record them in a fact file.
Design your own Buddhist temple.
Try meditating.
Make your own lotus origami flower decoration.
Create a poster on one of the following:
o The Five Buddhist Morals
o The Four Noble Truths
o Buddhist symbols
o Buddhist Worship
o Or another area of Buddhism you are interested in!
Creative Monday - Musical Instruments
It is time to get creative by making your own musical instrument!
Click on the picture above to find out how to make your own guitar or a water xylophone!
Click on the links below for some short texts that your children may enjoy reading, and some questions to help them with their reading comprehension skills. You do not need to print the texts, children can read from the screen and either answer the questions orally, or write answers on any paper that you have to hand. Answers are on page 2 of the short texts, and follow the questions on the longer text.
A parents' guide is included for the '60-second reads', this explains the reading skills that children will be using to answer the questions such as retrieval, vocabulary, inference etc. Although the characters used by Twinkl are different from the 'VIPERS' we use at school, the skills are the same and children are familiar with the names of each reading skill.
There is also a longer reading comprehension about the Egyptians. There are 3 versions of the text and questions. The * text is the beginning level, appropriate for most of our Class 3 children the ** and *** have increasing levels of challenge for those who wish to stretch themselves.
Parents Guide - 60 second reads
An extract from Howard Carter’s Diary
Longer comprehension – Tutankhamun
Click here to see the spelling patterns and Common Exception Words (Red Words) for this half term.
This week we look at proofreading.
Look at the sentences - can you correct the mistake?
Practise this week's red words using your favourite method. Some activity ideas can be found here.
occasion pressure suppose
Writing - The Egyptians
Draw and label an Egyptian Pyramid. Write short explanation paragraphs about each part of the pyramid.
Write a mystery story set in Ancient Egypt.
Research and write a report about one of the pharaohs.
Write a dramatic news report about the discovery of an ancient Egyptian artefact.
Maths - Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs)
Count in multiples of 50 and 100 to 1,000.
Click on the links for some resources to help you learn and practice counting in multiples of 50 and 100:
Count in 50's Worksheet Answers
Count in 100's Worksheet Answers
White Rose Maths
This week's WRM lessons can be found below. They focus on 2D and 3D shapes, with a session on time:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Links to the videos can be found here.
Week Beginning 22nd June 2020
Challenge Friday - Water Bucket Challenge
Today's challenge is best when completed OUTDOORS - so remember your sun cream - it is hot, hot, hot!
For this challenge, you will need 2 buckets or containers (1 filled with water and 1 empty) and a cup or sponge (sponge is more fun!)
Place the containers at least 2m apart. The aim of the challenge is to get all of the water from one container to the other, as quickly as possibly without moving the containers!
How fast can you transfer ALL the water from 1 container to the other?
Maths Thursday - Adding and subtracting cm
Length is an important measurement; millimetres, centimetres and metres are all measurements we often use.
Click on the picture to have a try at adding and subtracting cm.
Below is an activity for you to have a go at - but, be careful of the aliens!
Alien addition and subtraction CM - 1*
Alien addition and subtraction CM - 2*
Alien addition and subtraction CM - 3*
History Wednesday - The Titanic
In 1912, the Titanic set sail from Southampton in the UK to New York, however, it never made it there.
Click on the image above to find out what the Titanic was and what happened to it. There are links on some of the pages - use them to expand your knowledge! You can also find out more with these fact cards!
Have a go at some of the activities below:
Write a newspaper report on the Titanic and the events that happened
Find out about Captain Smith here - do you think he was responsible for what happened? Write a persuasive letter/ create a poster that explains your thoughts.
Science Tuesday - Mighty Muscles
Click on the picture to watch a video which explains how our muscles and skeleton work together to help us move our body parts.
Then look at the PowerPoint to find out more.
These activity sheets show different movements that your body can do, can you predict which muscles you will use?
Creative Monday - Shadow Drawing
Click on the picture to find a range of shadow art ideas for you to have a go at!
Click on the links below for some short texts that your children may enjoy reading, and some questions to help them with their reading comprehension skills. You do not need to print the texts, children can read from the screen and either answer the questions orally, or write answers on any paper that you have to hand. Answers are on page 2 of the short texts, and follow the questions on the longer text.
A parents' guide is included for the '60-second reads', this explains the reading skills that children will be using to answer the questions such as retrieval, vocabulary, inference etc. Although the characters used by Twinkl are different from the 'VIPERS' we use at school, the skills are the same and children are familiar with the names of each reading skill.
There is also a longer reading comprehension about the Stone Age. There are 3 versions of the text and questions. The * text is the beginning level, appropriate for most of our Class 3 children the ** and *** have increasing levels of challenge for those who wish to stretch themselves.
Parents Guide - 60 second reads
Longer comprehension - Stone Age
Click here to see the spelling patterns and Common Exception Words (Red Words) for this half term.
This week we look at homophones.
Practise this week's red words using your favourite method. Some activity ideas can be found here.
heard earth increase
Writing - The Stone Age
Write instructions for how to build a Stone Age home.
Write a description of a woolly mammoth.
Write a recount of a day in the life of a Stone Age person.
Write a recipe for making Stone Age Soup.
Maths - Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs)
Halving multiples of 10 to 200.
Click on the links for some resources to help you learn and practice halving multiples of 10 to 200:
You could also try making some halving hands:
White Rose Maths
This week's WRM lessons can be found below. They focus on angles and lines:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Links to the videos can be found here.
Week Beginning 15th June 2020
Challenge Friday - Learn a dance
Today's challenge is all about having fun! The cha-cha slide is a fun dance where the lyrics tell you the moves, but don't be afraid to put your own twist on them! Learn part of it - or all if you want to!
We look forward to seeing your awesome moves!
Maths Thursday - Comparing angles
Angles are all around us - from stairs and door frames to windows and clocks. But knowing the different types of angles is important.
Click the picture above to refresh yourself on the different angles we see and how clocks show them everyday.
Have a go at some of the activities below:
Compare the angles on the picture
Compare angles mastery (answers)
Geography Wednesday - European Flags
Can you find out what the flags of different European countries look like? Click on the picture of the flag to find the activity sheet.
Why not have a go at researching one of the European countries and creating a fact file about it?
Science Tuesday - Functions of a skeleton
The different bones in our bodies do different jobs. Click on the skull to find out more.
Try the activity sheets to help this knowledge stick, or you could write a paragraph or list to show which bones have which function.
Creative Monday - Origami
Origami is the Japanese art of ‘folding paper’.
It is great for hand-eye co-ordination as well as lots of other skills.
Click the link here to find out how to make your own origami animals.
Click on the links below for some short texts that your children may enjoy reading, and some questions to help them with their reading comprehension skills. You do not need to print the texts, children can read from the screen and either answer the questions orally, or write answers on any paper that you have to hand. Answers are on page 2 of the short texts, and follow the questions on the longer text.
A parents' guide is included for the '60-second reads', this explains the reading skills that children will be using to answer the questions such as retrieval, vocabulary, inference etc. Although the characters used by Twinkl are different from the 'VIPERS' we use at school, the skills are the same and children are familiar with the names of each reading skill.
There is also a longer reading comprehension about the rainforest. There are 3 versions of the text and questions. The * text is the beginning level, appropriate for most of our Class 3 children the ** and *** have increasing levels of challenge for those who wish to stretch themselves.
Parents Guide - 60 second reads
The Ultimate Jungle Survival Guide
Longer reading comprehension - Rainforest Calling
Click here to see the spelling patterns and Common Exception Words (Red Words) for this half term.
This week we look at homophones.
Click the homophone link here to learn about homophones.
Practise this week's red words using your favourite method. Some activity ideas can be found here.
group natural material
Writing - The Rainforest
Write a report about one of the incredible creatures that inhabit the rainforest.
Write a story set in a rainforest.
Write instructions for how to build a shelter in a rainforest.
Write a newspaper article about protecting the rainforest.
Write a persuasive letter or poster to encourage people to protect the rainforest.
Maths - Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs)
Halving numbers to 20
Click on the links for some resources to help you learn and practice halving number to 20.
Halving number to 20 PowerPoint
White Rose Maths
This week's WRM lessons can be found below. They focus on ordering, adding and subtracting fractions:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Links to the videos can be found here.
Already done these lessons? You can find alternative lessons below which focus on perimeter:
Week Beginning 8th June 2020
Challenge Friday - Newspaper constructions
All you will need for today's challenge is 6 sheets of newspaper and some tape or string.
Have a go at creating a one (or more!) of the structure below - or create your own!
- What is the tallest tower you can build from 6 sheets of newspaper. Can your tower support the weight of a small beanie toy?
- Can you make a bridge at least 30 centimetres long that will support 8 toy cars?
- Can you build a table from newspaper that will support the weight of 5 books?
- Can you build a structure large enough to sit inside?
Maths Thursday - Types of angles
Click on the picture to learn about the different types of angles and their properties. There are 3 main angle types that we look at; acute angles, right angles and obtuse angles - do you know the difference?
Click the links for some activities to help you learn more about angles:
Historical Wednesday - Significant People
Find out about a significant person in British History.
What did they do that was important and changed the way that people live? Can you explain what they did and why it was important? Find out a bit about their background; when and where did they live? What was it that led them to do what they did?
You could research an inventor, a scientist or medical person that changed the way we deal with illness and injury, a person who campaigned and changed the way we treat other people. Perhaps you could find out about significant people from our local area.
Record your research any way you like. You could write an information text, make a poster or leaflet, a PowerPoint presentation or give a talk.
Here are a few suggestions for significant people you might like to research, but there are many, many others…
William Wilberforce
Titus Salt
Florence Nightingale
John Logie Baird
Emmeline Pankhurst
Percy Shaw
George Stephenson
For this challenge I am looking for information about Significant People, not famous people. By that I mean people who have changed the world we live in, not just people that you have heard of who are famous for playing sport, music or being ‘influencers’.
Science Tuesday - Naming Bones
Click on the picture to find out about the different bones in the human body.
Click on the links for some activities to help you remember the names and positions of the bones in your body.
Scientific Bone Names Labelling
If you have chalk and an outdoor area, lie on the ground and ask a helper to draw around you with the chalk. Then you could draw in each of your bones, and label them.
Creative Monday - Marble Run
Click on the picture above to learn how to make your own marble run!
If you don't have some of the materials, get creative! You can use a range of recyclable materials around from your house.
Click on the links below for some short texts that your children may enjoy reading, and some questions to help them with their reading comprehension skills. You do not need to print the texts, children can read from the screen and either answer the questions orally, or write answers on any paper that you have to hand. Answers are on page 2 of the short texts, and follow the questions on the longer text.
A parents' guide is included for the '60-second reads', this explains the reading skills that children will be using to answer the questions such as retrieval, vocabulary, inference etc. Although the characters used by Twinkl are different from the 'VIPERS' we use at school, the skills are the same and children are familiar with the names of each reading skill.
There is also a longer reading comprehension about World Religions. There are 3 versions of the text and questions. The * text is the beginning level, appropriate for most of our Class 3 children the ** and *** have increasing levels of challenge for those who wish to stretch themselves.
Parents Guide - 60 second reads
Click here to see the spelling patterns and Common Exception Words (Red Words) for this half term.
This week we look at the 'u' sound spelt 'ou'
Some words that have the 'u' sound spelt 'ou' are:
young enough touch double country.
Below are some activities to practise words with this spelling:
Practise this week's red words using your favourite method. Some activity ideas can be found here.
straight strange forward
Writing - Religions
Here are some ideas for writing activities linked to religions:
Write an information text about a religious festival such as Diwali, Christmas or Eid.
Write an invitation to a celebration.
Retell a story from one of the religions, such as the story of Rama and Sita or the story of Moses and the Burning Bush.
Maths - Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs)
Number bonds to 100 using bar models and part-whole models
Click on the links for some resources to help you learn and practice your number bonds to 100.
Number bonds to 100 using part-whole model
Number bonds to 100 using bar model
Hit the button - Number bonds to 100
White Rose Maths
This week's WRM lessons can be found below. They focus on equivalent fractions:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Links to the videos can be found here.
Already done these lessons? You can find alternative lessons below which focus on length:
Week Beginning 1st June 2020
Challenge Friday - The Teabag Challenge
You will need only 3 things for this challenge: a teabag, a cup and yourself!
Can you successfully throw the teabag into the cup?
What is the furthest distance you can throw it from? In the beginning, you may want to start closer to the cup and increase the distance as you build your confidence.
We look forward to seeing your teabag throwing skills!
Maths Thursday - Angles and turns
Learn about the link between turns and angles and how we use some of the language in everyday life by clicking on the picture.
You can put your new knowledge to the test in a range of ways; why not have a try at the worksheets below? You could even create your own map with direction or direct another family member around the house using your new skills!
Geography Wednesday - Capitals and Countries
Can you find out, learn and remember the capital cities of some of the countries in Europe? Then as an extra challenge, you could learn the names of the capital cities of some of the other countries in the world too. Click the picture for an activity sheet to help you if you wish. Quiz your family to see if they know their capitals, or get them to quiz you every few days to see which you can remember!
Science Tuesdays - Skeletons
Find out about different types of skeleton by clicking on the picture below.
You could try the skeleton sorting activity provided on the link, or you could write or draw groups of animals which have endo skeletons, exoskeletons or hydrostatic skeletons.
Creative Mondays - Bubble Snake
Click on the picture for instructions on how to make your own bubble snakes!
Click on the links below for some short texts that your children may enjoy reading, and some questions to help them with their reading comprehension skills. You do not need to print the texts, children can read from the screen and either answer the questions orally, or write answers on any paper that you have to hand. Answers are on page 2 of the short texts, and follow the questions on the longer text.
A parents' guide is included for the '60-second reads', this explains the reading skills that children will be using to answer the questions such as retrieval, vocabulary, inference etc. Although the characters used by Twinkl are different from the 'VIPERS' we use at school, the skills are the same and children are familiar with the names of each reading skill.
There is also a longer reading comprehension about South America. There are 3 versions of the text and questions. The * text is the beginning level, appropriate for most of our Class 3 children the ** and *** have increasing levels of challenge for those who wish to stretch themselves.
Parents Guide - 60 second reads
Longer reading comprehension – South America
Click here to see the spelling patterns and Common Exception Words (Red Words) for this half term.
This week we will recap the different red words we have looked at so far.
Find the list of red words we have looked at here.
Practise this week's red words using your favourite method. Some activity ideas can be found here.
exercise experience experiment
Writing - America
Here are some ideas for writing activities linked to America:
Write a postcard
You are on holiday somewhere in America. Write a postcard to someone telling them all about it!
Write a letter to a pen-friend in America.
You can tell them all about where you live and ask questions about their home.
Write a list of things that you need to take on holiday.
Write a journey planner for a trip around America.
Maths - Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs)
Number bonds to 100
Click on the links for some resources to help you lear*.
8n and practice your number bonds to 100.
Number bonds to 100 activity book
White Rose Maths
This week's WRM lessons can be found below:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Links to the videos can be found here.
Already done these lessons? You can find alternative lessons below:
Week Beginning 25th May 2020
This week is May half term - take a break, relax, have some fun and enjoy the spring sunshine.
A huge thank you and well done to our Year 3 families for all the support and encouragement that you have given your children with their home learning - and thank you for sharing your children's learning on ClassDojo. It's so lovely to be able to have some, albeit limited contact whilst we cannot be together in school. New home learning activities will be posted weekly and daily from Monday 1st June. Happy holiday!
Here are a few ideas to keep you busy over the break if you fancy trying them.
New Styles for Mrs Wyles
The hairdressers’ salon is shut,
But I’m needing a colour and cut,
Please design me some hair
That I can proudly wear
Instead of this mop on my nut!
Learn Some Life Skills – and be a helpful family member
Learn to make a bed – Can you put on the sheet, the pillow case, the duvet cover?
Can you make your bed look smooth and tidy?
Practise folding clothes neatly, pairing and rolling socks.
Can you help with pegging out the washing neatly?
Learn how to sweep or vacuum a floor.
If you can’t do it yet, please, please, please – learn to tie your shoe laces!!! Good and tight!!!
Make a junk model
Build a monster, machine or magical palace. (or anything else you think of!)
No fancy craft materials are allowed! Use just old boxes and packets, bits of string and wool, those net bags that fruit comes in, cardboard tubes, crisp packets, yoghurt pots etc. The only new stuff should be tape or glue. What can you create?
Click here to view Class 3 Blog Posts from 2019