Class 3 Blog 2016-2017
Thursday 13th July: We've got the blues!
Your bus is late.... YOU'VE GOT THE BLUES! You loose the football..... YOU'VE GOT THE BLUES! This week is music week and Class 3 have been learning all about The Blues. We have watched and listened to music by Muddy Waters,Howlin' Wolf and Leadbelly then came up with our own Blues names. Next, we wrote our own blues songs, such as Clean Your face Blues, then performed them live with the piano. We definitely had our mojo working this week! Click here to play some great games.
Tuesday 11th July: Whitby
Today we visited Whitby where we visited Byron Blessed at his shop, Natural Wonders. Byron (who is a paleontologist) then took us to the beach and helped us discover some amazing fossils. It was a great day, finished off nicely with an ice cream and dip in the pool!
Friday 7th July: Edita's Masterpiece
This is Edita's wonderful landscape of Whitby. She completed it in pencil and ink before finishing the artwork with water colours. Well done Edita!
Friday 30th June 2017: We are the engineers of the future!
As part of STEM week, Class 3 have been set the task of designing a machine that could pull fossils from the beach to the top of a cliff. The machine had to be powered by the wind. The children worked in small teams and there was lots of discussing, problem solving. In the end, all the children showed there inventive sides and there were machines with propellers, pulleys, weights and sails. A big well done to this week's WAGOLLs; Fizah, Summer and Mia for their successful design!
Friday 23rd June 2017: Ruby the travel agent!
Ruby may have a future career working in tourism and leisure. See her amazing advert for Whitby. It is full of persuasive language and techniques to convince you to spend your holiday in the famous North Yorkshire seaside town.
Friday 16th June 2017: Crafty Dominic
Check out this amazing Fathers Day Card, made by Dominic. He was a superstar, helping all his friends to make these wonderful cards.
Friday 9th June 2017
Hannah is this week's WAGOLL for the huge effort she gave when swimming. It was Hannah’s first time with school and she showed lots of determination and bravery.
Friday 26th May: Check out Riley's Ironman!
This is Riley's illustration of 'The Ironman'. It is OUTSTANDING!
Friday 19th May 2017: Newsflash.... Iron Man Strikes Fear Into Farmers
Check out Brayden's amazing newspaper report based on The Iron Man, by Ted Hughes.
Friday 12th May: Lilly, what time is it?
Well done Lilly-Jo. You are the WAGOLL this week for your amazing maths work. You have been telling the time on an analogue clock then used this skill to tell the time on a 24 hour digital clock. Great work Lilly-Jo!!
Friday 21st April 2017- Fun Run!
The class ran laps of the school grounds today, to raise money towards their summer trip to Whitby. I was really pleased with their Yorkshire grit and determination and so proud to see them (inspired by the Brownlee brothers) helping and encouraging on another. most children ran 3 laps which is nearly 2km!!
Friday 21st April 2017- Super work from Daniel!
Daniel is the WAGOLL this week for his attitude towards his work. He has really worked hard the past few weeks showing us all his perseverance and determination to get a job done to the best of his abilities. He is working hard, giving 100% and not letting anything distract him. I am so proud of how well he is doing!
Friday 28th April 2017- Jamie is this week's WAGOLL.
Jamie is this week's WAGOLL for the huge improvement with his handwriting. He has been working hard at home and in class and has made a 100% improvement in his writing. You should be really proud of yourself Jamie!
Friday 21st April 2017- Musical Maestros!!
Jack and Matilda have been mini-maestros this week and wowed us all with their musical ability. They have been playing 3 Blind Mice, with Jack on the recorder and accompaniment from Matilda on the glockenspiel. Listen to it here!
Thursday 20th April 2017- The Pied Piper of Hamelin
This week we have been learning the poem, ‘The Pied Piper of Hamelin by Robert Browning’. We have read the first few verses and used a glossary to discover what some of the words mean. We used the clues in the poem to draw a picture of the Pied Piper and used the computers to find out lots of facts about the town of Hamelin. We have even used recorders to play 3 Blind Mice so if you ever have a rat problem at home, you know what to do! To find out more click here.
Friday 24th March 2017: We loved visiting the library!
Class 3 really enjoyed visiting Leeds Cental Library on Friday. We met the historians who told us all about the history of Leeds. We found out how the main streets of Headrow and Briggate have changed over the years by using old maps and newspapers. We also discovered that the town hall was opened by Queen Victoria in 1858 and the big celebrations in Leeds the day she came to town.
Friday 17th March 2017: Kian is today's WAGOLL!
Well done Kian, you are this week’s WAGOLL for your hard work and positive attitude. You come in to school with a smile every day, ready to give it 100%. You have been working hard at home and this has really helped you achieve all your targets with Mrs Smith. Keep this up Kian; you truly are a Swinnow Superstar!
Thursday 10th March 2017: Owl Spotting!
Class 3 have had a terrific trip into Leeds City Centre. We walked all over the town looking at the different buildings and spotting the owls. We have counted over thirty on buildings, windows and gates all over, and did over 12, 000 steps in the process! PHEW! We then visited the city museum and found out lots of facts about the history of Leeds, for example; did you know, Leeds was known as Leodis in the past? We returned to school by train and all agreed the day had been 100% fantastic!
Thursday 2nd March 2017: World Book Day!
Class 3 really made the world of books come alive today. The costumes were amazing. We had an assortment of characters from the Roald Dahl books, a Flat Stanley and a couple of Harry Potters among others. It was a huge effort and we were thoroughly impressed!
Thursday 2nd March 2017: Bed Time Stories!
Bedtime came early today when we stayed behind to listen to some of our favourite stories. We listened to Georges Marvellous Medicine and Revolting Rhymes! We all agreed that it was great!
Monday 27th February 2017: Meet the author!
Class 3 were truly inspired by real life author, Donna Iliffe Pollard. She brought in her book about alliens called 'The Squizzle' and encouraged the children to get creative by inventing new characters for a book. There is a competition for the children to work in teams to write a new story. Good luck guys!
Friday 24th February 2017 - Ariya will get you there on time!
We won't get lost with Ariya in our class! He has proved to be a superstar this week, using a timetable to plan our journey in to Leeds, working out the cost of the trip and how long it would take. With Ariya's support, Class 3 have found out that the train would be the best option as it is both quicker and cheaper.
Friday 10th February 2017 - Ways to be happy
WOW!!! Lucas has worked extremely hard this week to make a wonderful leaflet all about being happy! It is beautifully presented and full of many useful tips which will help us all smile! These are Lucas' 10 Top Tips to stay happy!
Perhaps you could meditate because it makes you think happy thoughts.
Maybe try laughing more often then you’ll be happy.
Why don’t you eat healthier food?
Experience the sun so you get vitamin D.
Consider exercise, it releases endorphins in to the brain.
Socialise and help other people who need help.
When people help you, try to say thank you.
Try getting more rest; it will refresh your mind.
Aim for a goal and learn something new.
Try giving a gift, it might make you happy.
Friday 10th February 2017 - Homework- Roald Dahl
Please click here to download the homework.
To coincide with Book Week (week beginning 27th February) this term's homework has a Roald Dahl theme.
Homework needs to be returned by Monday 6th March.
Thursday 9th February 2017 – Seymour Bones
We have a new member of our class this week who has been teaching us all about our skeleton. We have learned that the skeleton is for protection, support and movement. We have also been learning lots of scientific names for different bones.
Wednesday 8th February 2017 – Don't listen to your Inner Chimp!
"You can do it!! Have a go!! I'm going to do my best!!" These are some of the things you could hear in Class 3 this week as the children learned what to do if they face a challenge as part of 'Children's Mental Health Week'. We learned not to listen to the Inner Chimp who tells us we can't do it! The children now know what it means to be 'resilient' and not to give up or be downhearted if they find something difficult.
Tuesday 7th February 2017 – Powerful Passwords 
As part of Safer Internet Day, Class 3 have learned all about having a safe password. We found out that a good password must be memorable and at least 8 characters long. It also should include a capital letter, number and a symbol. Click here to check how secure your password is!
Friday 3rd February 2017 – Dr Lizzie!
Well done Lizzie! You have been a real whizz at learning the names of different bones in the human body. I l love your fabulous labelled diagram of a skeleton. Great work!
Friday 27th January 2017 – Check out Shay's amazing writing!
We are very pleased with Shay's writing this week, he fully deserves to be the WAGOLL. He has written two marvellous descriptions of characters he invented for a myth. Please take some time to read all about Octosquirt the Seamonster and Margaret the Mermaid!
Thursday 26th January 2017 – The Digestive System!
Class 3 have been really 'grossed out' today while finding about the digestive system with the help of a banana, a can of coca-cola and a pair of tights. They have found out how food travels through the body and used lots of scientific words like oesophagus and intestines!
Check out this link to find out more!
Friday 20th January 2017 – Marley, the handwriting queen!
WOW!!! Marley has blown the socks off Mr Emmett and Mrs Smith with her handwriting. With lots of hard work and perseverance, Marley’s writing has transformed in to a wonderful, cursive style that lot’s of older children would be proud of! Keep it up Marley, we are very proud!