Class 2 Blog 2017-18
Week beginning Monday 2nd July
What a week and what an assembly! We are so proud of all the children in Class 2 for a fantastic sharing assembly on Wednesday. Thank you to all the Parents and family members who were able to attend.
Week beginning Monday 25th June
On Tuesday we had a wonderful trip to Rodley Nature Reserve. The children had a fantastic time- pond dipping, bird watching and exploring the natural habitat of the local wildlife.
The staff at the reserve commented on how they thought that Class 2 were the best class they had ever had there! We are so proud of them all.
Week beginning Monday 18th June
We have been playing lots of different Times Table games this week, follow the link below to have a go at home...
We have had P.E with Mrs Lilley this week, have a look at some of the different skills we have been working on...
Week beginning Monday 4th June
Roll up, roll up the circus is in town! Year 2's focus for the beginning of this half term is 'The Big Top' we have been discussing all the different performers that you might find at the Circus and how they might entertain the audience. We even imagined ourselves as Circus performers, it seems we have some budding fire eaters and lion tamers among us...!
We have started Outdoor Learning sessions again this week with Miss Crowther, she was absolutely amazed by the teamwork and effort shown by Year 2 during this weeks session. Take a look at The Centenary Garden to see all their hard work.
Thank you for all the homework that has been returned to school this week, it has been wonderful to see all the exciting things that the children have been doing during the half term.
Week beginning Monday 30th April
We are so proud of each and every child in Class 2! We had a super trip out on Tuesday to M&S Archives, each child behaved wonderfully and showed fantastic manners to all around them.
Have a look at the photos below to see what a great time we had...
Week beginning Monday 23rd April
Information from the SATs meeting on Wednesday. If you have any queries or questions please see Mrs Bell or Mrs Walker.
Examples of past KS1 SATs papers
On Tuesday 1st May we will be going on a trip to M&S company archives. Please see the letter below- a hard copy will be sent home on Thursday.
This week our WAGOLL is...
We are proud of Toren has tried hard to improve his handwriting and to use exciting vocabulary in his work. Well done Toren!
Week beginning Monday 16th April
What a busy first week back after the holidays! We have been reading a new story called 'The Tin Forest' the children enjoyed predicting what might happen in the book and inferring who the main character might be and how he or she might be feeling.
This week our WAGOLL is...
We are so impressed with Tiega's attitude towards improving her handwriting. She has worked so hard and it is really paying off. Well done Tiega, keep it up!
Week beginning Monday 5th March
The Owl and the Pussycat went to sea........I wonder if your child can fill in the rest? This week we have been honing our performance skills by working in groups to learn and then perform this well known Edward Lear poem. The children amazed us with their expression and how they remembered the words using the rhythm and rhyme to help them.
Week beginning Monday 26th February
Brrrrrrrr what a snowy, cold week we have had! The children had a wonderful time being out in the snow during our Outdoor Learning session with Miss Crowther. After they had had lots of fun they came in to warm up and have hot chocolate!
Week beginning Monday 19th February
What a busy first week back! We have been lucky enough to have a coach from Leeds Rhinos come into school to teach us some fantastic agility and ball skills, the children all really enjoyed it. This will continue each Tues for the rest of this half term!
This half term also sees our Outdoor Learning sessions return, we will be doing this each Wednesday morning until Easter.
This week our WAGOLL is...
Week beginning Monday 5th February
This week has been Children's Mental Health Week and we have focused on 'Friendships' The children worked really hard in English to write their own Friendship Recipe. Have a look at a few examples below...
Week beginning Monday 29th January
What an exciting week! We have moved into our new classroom and are really settling in. The children have embraced the change and are enjoying their new space. Have a look at the pictures below to see our new classroom...
This week we have tried out some new songs and movement to help us learn our times tables. Click on the link below to see them...
Super Movers 2 Times Table
Super Movers 5 Times Table
This week our WAGOLL is...
Jayden has shown a much improved attitude towards his learning in recent weeks. He has had a positive attitude to all his has been doing but in particular in his writing. We are all very proud of him. Well done Jayden!
Week beginning Monday 22nd January
This week our WAGOLL is...
Ethan has shown great resilience over the last couple of weeks during our Maths sessions. He has persevered and shown great pride in his work.
Well done Ethan!
Week beginning Monday 15th January
This week we have brought in our matchboxes in to share with each other. We have all enjoyed listening to each others stories and looking at their special objects. Thank you for your support with this.
In Maths we have moved onto division and the concept of making equal groups. We investigated how many different sets of equal groups we could make using 30 cubes.
This weeks WAGOLL is...
Gabriella is this weeks WAGOLL because she is such a wonderful role model. She always tries her best and rises to the challenges that she has been set.
Well done Gabriella!
Week beginning Monday 8th January
In Maths this week we have been developing our understanding or the 2, 5 and 10 times table. We used the game 'Hit the Button' to test our skills. Why don't you have a try at home...
This weeks WAGOLL is...
Lucas has worked so hard on his times tables this week. He has amazed us with his 'can do' attitude and his enjoyment during our maths lessons. Well done Lucas.
Week beginning Tuesday 2nd January
Happy New Year to you all! It has been a very busy first week back with the children sharing their news from the holidays and throwing themselves back into the challenges of Year 2.
This weeks WAGOLL is....
Liam has shown a wonderful positive attitude towards his learning this week and in particular his writing. He has tried really hard to be a independent writer thinking carefully about what he wants to write then checking his work made sense. Well done Liam!
Week beginning Monday 11th December
We are so proud of all the children this week, what an amazing performance they showcased to everyone on Tuesday and Wednesday, they worked so hard and it was clear to see how much they all enjoyed it!
From all the staff on Class 2 we wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!
Week beginning Monday 27th November
What a busy week it has been! We had a wonderful time making our Christmas tree decorations to put on our school tree during our special assembly.
Week beginning Monday 20th November
I am unique! This has been the focus in Class 2 this week , we have celebrated our differences and discussed the things that make us who we are. Ask your children to share with you what makes them unique.
Class 2 WAGOLL this week is...
Melanie is Class 2 WAGOLL this week for always trying her absolute best in everything she does. No matter what the challenge is Melanie never gives up. What a super role model!
Week beginning Monday 13th November
This week we are focusing on money! We have been buying items from our class shop and working out if we need change. Play this game to practice your skills.
Class 2 WAGOLL is...
Isla is our WAGOLL for showing us her wonderful independent writing skills. She has tried so hard this week to produce super English work checking her spellings and extending her sentences. Well done Isla!
Week beginning Monday 6th November
This week we are focusing on the book Beegu using our Blooms questions to discuss the elements of the story. Watch and listen to the story below...
Week beginning Monday 30th October
In English this week we have been reading 'The Dark' the children have loved using the pictures to infer how the character was feeling and what was happening in the story. Ask if your child can remember what personification means.
Watch the trailer and see what you think...
WAGOLL Friday 3rd November
Class 2 WAGOLL is...
Brody is our class WAGOLL because of the wonderful language and explanations he has shared with us all during English this week in response to the book 'The Dark' What a super star!
Thank you for all the wonderful dinosaur models and pictures that have come into school so far. We have loved sharing them in our class discussing each individual dinosaurs names and features. We are so proud that we are going to display them around school so that everyone can see them.Week beginning Monday 2nd October
We can't wait to meet the other dinosaurs still to come in!
WAGOLL Friday 29th September
Class 2 WAGOLL is...
She has written his own Rabbit Fact file using expanded noun phrases and technical vocabulary. We really enjoyed reading it, well done Megan!
Week beginning Monday 25th September
In Maths this week we are focusing on addition and subtraction, play this game to challenge your subtraction skills.
Click on the link below to find some fun ways to practise your spellings.
WAGOLL Friday 22nd September
Class 2 WAGOLL is...
He amazed Mrs Walker with his wonderful information writing about cats. and used some fantastic vocabulary to make his writing interesting to read.
Well done George!
WAGOLL Friday 15th September
Class 2 WAGOLL is...
He really impressed Mrs Walker with his skills when partitioning a two digit number. He then challenged himself to partition a three digit number.
Well done Benjamin!
WAGOLL Friday 8th September
Class 2 WAGOLL'S are...
Oliver and Tabitha!
They both showed fantastic teamwork in solving a very tricky Maths problem. Well done both of you!
Autumn Term 1
As part of Big Maths in Class 2 we are learning to count in threes. Our target is to be able to do this by the end of the Autumn Term!
Here is the song we are using to help us.
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