Class 2 Blog
April 2023
Going on a Bear Hunt
In English we really enjoyed working with a facvourite book - We're going on a Bear Hunt! We chose alternative vocabulary to describe how we moved through each location on the story. We wrote lists, including commas, of what someone would need to take with them on a bear hunt, then we wrote instructions using interesting imperative verbs and a variety of adverbs to explain how to go and find a bear in the wild! Eventually, we wrote our own versions of the tale, but swapped for 'Going on a Dinosaur Hunt'. We had to choose and describe Jurassic landscapes to pass through on our journey.
March 2023
Jurassic Kingdoms
As Geographers, we have loved learning about how the shape and position of the continents has changed since the time of the dinosaurs! As historians, we discovered how evidence left behind from a time before people existed can guide us towards knowing and understanding how the world once was! We enjoyed looking at real fossils, learning how fossils are formed, and recreating our own imoressions of fossils through art and sculpture.
February 2023
Near and Far Away
In Geography, we learned more about our own country and the 4 countries of the United Kingdom. We focused in on our home county - Yorkshire. We looked at famous Yorkshire landmarks and tasted a whole range of delicious Yorkshire foods, including the Fat Rascals that we made ourselves.
Then we compared our home with a far away country - Kenya, in Africa. We located Kenya on maps of the world and on a map of Africa. We looked at the varying landscapes and compared how the climate was different from the climate in England. We especially enjoyed learning about Kenya's National Parks and the wonderful wildlife that lives there. We found out about some of the traditions of the Maasai people.
January 2023
National Story Telling Week
We have enjoyed National Story Telling Week in Class 2. We did drama - getting to really understand a character by 'walking in their shoes'. We also looked at a whole range of different objects, from hurricane lanterns to mysterious boxes and bottles. We shared ideas about who they belong to and why they had them. We created a story map, choosing a character and setting then plotting their adventures as we journeyed through the tale. We loved our oral story telling session, sharing our imaginations with our class in front of a cosy firepplace.
Coming Home
In English we have been working with the book 'Coming Home' by Michael Morpurgo. We were inspired to learn more about robins, about migration and about Scandinavia. We learned some beautiful new vocabulary and included this in our own re-telling of the Robin's perilous journey.
December 2022
Fairy Tales and Puppet Shows
In English, we are enjoying working with fairytales. To help us become really familiar with the characters, settings and plot we made stick puppets of the characters from Jack and the Beanstalk. We practised and told the story in small teams as a puppet show. We had lots of laughts - brilliant voices and showed how well we know this traditional tale. It was fantastic to see how well children worked in their groups to share out jobs when puppet making and roles for performance. Superstars Class 2!
Community Christmas Cards
We made Christmas cards for elderly people in our local community care homes. We heard that lots of our elderly neighbours might not get a card this Christmas so we have made these lovely Christmas lights to brighten their day. We wrote cheerful messages and will pass them on this week.
November 2022
Isambard Kingdom Brunel - A great Victorian engineer
Across the curriculum, we have been learning about the work and achievements of Isambard Kingdom Brunel. We are becoming experts on his engineering projects ready to write a report about his life and work. In DT, we had a try at designing, building, testing and evaluating bridges inspired by the Clifton Suspension Bridge and The Maidenhead Bridge which are some of his most famous British landmarks.
October 2022
Celebrating Black History Month - New Arrivals
We have been learning about why people decide to move to a new country and the experiences they have. We talked about reasons to stay ad reasons to leave, wht might be exciting and new and what might feel strange or worrying.
We learned about 'The Windrush Generation' - black people who were invited to move to Britain from the Caribbean Islands to help rebuild after World War II. Even though they were invited, many people found they were not welcomed. Lots of the new arrivals experienced racism, prejudice and discrimination.
We thought about homesickness. To combat homesickness, Arthur France, a man who moved to Leeds from the Caribbean, started the Leeds West Indian Carnival. It was a chance to celebrate and share the music, food, dancing and culture from back home with new friends in England. We had our own Class 2 Carnival complete with food, costume, music and dancing!
Useful Links for learning:
Individual logins have been sent home with children. If you need another copy please tell one of the Class 2 team or message Mrs Wyles on Class Dojo.
We have made a fantastic start to the new school year! We are:
- Working with a beautiful book called 'How to be a Lion' in English
- Learning about place value - tens and ones - in Maths
- Finding out about everyday materials in Science 
- Discovering ways to keep our bodies healthy in PSHE