Class 1 Blog
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Mrs Griffen has created a comprehensive list of SEND resources, documents and websites to help support your child's individualised learning at home. Click the picture below.
Ideas to help you at home:
Week beginning 6th July 2020
Phonics for the week:
Click the picture to access the videos. They are uploaded at 10.30am each day.
Monday 6th July: Lesson 51 - si - vision, s - measure
Tuesday 7th July: Lesson 52 - ti - action
Wednesday 8th July: Lesson 53 - is - mansion, ssi - mission
Thursday 9th July: Lesson 54 - ci - special
Friday 10th July: Lesson 55 - Review
This week, year 1 will be looking at finding halves and quarters (an alternative unit will also be uploaded).
Click the picture to access the teaching videos.
Alternative Unit:
Week beginning 29th June 2020
Story Map
Re-read or watch the story, The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch. Can you remember the key events from the story? Create a story map to help you remember.
Sports Day
Today would have been Sports Day!
Unfortunately, we won't get a chance to do this altogether, but why not bring Sports Day to your home?
You could use the activities suggested in the document attached or create your own.
Click the picture below for suggested activities.
The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch:
Have a listen to the story below.
Can you find out some facts about lighthouses? What are they used for? Do we still need them?
Can you build your own Lighthouse?
This week, year 1 will be looking at ordering numbers before moving onto recognising coins.
Click the picture to access the teaching videos.
Phonics for the week:
Click the picture to access the videos. They are uploaded at 10.30am each day.
Monday 29th June: Lesson 46 - oa - boat, o - go, o-e - stone, ow - snow, ou - shoulder
Tuesday 30th June: Lesson 47 - se - cheese
Wednesday 1st July: Lesson 48 - tch - kitchen
Thursday 2nd July: Lesson 49 - se - horse
Friday 3rd July: Lesson 50 - Review
Week beginning 22nd June 2020
Present a Weather Forecast:
Can you create your own weather forecast? In the purple section of your home learning pack you should find a map of the UK and some weather symbols. Use these to help you write or even record your own forecast.
Click on the picture for a guide to the ins and outs of reporting the weather.
What information do you want to put across and in what order will you present it?
- What is the main message you want to get across?
- What will you start with?
- How will you finish your bulletin?
Forecasters do not use a script but present the weather talking naturally, putting over the points they have prepared.
Features of the seaside:
Can you label the features of the seaside? How many key features can you think of without using the word bank? Can you think of any features that aren't on the picture? (The worksheet is in the purple section of the home learning booklet)
Keep your Cool:
What do you eat or drink on a hot day to cool you down at the seaside?
Can you design (and maybe make) your own ice lolly to help keep you cool on a hot day? What ingredients will you use? Don't forget to give your ice lolly a name.
Scott, our class mascot, has been been to the seaside (he followed social distancing guidelines). In your home learning packs (yellow section)you should find a copy of the postcard that he sent.
Can you write a reply to Scott or maybe send a postcard to a family member?
Challenge: Can you include a question and an exclamation sentence?
Seaside Now and Then
Last week you watched Magic Grandad at the seaside and explored what the seaside was like 100 years ago. Today I would like you to compare the seaside, now and then. There should be a copy of the worksheet in your home learning packs (purple section).
The worksheet can be downloaded by clicking on the picture below, or you could create your own way of presenting the information.
This week, year 1 will be looking at numbers to 100!
Click the picture to access the teaching videos.
Phonics for the week:
Click the picture to access the videos. They are uploaded at 10.30am each day.
Monday 22nd June: Lesson 41 - ou – trouble
Tuesday 23rd June: Lesson 42 - dge – bridge
Wednesday 24th June: Lesson 43 - ai - chain, ay - play, a-e - make, a - apron
Thursday 25th June: Lesson 44 - ey donkey
Friday 26th June: Lesson 45 - Review
Week beginning 8th June 2020
Out of this World!
Today I would like you find out about the solar system. Can you learn the order of the planets?
Some people create rhymes or acronyms (an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words) to help them.
Can you learn or create your own rhyme/song? Or maybe create your own acronym?
Blast off!
Can you create your own rocket and send it off up into space?
How far did your rocket travel? Could it go further?
Evaluate your rocket and think about how you could improve it to make it travel further.
Character Description
Yesterday, you introduced me to some of your fantastic aliens! Today, I would like you to tell me a bit more about them. Can you write a character description? Spend some time trying to think of some exciting adjectives to describe your alien. If you have forgotten what an adjective is, watch the video below.
The video includes an explanation about adverbs too, but you could stop the video at 1.35 If you think it might be a little confusing.
Adjective word mat (click the picture)
Things to think about:
A new video is uploaded at 10.30am everyday.
The sounds are getting pretty tricky!
If you are finding them really difficult, take the sounds at your own pace, go back through the videos and recap other sounds.
Monday: c -ice
Tuesday: a -wash
Wednesday: ch -chef
Thursday: ch - school
Friday: ou -touch
Phase 5 games:
You guys came up with some great questions and one of the popular ones was... 'Do aliens exist?'
Some people may use the word, extraterrestrial, but what does extraterrestrial life actually mean?
Okay, so this could be a little bit of a let down - extraterrestrial life simply means life outside of Earth.
So, this could be anything from space plants or tiny organisms to the little green guys we all wonder about.
Can you create your own alien character? You could draw it, or make it using things around your home.
Click the link below for some ideas:
This week, year 1 will be counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Click the picture below to access the teaching videos.
Week beginning 1st June 2020
I can't believe it is our last half term in year 1!
With that in mind, whether you have decided to continue with home learning, or you are heading back to the classroom, let's try and make this the best half term we can. I hope you all had a lovely week off :)
Expedition 63
Things to think about:
How many people are in space right now?
Where are they staying?
What are the astronauts doing in space?
How will they get home safely?
Here are some links to get you started:
What would you like to find out about space? - Write some questions of your own.
Can you create your own masterpiece using the technique Pointillism?
Have a look at the PPT attached (click the picture above) or follow the link to find out more about this technique.
English: information retrieval and sequencing events.
Listen to Jesse Lingard read two extracts from the book " Attack of the Demon Dinner Ladies" and then answer the questions. There are quite a lot of questions, so maybe split the lesson over two days.
Click the picture below to access the lesson.
Phonics: 'ow' sound.
Click the picture below to access the teaching video. It will be uploaded at 10.30am.
Whiterose Maths:
This week, year 1 will continue to look at measuring mass. Click the picture below to access the teaching videos.
Week beginning 18th May 2020
Wanted Posters
Can you create your own pirate wanted poster?
You could create your own pirate or research one of the pirates below (click the picture).
Joy of Moving Home Festival
Welcome to the Joy of Moving Home Festival!
The EFL Trust have launched the Joy of Moving Home School Festival to celebrate International Day of Families!
We will release 2 or 3 activities each day this week for you to have a go at. Some will get you up and moving, some will get you thinking about your own levels of activity and some are there just for fun!
So give them a go! Everyone in your house can get involved, or you can do it independently if you wish!
Monday's Activities: 1) Scavenger hunt 2) Warm up
3) Joy of moving – Game 1: option A, option B and C
Tuesday's Activities: 1) Understanding physical activity: option A, option B
2) Joy of moving – Game 2: option A, option B and C
Wednesday's Activities: 1) A - z of: sports and activities, fruit and vegetables
2) Joy of moving – Game 3: option A, option B and C
Thursday's Activities: 1) Time to reflect: My mirror (mirror), What am I good at?
2) Competition time: Option A and B, Poster example
Friday's Activity: Final steps: Option A, Option B
It would be great to see pictures and videos of you all having a go at these challenges, so send them in to us!
Have fun moving!
Ahoy me hearties!!
Have a listen to the story, The Night Pirates.
What did the Night Pirates disguise their ship as?
Can you create your own ship disguise?
You could draw it or build it using LEGO or recycled materials.
Can you write a couple of sentences about your ship disguise?
Walk the Plank!
To play you will need:
- 1 piece of card (draw lines on it to create 10 spaces)
- 1 tub of water
- Small toy characters for each person who is playing
- Books or LEGO to prop up the plank
- Word cards
Write some real and nonsense words on some small cards. CLICK HERE FOR A SUGGESTED WORD LIST. The words are linked to today's phonics lesson and they are quite tricky, so don't worry if you want to use your own.
Each player picks a card from the top of the pile and sounds out the word on the card.
If it is a real word, they move back one space (they stay on start if they are there) and if it is a nonsense word, they move forward one space.
Which player will fall off the plank first?
You can play this with 1 player... see if you can get through the pile of cards without falling off.
Click the picture below to access this week's maths.
Week beginning 11th May 2020
Parts of plants we eat
Before schools closed, we were looking at plants and had started to think about the different parts of a plant.
Can your child remember the four parts of a plant that we looked at?
1. S_ _ _
2. F_ _ _ _ _
3. R _ _ _ _
4. L _ _ _ _ _
Listen to the story below to find out about all the different parts of plants that we eat (It's American, so some fruits and vegetables have a different name e.g. zucchini).
Have a look in your fridge and take a closer look at the fruits and vegetables that you have. Can you work out which part you eat?
You could write a list, draw pictures, take photographs or even cut out pictures to show what you have found.
Watch the tutorial to find out how you can weave with plastic bags at home. Weaving is a great activity to help develop your child's finger muscles.
You could have a go at weaving with natural materials that you find out on a walk.
Today's lesson is all about coding!
(It isn't as scary as it sounds)
Click on the picture below to follow the lesson on BBC Bitesize and find out more about coding. They have some nice games that you can also play.
If you don't really want lots of screen time, then click on the PDF link below and become a Human Robot!
Homemade Skittles
What to do
- Line up decorated plastic bottles and try to knock down as many as you can using a rolled-up sock!
- Adapt the game further by bending glow sticks or pipe cleaners into rings and trying your luck at ring toss.
Number Bonds to 10 Poster
Have a go at making your own number bonds to 10 poster. Draw around your hands and cut them out. Use the fingers to help you calculate the number bonds to 10 and write the number sentences.
Click the picture below for this week's maths.
Add and subtract word problems worksheet.
Comparing number sentences worksheet.
Whole School History
On Friday 8th May, the UK commemorates the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day, Known as VE Day. This is the date that World War 2 ended in Europe. This week, leading up to that date would have been a whole school history focus week had we been together, learning at school.
So that we can still learn about this important time in British history, you can click on the picture above to access a pack of home learning ideas all focused on life during World War 2, and the celebrations of VE day. The pack can be used as a scheme of learning, where you work through the suggested activities in the order of pages, or you can dip in and choose to do anything you like the look of.
Guidance is given with each activity as to whether it is most appropriate for KS1, KS2 or whole school, including Early Years. We would love to see your VE day learning. You can upload onto ClassDojo, Tapestry, or send it to info@swinnowprimary.com with a note to forward it to Mrs Wyles and your class teacher. There will be lots of programmes on TV this week related to VE Day - look out for them to support your learning. All the resources you may need can be found by clicking on the links below.
Have a Happy History Week!
Folded Paper Spitfire Activity
Week beginning 27th April 2020
The UK
Can you find out what the flags look like for for each of these countries?
Northern Ireland
Have a go at making your own flag...
Materials Scavenger Hunt
Watch the video below to find out about materials and their properties.
Go on a Materials Scavenger Hunt around your home and then try to solve the materials riddles. Click the picture below to follow the link.
Pizza Fractions
Check out ClassDojo for a tasty way to learn about quarters.
If you don't fancy making something to eat, then have a go at making your own pizza using play dough or paper.
Woodland Wonders Live Q&A with Steve Backshall
Click the picture below to follow the link.
LEGO parachute
Have a go at making your own parachute.
You could use plastic bags, kitchen roll, newspaper, tissue paper or whatever you can find at home.
Use string or whatever you can find to attach your figure to the parachute.
Record the time taken for your figure to drop (without a parachute).
Then, attach the figure to the parachute and drop from the same height (remember to record the time it takes to drop).
Things to think about:
Does it matter what material you use for your parachute?
What happens if you make your parachute larger?
What shape works best? What shapes are parachutes?
Click HERE for a sheet to record your findings.
Maths Game
Click the picture below to play a maths game. Recap doubling before having a go at halving up to 10.
Click the picture below for this week's maths.
Daily phonics sessions starting Monday 27th April at 10.30am.
Click the picture below to follow the link.
Week beginning 20th April 2020
Can you solve this riddle?
I live in the jungle.
I have very sharp teeth and claws.
I can run very fast.
I hunt other animals to eat.
I am a kind of big cat.
I have orange fur and black stripes.
What am I?
Challenge: write your own riddle. It could be about your favourite animal, something around the home or your favourite sport.
Your riddle should include:
4-5 clues (each clue is written on a new line)
Written in the first person (I)
End with a question sentence.
Maths Game
Lots of you have been zooming through the Whiterose Maths lessons and are doing really well with grouping.
Have a go at the game below.
Hand print Art
What can you create?
We're Only One Call Away...
Thank you to everyone who helped make this lovely video!!!
Colour Hunt:
Use an egg carton or something similar. Choose six colours and then colour a section with each.
Whilst out on a walk, can you find items to match the colours and fill your treasure box?
You could do it with things around the home or in your garden.
Another great idea shared by Daisy and Luke! 🌟
I know lots of you have been testing things around the home to see whether they float or sink...
Watch the video below to find out a bit more about floating and sinking.
Once you have watched the video, have a go at designing your own raft, thinking about the materials that you will use.
Then, use your design to build your own raft using materials around the home (recycling).
Create full stop and question mark stick puppets!
(stick with: full stop and question marks )
Write sentences for your children but miss out the full stop or question mark. Can they use their stick puppets to punctuate the sentence correctly?
English: Question Marks
We have done quite a bit of work on question marks in year 1, so hopefully this activity should just be revision/consolidation.
There are 3 activities, but only complete what you feel is right for your child.
Click the picture below to access the lessons.
Question Mark Game
Help Roy the Zebra put the question mark in the right place.
Click the picture below to play.
Tom Moore is 100 on 30th April!
If you wanted to make a card and post it to Tom Moore the address is:
Captain Tom Moore c/o Post Office Limited
67 Bedford Road,
Marston Moretaine,
MK43 0LA
Writing in year 1 can be super tricky!!
Here are some tips and resources that will hopefully make it a little bit easier.
1) Break the writing task in to chunks.
2) Get your child to say what they want to write out loud. If they can say it confidently, then they are ready to write their sentence.
3) Don't worry about perfect spelling. Encourage your child to break words in to units of sound. In class we call this... 'secret fingers, pinch and say.'
4) Choose some key words that you want to be spelt correctly (no more than 5) and write them on a piece of paper for your child to copy from when they need to.
This week's Maths:
We are learning to make doubles, make equal groups and find half.
Take the lessons at your own pace. If you are finding doubles tricky, spend more time on it. Drop me a message and I will find more resources to help support you with that area of learning.
Click the link below for the lessons:
Have a go at the game 'Hit the Button.'
First try doubles 1-10, once you are getting a good score, try moving onto doubles 5-15.
Doubling with Art
Week beginning 13th April 2020
Mini Beast Hunt
Go on a mini beast hunt.
How many can you spot?
Remember to be careful and try not to disturb the mini beast habitats too much. Wash your hands once you have finished your hunt. Click the picture below for a mini beast hunt tick list.
Obstacle Course
Create your own obstacle course.
You could create one with chalk on the floor, create action cards or even build your own obstacles with things from around the home.
Danger Dice Workout
Can you make your own target board?
You could use an old cardboard box. Make paper aeroplanes to fly through the holes. Add up your score at the end.
Easter Crafters
Check out these amazing craft projects completed by some busy bees in year 1.
Click the picture below for some great STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) ideas linked to Easter.
Have a go at making your own projector and put on your own shadow show.
You will need:
Toilet roll tubes
Cling film
Sellotape or elastic bands/bobbles
Torch (you can use the one on your phone)
If you don’t have any stickers, you can draw shapes on the cling film using marker pens/dark felt tips (felt tips will wipe off)
Week beginning 6th April 2020
Bowling With a Twist
You could use plastic bottles, plastic cups or even books as skittles.
Have fun!
Leaf Art
If you are going out for a walk today, why not collect some leaves on you travels and have a go at leaf rubbing. Remember to: be safe and follow social distancing guidelines.
Bubble Art
Click the picture to find out how to create your own bubble art.
Bubble Snakes
We will continue to upload activities that you can complete at home over the next two weeks but we understand that some people may want to switch off and try have a break.
We support your choice and are here to help.
Click the bunny for some activities that you might like to try over the next two weeks.

Recipe for Salt Dough Easter Eggs
Mix up your favorite salt dough recipe. For this project, I used the following recipe:
1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
1/2 cup water
Stir together all three ingredients until a dough forms. Kneading the dough a couple times can help make it smoother.
Roll it out (I rolled mine to 1/4 inch thick) and cut out desired shapes.
Week beginning 30th March 2020
Home learning Challenge:
Can you learn this song and the Makaton signs to go along with it?
Try to learn as much of the song as you can (It doesn’t need to be the whole thing) and ask an adult to film you.
Then, upload your video to your ClassDojo portfolio.
Please check your emails for your unique code. Email info@swinnowprimary.com if there are any problems.
Finally, keep your eyes peeled for our ‘Lockdown video montage.’
Please upload your videos by Friday 10th April 2020.
By uploading your video you are giving permission for this to be added to the montage, which will be shared with all school pupils via tapestry or class dojo online systems - if you do not wish your child's clip to be used in this way please ensure you add a comment to the uploaded video to indicate it is NOT FOR SHARING.
Thank you to George, Luke and Daisy in Year 1 for the inspiration.
Friday Maths Challenge
Here's a challenge for all of the football mad children in year 1. You might need an adult to help or maybe an older brother/sister.
Homemade scratch art
Make an animal flip book
Watch the video below to see how to make your very own animal flip book. Don't fancy drawing animals?...Draw your favourite Pokemon, Disney characters, footballers, princesses.
Don't forget to post a picture of your books to your ClassDojo portfolio.
Amazing things happening at home:
George took part in the online English lesson this morning. Check out his fabulous storyboard.
I have seen some impressive baking skills this week. Take a look at these fantastic cookies that Harry B made.
Mine didn't turn out as well as Harry's :(
Don't forget to download the ClassDojo app or click the picture below to visit the website. Parents should have received an email with their unique access code. This can be used to set your child up on ClassDojo and allow you to upload pictures of activities they have completed. The code can also be used to connect parents to their child's account and access class stories.
If you haven't received an email with your code, please email: info@swinnowprimary.com and we will try to resolve this as quickly as we can.
Thursday 2nd April at 11am.
Year 1 & Year 2 Live English: The Gingerbread Man
Read and join in with the story of the Gingerbread man, then retell the story using words and pictures. Click the picture below to follow the link.
Grow A Rainbow
Don't forget to upload your pictures to your ClassDojo portfolio.
Things to think about: Do some colours work better than others?
Does the size of the rainbow effect the growth of the rainbow?
Is your rainbow going to be better than Miss Herfield's?
This activity has been inspired by some super work that Ethan completed at home and uploaded to his ClassDojo account.
Can you work out what name I have written?