Swinnow Primary School

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Class 1 Blog 2017-18

Week beginning Monday 3rd September 2018

WELCOME TO YEAR 1 (2018-19)

All of the children have settled into Year 1 like super stars and they have been enjoying discovering their new classroom...



























Week beginning Monday 16th July 2018

What a wonderful last week we have had in year 1!!! Thank you to everyone who came to our Pizza Picnic to celebrate the children's amazing work and progress this year. We had a lovely afternoon and we hope you did too.



Week beginning Monday 21st May 2018

Phonics games to play over the holidays...

Click HERE to play a phonics game.

Click HERE to play a phonics game.

Click HERE to play a phonics game.


Maths games to play over the holidays  (don't forget about Prodigy Maths)

Click HERE to play an odd and even number game.

Click HERE to play a place value game.

Click HERE to play addition and subtraction games.


Week beginning Monday 30th April 2018

Can you guess which famous London landmarks we have been building this week in topic?...

This one was very tricky but the Sapphire house team worked together to create a super London Eye. Well done Sapphire!

Amethyst thought of some fantastic ideas to re-create the domes on St Paul's Cathedral.

Emerald really thought about the finer details of Buckingham Palace... they even remembered to hoist a flag!

Ruby produced a wonderful Big Ben and the House of Parliament model.

Amber did an amazing job at building The Shard!


Week beginning Monday 23rd April 2018

Click HERE to learn the dancing 2's song.


A huge well done to our Bramley's Got Talent stars. They were so brave and performed brilliantly!


In PE we played 'Robots and Controllers'. We used lots of directional language to guide our partners around the hall.

Week beginning Monday 19th March 2018

Year 1's trip to Armley Mills...

This week Year 1 travelled back in time to discover what life was really like for children in Victorian Britain. We learnt the 3 R's in a typical Leeds school in 1887 under the watchful eye of the school Master. We tried out the slate boards and slate pencils and we had a go at using a dip pen and ink in our very own copybooks. The School Master even showed us some of the methods used to punish Victorian children so we were all a little relieved when it was time for lunch. After lunch we learnt about some of the jobs that children had to carry out at the mill and got to see some of the machines in motion. We all had a lovely trip but we were very happy to return to 2018! 

All ready with our pennies to pay the school Master.


Waiting to be inspected before entering the classroom. 

We weren't too impressed with the Victorian iPads...

Handwriting with the dip pen and ink.

Testing out the methods used to stop children writing with their left hands!


No slouching allowed...


UH-OH! someone is about to receive a caning...

Week beginning Monday 26th February 2018

Measuring using non-standard units of measure.


Week beginning Monday 19th February 2018

Click HERE to play a phonics game.

Comparing Numbers -

Check out our awesome street dancers!!!


Week beginning Monday 5th February 2018



Using the Part-Whole Model to calculate different ways to make 10

Week beginning Monday 29th January 2018

Click HERE to play Place Value Basketball.

Design and make a toy homework to be handed in 23.02.18

Click HERE for ideas.


Jack and the Beanstalk Freeze Frames

Uh-oh Jack's Mum does not look happy!

When Jack sees the giant for the first time....


Week beginning Monday 8th January 2018

Click HERE to play Hit the Button


Week beginning Tuesday 2nd January 2018

Maths Homework

Click HERE to play a game to help with number recognition.


Week beginning Monday 4th December 2017

Unfortunately for us, Erol has decided he likes it in Year 1 and will be staying with us until we break up for Christmas... HELP!  Today he gave us a shiny new globe and set us the challenge to find out where Santa comes from.  

.Week beginning Monday 27th November 2017

Can your children tell you all about our cheeky visitor and the challenge he set us?..
