Swinnow Primary School

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Class 1 Blog 2017-2018

Week beginning 11th September 2017

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Friday 8th September 2017


This week the Year 1 WAGOLL is...


Aniq has been chosen for his lovely, positive attitude towards school. During challenge week he tackled every challenge with a 'Can do attitude' and throughout it all, he had a massive smile on his face. What a superstar he is!


Monday 4th September 2017

What an amazing start to Year 1 we have had! 








Class 1 Blog 2016-2017


Friday 5th May - WAGOLL.

Finley is our WAGOLL this week. He has been trying really hard to listen carefully and concentrate and as a result has done some super work. He created a fantastic leaflet all about the seaside and solved some tricky number bonds to 20 problems - keep up the hard work!


Friday 28th April - WAGOLL.

Isabelle is our WAGOLL this week. She is always a superstar in class and around school and she has worked particularly hard on her writing this week – I loved reading her recount about a day at the seaside. Well done Isabelle!


Friday 21st April - WAGOLL.

Our WAGOLL this week is Lucas - He is trying so hard to do his work independently and he has done a full page of writing this week all on his own. We are very proud of him.


Class 1 were brilliant at ordering and following a set of written instructions to make these fabulous chicks! It was lovely to see children helping eachother with the tricky parts - Well done!






All of the children have tried so hard in their 'Bikeability' sessions this week and we have seen some great progress in their cycling skills!




WAGOLL10th March 2017:

 Here is our WAGOLL this week. He designed a super book character in Literacy this week and named him a very funny name! We are very proud of him because he is trying really hard to do more of his writing independently, even though he finds it tricky. Well done!



WORLD BOOK DAY - 3rd March 2017 - Look at some of our amazing costumes!




We have 8 WAGOLLS in Year 1 this week! These children worked particularly well with their partners to complete our book scavenger hunt on World Book Day, and learned lots about different types of books by taking part – Well done all of you!

Lewis & Maija             Joshua & Ethan

Lucas & Stanley           Finley & Isabelle




We all had a lovely bedtime story in Class 1. We read Burglar Bill and did some fun activities linked to the story.





WOW! Year 1 were brilliant at points and patches balances in Gymnastics today!







Well done to this week's WAGOLL... He has come back to school filled with enthusiasm and has taken a real interest in the stories we have been reading by Alan Allberg. He particularly enjoyed reading ‘The Jolly Postman’; He answered lots of questions about the story and wrote a super book review.



Thank you to everyone who came to see our Class Assembly this week. The children worked very hard to learn their parts and we are so proud of them. 

Everyone in Year 1 is a WAGOLL this week - well done!



WAGOLL - Friday 3rd February:

Ellie is our WAGOLL this week. She was so careful when labelling her map of the United Kingdom. She tried hard to make sure all the place names were in the right places and made her writing super neat! We are so pleased with how independent she is becoming – Well done!


This week our WAGOLLs are everyone in Class 1! They were superstars at the P.E. festival we went to, joining in with all the activities really enthusiastically and behaving brilliantly. They have probably already told you that... WE WON! Well done Class 1!!





Oliver is our WAGOLL this week. He has been trying so hard to write more independently and his writing is improving as result. He is also really concentrating on his work and ignoring things that could distract him. His writing about the 4 seasons was brilliant! Well done Oliver!