3 and 4 Year Old Nursery Blog 2017-18
Week commencing 2nd July 2018
Week commencing 25th June 2018
KP - Challenge
Wow what a fantastic sports day for our older children along with the Reception class - all the children joined in so well and our Year 6 helpers were super stars!
Thank you to all who were able to join us - fantastic parent support and lots of super comments really made the day.
Week commencing 18th June 2018
This week we have been looking at the fantastic story of 'Spinderella' - all about a spider who wanted to count and play football
Week commencing 11th June 2018
All families should have received a letter regarding their child's trip now.
After a few teething problems payments are being made successfully by 'Parentpay' - any queries please call the school office 378 3100
2 and 3 year olds Children who are Rec in Sept
Permission slips should be returned asap and by Fri 22nd June Many Thanks
Week commencing 4th June 2018
We have been looking at the many spots and stripes in the story
'My Mum and Dad make me laugh' by Nick Sharratt
Click here to watch the story and share it at home
Week commencing 21st May 2018
KP - Vocabulary
Wow! what a lovely wedding party today - the children enjoyed watching the BBC highlights, listening as the music changed with the mood of the day, enjoyed a wedding party food and showed us their dance moves too. The children have spoken lots about the Royal family, what Prince Harry does for a job, who he was marrying, how they traveled to and from the wedding.
It really has been interesting to listen to the children explain what they know about weddings
Reminder it is half term next week - school is closed and will reopen on Monday 4th June 2018
Week commencing 14th May 2018
We have had a super week sharing the story
The Queens Knickers by Allan Nicholas to support in developing our understanding of important events and to support our communication skills
The children have loved the humour within the book and the links to the upcoming Royal Wedding
If you are able take time to watch the wedding with your child - we will be having our very own wedding party on Monday next week
Here is a link to the story for you to share at home
Week commencing 7th May 2018
We hope you have enjoyed the sunny early bank holiday - please remember to be safe in the sun
SLIP- on a T-shirt SLAP on a hat SLOP on sun-cream
click here for NHS sun safety information
please ensure your child is wearing footwear suitable for the outdoor area - the children will be climbing, riding bikes, digging mud pies, playing in the sand pit. We request that summer shoes and sandals are sturdy and suitable (no flip flops of crocs please)
Week commencing 30th April 2018
Challenge, Personal and Social development,
Communication, Problem solving
What a busy week we have had - we have spent time planning, talking about and making changes to the outside area ready for the summer weather.
This week we have - built a new sandpit; - cleaned the mud kitchen; - done a litter pick all round the garden area; -We have worked as a team, helped each other, problem solved, explained to each other what to do..and not to do and thought hard about our responsibilities in keeping the environment a good place to learn - Well Done Nursery
Week Commencing 23rd April 2018
Even with the mixed weather we have been enjoying the outside area and . The children have been developing their physical and social skills with turn taking on the swing, gross motor control , risk assessment, developing determination, motivation and challenging themselves.
What a busy week!
Week Commencing 16th April 2018
Welcome Back -
We hope you have had a lovely Easter break and are looking forward to a busy Summer term ahead at Swinnow
In support of our whole school target of Phonics over the summer term your child will get a chance to take part in our "Shake Rattle and Boogie" sessions linking body movement, song and rhyme. The children who attended this weeks session had a great time.
And as it was so hot it was time for ice cream
Please remember to apply sun cream to your child and provide a sunhat in the better weather.
Week commencing 26th March 2018
Science week - keep checking the website for pictures of our fantastic experiments
Reminder - school closes for the Easter holiday on Thursday 29th March and will reopen on Monday 16th April
Easter Raffle tickets available £1 -
Winners will be drawn on Wednesday 28th March
Week commencing 19th March 2018
Thank you to the parents who were able to attend our Easter stay and play - the children enjoyed having you in Nursery and having a go at the Easter fun activities.
Week commencing 12th March 2018
Did you see a bear?
In Nursery we have been on a bear hunt this week, the children have enjoyed hunting for bears in the garden, singing the bear hunt song, recalling and retelling the story and acting out their own versions...but beware we didn't find the bear so he may still be about!!
Week commencing 5th March 2018
Week commencing 26th February 2018
Book day has been postponed due to the snow but it has been lovely to see your photos from home playing in the snow - we have seen snowmen, snow angels, sledging and snow ball fights too - super winter fun!
Book day has been rescheduled for Monday 12th March
Week commencing 19th February 2018
Week commencing 5th February 2018
School closes for half term on Friday 9th February and will reopen on Monday 19th February
Week commencing 29th January 2018
Week commencing 22nd January 2018
Week commencing 15th January 2018
Week commencing 8th January 2018
Happy New Year - week commencing 1st January 2018
Welcome back to school and a warm welcome to Swinnow Primary for all the new families joining Nursery this term, we hope you had a restful break.
I am sure the children are excited for the return to school to see their friends and to start new adventures.
Dairy Date - you are welcome to join us for 'Time4words' our stay and play session on Thursday 11th January (beginning of the session)
Week commencing 11th December 2017
Wow Swinnow has got talent!!
What fantastic performances on both Tuesday and Wednesday this week, all the children did fantastically and we are very proud of their courage, confidence and enjoyment of singing, dressing up and acting the Nativity story for you. What superstars!
Week commencing 4th December 2017
The Christmas festivities are in full swing - the children are being supported to use their imagination, be independent and creative as they select and use resources to produce art work, cards and decorations to share in their family celebration of Christmas.
We have watched the nativity, read books exploring the traditional story and shared experiences from home about preparations for Christmas. We even enjoyed our very own Christmas lunch at school Yum!
We have thought about lots of different questions together
What do you do in your family to Celebrate? Do you celebrate other festivals than Christmas? What things may you see at Christmas time? What things do you like to eat?
Week commencing 27th November 2017
Swinnow is beginning to get busy in the lead up to Christmas preparations
Please take a moment to check the school newsletter for all the latest celebration dates
Tuesday 28th November - the children are invited to dress up in return for a donation for the tombola to support the BOSS Christmas fair
(to be held on Wednesday 6th December after school)
Friday 1st December is our annual Christmas tree assembly - all children in school on Friday will add a Christmas decoration to the tree in the upstrairs hall, join us for the start of our Christmas festivities
Afternoon children will add their decorations during the afternoon session but are very welcome to the morning assembly along with any child who does not usually attend on a Friday
Week commencing 20th November 2017
Writing skills
Children in Nursery are encouraged to "Make a mark" everyday and use a range of resources to do so - some of the children are becoming increasingley confident and can now make a good attempt at their name, can draw shapes or people and are really keen to draw and write each day in some way.
To support the childrens development as writers we encourage and provide a wide range of multisensory activities from "big movement activities" to develop strength and coordination through to "fine motor control" activities to develop hand muscles and control.
Join us on our next stay and play session to share further ideas or add your own from home to Tapestry
Week commencing 13th November 2017
Friday 17th November is Children in Need
Nursery children are invited to wear spots and donations will be collected towards this charity
Maths is a key priority for Swinnow and within Nursery maths is all around. Children love to explore
colour, shape, amounts, order, similarity, difference
and especially enjoy a number song
click the link for "How many fingers on one hand" a nursery favourite,
All the aduts within nursery focus on developing experience of number, shape, space and measure through the continous provision and short carpet sessions. This develops the children's interest in maths and confidence in the concepts and vocabulary involved in their learning.
Week commencing 6th November 2017
School is closed on Monday 6th November for a teacher training day and will reopen on Tuesday 7th November
This week we talked about the colours and noises of the fireworks the children had seen over the weekend, there was lots of expression, explanation and repetition of the noises they had heard. We sang some firework songs, made firework pictures and even watched a display on the interactive whiteboard.
Sharing experiences allows the children to develop new vocabulary - a key priority at Swinnow - through talking to each other, re-living experiences, through technology and exploring through different media the children become increasingley confident in the language they use to describe what they can see, what they hear or smell and feel.
What can you talk about today? What new words can you use?
Week commencing 30th October 2017
Time4Challenge Friday 3rd November
Thank you to all the parents who were able to join us this week for our
'challenge stay and play'
The children tried a range of new activities - physical challenges, tower building, shared mark making and memory games to name a few.
Challenge within learning is one of Swinnow key priorities and we provide resources, activities and support to challenge the childrens thinking, their learning and their understanding everyday in nursery -
How can you challenge yourself today?
Halloween fun - Tuesday 31st October
The children had a super day experimenting with magic potions, counting scary spiders in their webs, investigating pumkins and all things 'Halloween'
Week commencing 16th October 2017
Fantastic phonics - Phonics is a key priority across schol this year.
In Nursery we focus upon the first stages of development, this is made up of lots of listening skills, sound making and speaking skills. Through Nursery provision and small grouptime sessions we focus upon 7 aspects within stage 1 of the guidance from the "Letters and Sounds document"
- Sound discrimination - environmental
- Sound discrimination - instrumental
- Sound discrimination - body percussion
- Rhythm and rhyme
- Voice sounds
- Alliteration
- Oral blending and segmenting
The children are becoming familiar with some of the activities we offer and are tuning in the ir listening skills
Take a look at the photo display near the lego in Nursery for further information and ideas
Week commencing 9th October 2017
What can you see when it is autumn?
The children have been out and about looking for signs of autumn this week. Many thanks to all the families who have been able to collect leaves, conkers and fir cones for the children to explore.
We have spent lots of time using our senses to explore the colours and textures of the objects and have been able to count, order and describe the autumn resources.
We have heard lots of new and exciting vocubulary developing when describing the "prickly conker shells" and the "smooth conkers" inside.
What adjectives can you use together at home to describe a leaf?
Week commencing 2nd October 2017
What a windy start to the week!!
I wonder if we can make a kite to fly in the sky today?
Week commencing 25th September 2017
The children have settled really well into Nursery now and have had a busy week learning whilst they play.
This week there has been a big interest in measuring and comparing heights with the towers they have made.
A shared interest in farms and farm animals with the children thinking about the names and sounds of the animals and where they live.
Have you been to a farm? What dd you see?
A shared interest generates the motivation to talk and the development of effective speaking and listening skills are most important within Nursery. Children are encouraged to talke a turn in speaking within a group and individually in develping conversations with peers and adults.
Adults look to support the children's growing vocabulary as a focus and this is a school priority this year.
Week commencing 18th September 2017
Maths is identified as a key priority across our school and in Nursery we have been enjoying a counting song together this week
Click on this link to listen and sing along at home
How many fingers on one hand
and we have been singing
5 little monkeys jumping in the bed
Week commencing 11th September 2017
to all our children and families returning to Nursery, transitioning from our 2 year old provision or joining us for the first time.
We are looking forward to a busy term of learning as the children settle to the routines of school, explore their new surroundings and get to know each other. If you have any questions or queries please speak to
Miss Haigh or Ms Render at the start of the session.