3 and 4 Year Old Nursery Blog
Home learning
Ideas for home learning will be here, on the home learning tab and posted on Tapestry
Staff are all checking and posting on Tapestry daily so please please please keep us updated with all your adventures - this will help us remain connected until we can play at nursery together again.
Whilst your children are not at nursery you must follow government advice click HERE for the latest information
Mrs Griffen has created a comprehensive list of SEND resources, documents and websites to help support your child's individualised learning at home. Click the picture below.
Week commencing 13th July
This is the last week of the summer term and what a strange term it has been. We are saying goodbye to some of our children and families as they prepare for the next stage in their learning at 'big school' and look forward to being back together in September when Nursery re-opens to all.
Have a super summer - keep updating on Tapestry so we can share the fun and adventures you are having. School reopens for Nursery on Wednesday 9th September and those children attending Reception have individual start dates - if you have any queries please leave a message for Miss Haigh at school and we will get back to you
Have a happy Summer
Week commencing 6th July
Independent challenges
Over the summer can you have a try to ......
- get dressed independently?
use a knife and fork independently?
- toilet independently..(including wiping)?
On Tapestry tell us what your favourite book is
Week commencing 29th June
Click the image above to here Ed Vere read his story 'Grumpy Frog'
What makes you feel grumpy? How do you make yourself or someone else feel better?
Colouful collection
Grumpy frog likes things that are green
Can you make a collection of green things?
Can you make a rainbow collection of colourful things?
Origami jumping frogs
This is a real challenge - but great fun once you have mastered the art of paper folding
create your own origami frog - click the link to watch the video
Take a look at 'Come outside' with Aunty Mabel and Pippin as they explore frogs
What can you draw from this video, can you draw a frog? a tadpole?
Don't forget to add your photos to Tapestry for us to see
Week commencing 22ndJune
Reminder again about sun safety - it is forecast to be hot this week
Click the picture to listen to the story 'Kippers toy box ' by Mick Inkpen
Favourite toy
What is your favourite toy at home? Can you draw or take a video of your toy and add it to Tapestry for use to see? What would you choose to play with if you were sad? playing alone? playing with a friend?
Toy song
(to the tune of 5 currant buns)
‘Five lovely toys in the box one day,
Waiting quietly ready to play,
Along came (name of child) with a smile one day,
Chose the (name of toy) and took it away.’
Can you collect 5 toys and sing this song together
Each time you take a toy away remember to count how many are left by touching each toy and saying the corresponding numeral.
Can you write labels or numbers for your toys? or even make your own toy shop?
What is it made of?
I wonder what our toys are made of?
Gather a selection of toys and ask if your child knows what each toy is made of.
Put the words ‘wood’, ‘plastic’, ‘fabric’ or ‘mixture’ on a separate piece of paper.
Talk about and sort the toys to the right category.
Discuss how the toys may work, for example, by pulling, pushing, connecting, beating and rolling.
If you were able to make a new toy what would it look like? what would you make it from
Can you create your own puppet from a sock, from a paper plate or from something different?
Add your photos to Tapestry too
Where is the ...?
Collect a number of toys together and challenge your child to place them in the situations as you describe
Put the doll ON the bed
Put the Ball UNDER the table
Can they hide the toys and direct you to find them
Try It is NEXT TO the car
It is BEHIND the clock
Can you find the TALL BLUE brick
Where is the SMALL ROUND SHINY ball
Using and understanding positional language is a key development
Extending descriptive sentences will help in later writing activities too
Can you take a photo of your items hidden in different places?
Week commencing 15th June
Click the image to hear the story of 'The tiger who came to tea'
Colour hunt
Can you find lots of things out and about or around the house that are orange or black just like the tiger or could you create a rainbow of photographs
Number hunt
Could you use inspiration from the story to create a number line of items from 1 to 5
Don't forget to apply sun cream while you enjoying the sunny weather
Week commencing 8th June
Click on the image above to listen to the story 'Tomorrow I'll be brave by Jessica Hische'
This week take a few moments to reflect on all the things you are grateful for, for the good moments of lockdown, the new things you have tried, the fails, the success, the milestones your child has reached and your wishes for the future.
Jigsaw challenge
Jigsaws are super for physical development, observation of small details, spatial awareness and can be used to stimulate conversation and language development too
Challenge ...Can you choose a picture or a photograph - stick it to some card (perhaps a cereal box) then cut into pieces to create your very own jigsaw ...don't forget to add photographs to Tapestry so we can see
Lots of other ideas to make your own puzzle here too https://www.hellowonderful.co/post/10-creative-ways-to-make-a-puzzle/
Physical Development and Pre-Writing skills
Today lets try something different and do some drawing and mark making in funny places!!
Can you lie on the floor and do your pictures, what about sticking your paper underneath the table so you can lie on your back to draw, write or colour, or how about sticking the paper on mum or dads back and drawing!
Doing vertical, horizontal mark making in different places helps to develop children's core strength which is important for physical development, posture and co-ordination.
Where else can you do your mark making?
Maths skills - pattern making
Can you make a pattern with objects from around the house - can your child copy the pattern, Can you continue the pattern, can you make a repeating pattern? Can you challenge your child to increase the 'repeating part of the pattern Example blue green blue green challenge - blue green red blue green red
Try this pattern game https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ordering-and-sequencing/shape-patterns
Ask your child to create repeating patterns with actions:
Clap hands, tap knees, clap hands, tap knees.
Now try to make your own action patterns.
CHALLENGE: one person makes the action pattern, the other person is to listen and repeat
Have fun
Week commencing 1st June
Click on the image above to watch the animation of 'The snail and the whale' Julia Donaldson
Make a map
Can you make a map of the journey the snail and the whale go on?
Where would you like to go if you had a ride on a whales back?
Draw a shell
Take a look at some pictures of shells or real shells if you have some at home. Can you draw your favourite one, what shapes, patterns and colours can you see? Who lives in your shell?
Sound game
Use phonics play 'sound starter' game to identify and name sounds
Week commencing 27th May
It is the Half term holidays and it looks like the sun will be shining, hope you are all able to enjoy some family time - Miss Toolan Kerr has posted an activity idea on Tapestry for each day this week...don't forget to add your own photos to Tapestry so we can see what fun you have been having
Miss Haigh
Week commencing 18th May
Click the image above to listen to the story
Write a letter
In the book Max starts off by writing the T-Rex a letter. Who could you write a letter to? Could you send a picture? ask a question?
I would love to hear from you, you could send a letter to one of your teachers at school -
Swinnow Primary Swinnow Road Bramley LS13 4PG
Create your own Dinosaur
Can you use different shapes to create a 'Shape-o-saurus' dinosaur.
How many different shapes have you used for your dinosaur? How many squares are there? How many triangles? Have you used any shapes with curved sides?
In the story, Max invents a ‘Sausagesaurus’ dinosaur. Look closely at his drawing. Provide a range of fruit and vegetable halves that are interesting shapes (e.g. pepper, pear, broccoli, carrot, apple, grape) and support children to do some printing of the shapes onto paper. Once the paint has dried, they can use felt pens to add dinosaur features
Dino- races
In one of his letters to Max, the T-Rex boasts that he would probably win all the races at sports day. Set up some ‘Dinosaur races’ which might involve running on four legs, jumping, swooping or wading through a swamp.
You could join in with one of Andy's Wild workouts or watch one of Andy's Dinosaur adventures
click the images to visit the BBC page
Week commencing 11th May
Click the image to watch the story of Zog
New dragon challenge
Invite your child to draw their own dragon, could they include sharp teeth and claws, wings, horns, long tail, scaly skin. Can you add labels to their dragon, and think of a dragon name.
Post pictures of your dragon on Tapestry for us to see
In the story Zog breathes fire - can you pretend to be a fire-person - what would you do if Zog breathed fire in the woods? Princess wanted to be a Dr- what would she need in her bag to make people better? Can you pretend to be a Dr? What would you do if someone fell over? What would you do if there was an emergency?
The Knight joined the princess so they could be a flying ambulance - can you design a shield for the knight?
Can you build your own castle and retell teh story of 'Zog' - take a look at Arlo's wonderful creation
Guess who!
Can you guess who these cute babies grew up to be?
Teachers are - Miss Haigh, Miss Toolan-Kerr, Miss Clayborough, Miss Dickinson, Miss Abbott, Miss Taylor,
Ms Ineson, Miss Booth, Ms Townsley - But who is who?
Add your guess to the Tapestry post with the same photo I will reveal the answers at the weekend-
Good Luck - Miss Haigh
1 Miss Clayborough 2 Miss Townsley 3 Miss Dickinson
4. Miss Haigh 5 Ms Ineson 6 Miss Abbott
7 Miss Toolan-Kerr 8 Miss Taylor 9 Miss Booth
Week commencing 4th May
Whole School History
On Friday 8th May, the UK commemorates the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day, Known as VE Day. This is the date that World War 2 ended in Europe. This week, leading up to that date would have been a whole school history focus week had we been together, learning at school.
So that we can still learn about this important time in British history, you can click on the picture above to access a pack of home learning ideas all focused on life during World War 2, and the celebrations of VE day. The pack is for all ages and has lots of interesting information for the adults too!
There is guidance with each activity as to whether it is most appropriate for KS1, KS2 or whole school, including Early Years. We would love to see your VE day learning. You can upload onto Tapestry, or send it to info@swinnowprimary.com with a note to forward it to Mrs Wyles and your class teacher. There will be lots of programmes on TV this week related to VE Day - look out for them to support your learning as a family. All the resources you may need can be found by clicking on the links below.
Have a Happy History Week!
Week commencing 27th April
What the ladybird heard
When you are out and about on your walks see what you can see and hear just like the ladybird in this story.
'Count how many' challenge
Can you draw a lady bird and the spots - how many spots can you add
You could try this game too
Animal challenge
Can you draw a picture of your favourite animal from the farm
Can you act out the movements / sounds of the animals and get your family to guess which animal you are pretending to be
Virtual Farm visit
Click here to join 'Cannon Hall Farm tv' on a tour, you can even pick your favourite animals to visit
Week commencing 20th April
Did you know it is the Queens Birthday this week on Tuesday 21st April
and St Georges Day on Thursday 23rd April
This week's activities are all connected to one of my favourite books
The Queen's knickers by Nicholas Allen
Click the picture to hear the story
Helping around the house challenge
Can you help peg washing out to dry - the motion we use to operate a peg is great for little hands to develop strength and co-ordination - pre skills to writing
Design challenge
Can you design a new pair of knickers for the Queen - what colour, pattern size, shape will they be?
Don't forget to post your pictures on Tapestry to!
Name writing challenge
Writing for a real reason motivates children greatly
This week can you make a birthday card for the Queen
or for Tom Moore the old soldier who has been raising lots of money who is 100 on 30th April!
Write your name inside your card
If you wanted to post your card to Tom Moore the address is
Captain Tom Moore c/o Post Office Limited
67 Bedford Road, Marston Moretaine, Bedford England MK43 0LA
Week commencing 13th April
Roleplay challenge- Let's pretend
What can you dress up as today? Use things from round the house to create a new character - could you be a Dr, a policeman or a teacher? Can you make yourself a badge, write a note? add a label to your equipment?
Balancing challenge
Tissue Dance: Place a tissue on your child's head (and yours too!), then start some dancing music!
Everyone should start dancing and moving around the room with one goal: don’t let your tissue hit the floor!
If your tissue falls off your head, you can catch it as it drops, put it back on your head, and keep playing. How long can you dance with it on your head!
Mark making challenge
On a plate or tray put some flour, salt, hot chocolate powder or washing up liquid then allow your child to explore making marks - up and down, side to side or circles. Can you write your name? write m for mummy, what else can you write or draw?
Week commencing 6th April
If your children are struggling with the change in routine - please try this short story to try to help them understand their feelings - click on the 'virtual hug bear' below
As it is officially the Easter holidays here is a selection of ideas to keep you busy
We will continue to add posts to Tapestry with ideas too
Hope you all manage to enjoy a little spring sunshine whilst maintaining social distancing and perhaps a little bit of chocolate too !
Click on this picture
Home learning Challenge:
Can you learn this song and the Makaton signs to go along with it?
Try to learn as much of the song as you can (It doesn’t need to be the whole thing) and ask an adult to film you.
Then, upload your video to Tapestry
Finally, keep your eyes peeled for our ‘Lockdown video montage.’
Please upload your videos by Friday 10th April 2020.
By uploading your video you are giving permission for this to be added to the montage, which will be shared with all school pupils via tapestry or class dojo online systems - if you do not wish your child's clip to be used in this way please ensure you add a comment to the uploaded video to indicate it is NOT FOR SHARING.
Thank you to George, Luke and Daisy in Year 1 for the inspiration.
Week commencing 30th March
Home learning Challenge:
Can you learn this song and the Makaton signs to go along with it?
Try to learn as much of the song as you can (It doesn’t need to be the whole thing) and ask an adult to film you.
Then, upload your video to your ClassDojo portfolio.
Please check your emails for your unique code. Email info@swinnowprimary.com if there are any problems.
Finally, keep your eyes peeled for our ‘Lockdown video montage.’
Please upload your videos by Friday 10th April 2020.
By uploading your video you are giving permission for this to be added to the montage, which will be shared with all school pupils via tapestry or class dojo online systems - if you do not wish your child's clip to be used in this way please ensure you add a comment to the uploaded video to indicate it is NOT FOR SHARING.
Thank you to George, Luke and Daisy in Year 1 for the inspiration.
Thank you for all your super posts on Tapestry - it is so good to see the children's happy smiling faces - we really do miss them.
This weeks challenges, plus there is a daily idea on Tapestry too
Happy Playing
Number hunt challenge
See what numbers you can find either around your house or when you go for your daily exercise or walk .
Can you find the number that says how old you are?
Can you find the number that represents how many fingers you have?
Post your Number hunt pictures on Tapestry
Name writing
Can you use different things to try to write your name?
Try making letters in flour or salt on a tray
Using chalk on the floor outside
Using different coloured pens or pencils make a 'rainbow name'
Post your name writing on Tapestry
Our dream house
Can you find pictures from magazines or old books to create a collage of things you would like in your dream house, would this be a castle? a tiny house in a tree? a tent in the forest?
Talk to your child using as much descriptive language as you can and let their imagination flow
Cbeebies Numberblocks games
Have a try on one of the CBeebies games - click the image below
Week commencing 23rd March
Each week we will give a suggestion of activities to try at home to help cover the areas of learning within the Early years foundation stage - Every child develops at a different rate but as a guide we are working towards being secure in the outcomes within the 30-50 months age band of development matters.
What to expect when Parents guide
use the guide above to help you think about your child's development
Set up a tuck shop and give your children a certain amount of money to spend . This could be real or pretend money. The children might even enjoy making their own money that can be used in the tuck shop.
Encourage your children to go to the tuck shop to choose their snack and count out the money needed. Once their money has gone...no more snack. A great way to learn about money and hopefully make your snacks last a little longer! For nursery you could
Nursery Rhyme challenge
Sing nursery rhymes and songs together, add actions and change the words.
Can you think of different rhyming words to add in?
Click the picture below for an A-Z of rhymes and songs
Why not video your child singing their favourite to add to Tapestry
People who live in my house challenge
Draw the people who live in your house with your child, encourage them to add details of hair, eyes, fingers, if they live across more than one house can they draw who lives where...maybe even a map of the houses..
Can they write their own name, can they write a mark or letter for each person's name eg M for mummy
Then add your pictures to Tapestry
Bedtime story
Read your child a bedtime story
This may be the same story again and again and again but repetition is good for working memory
Take a photo of your favourite book to add to Tapestry
Pairs and matching games
Take time out to play a game of pairs together
If you don't have a set of cards at home use real objects or try this online version from Oxford Owls
Keep playing, keep smiling, keep safe, keep posting on Tapestry
Week commencing 16th March 2020
Due to the continuing issues with coronavirus we are cancelling our stay and play sessions planned for this term - Wed 18th March (Mothering Sunday) and Wed 1st April (Easter)
We are also postponing new nursery home visits until after the Easter break
In nursery we are continuing with lots of fun activities to develop the children's language, personal social development, counting and name writing. The dryer weather is also allowing us to explore the garden more...especially the muddy puddles!!
Please click this link HERE to watch the
hand washing video we are using in nursery
We are continuing to support the children in developing effective hand washing skills and ask all parents to wash their child's hands on entry to nursery- we are then regular,y washing hands during the session and before the children leave.
Following government guidance children or adults presenting with symptoms of a new persistent cough or a high temperature are required to stay at home and the whole family to self isolate for 14 days.
Please help us adhere to this guidance and telephone school on 3783100 to report your child's absence
These are difficult times and as parents there are a number of reputable sources of information
Week commencing 9th March 2020
We are sharing this story with the children as we continue to think about litter and how we can look after our world
Click on the picture above to hear the story at home
Week commencing 2nd March 2020
Important dates this half term
Nursery World book day - Wednesday 4th March
children are encouraged to come to school
either in dress up or in their Pjs
to share their favourite books
Mothering Sunday Stay and Play - Wednesday 18th March
Join us in nursery at the beginning of either the morning or afternoon session to enable the children to say a huge 'Thank you' for everything their adults do to love and care for them, the children are preparing biscuits and a drink of juice for you to enjoy.
Writing Development focus
Wednesday April 1st - Easter activity Stay and Play
Join us for Easter fun at the beginning of either the morning or afternoon session
Maths development focus
Week commencing 24th February 2020
The children are all settled after the half term break and ready for their new adventures.
This week we are joining main school to undertake a 'historical enquiry' - Mrs Wyles left us a mystery envelope with some clues inside ...
a picture of an elephant, a ginnel, a circus poster and a map!
We are answering the question
"Did elephants really roam around Leeds?"
Together we decided that maybe the elephant had escaped from the circus...so we wrote some notes to see if the circus could come to visit us...and they did!!
The children have enjoyed juggling, plate spinning alongside some who are still searching for the mysterious elephant!
click here to see the full story
Week commencing 10th February 2020
Reminder school closes for the half term break on Friday 14th February and reopens on Monday 24th February
This week we are continuing to explore the story of
"Goldilocks and the three bears"
The children were very surprised when they arrived to see a broken chair nursery ...perhaps Goldilocks had been in whilst we were at home...the children began to make signs and notes to let her know that she shouldn't break things or come in by herself...I wonder what else she may do...
Week commencing 3rd February 2020
Children's mental health week
Join us on Wednesday 5th February for our stay and play at the beginning of the session (am or pm)
Personal Social Development focus
Week commencing 27th January 2020
We have been celebrating 'Chinese New year' in nursery this week
The children have enjoyed watching and recreating dragon dances and having a turn at Chinese writing
This year is the year of the Rat
Week commencing 20th January 2020
"I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down"
Oh no there is a big bad wolf in the stories this week in nursery!-
Can you retell 'The three little pigs' story at home
Week commencing 13th January 2020
So the Troll has written a letter to the children this week - he is sad and lonely...watch this space to see how the children respond to help him out.
Forthcoming dates
Friday 24th January - Denin4dementia
Wednesday 5th February - stay and play for children's mental health awareness week
Tues 11th February - Safer internet day - awareness week
Friday 14th February - school closes for half term -
reopens on Monday 24th February
Week commencing 6th January 2020
Happy New year and welcome back after the break to all our families. The children have settled really quickly and are full of exciting stories and tales of their new toys from Santa.
This half term we are exploring traditional tales with the children, this week our focus text is
In literacy we are supporting the children to be able to recognise and write their name independently and in Maths we are consolidating accurate counting giving one number name to each item no matter how they are positioned. Please see the newsletter for further information on the newsletter with ideas to support at home and the focus across the other curriculum areas.
Week commencing 16th December 2019
Reminder school closes for the Christmas break on
Fri 20th Dec and reopens on Monday 6th January 2020
Our Early years Christmas party is on Wednesday afternoon this week,
we will be doing party games in Nursery from 1.00pm,
eating in the main school hall from 1.30pm
and in the upstairs hall from 2pm for our 'special visitor'
Parents are welcome to stay to help or join us at 2pm upstairs
We will be exploring the story of 'Stickman' this week in Nursery
Click The Stickman above to watch the animation -
you can also catch it on Christmas Day on BBC 1 8.55am
Week commencing 9th December 2019
This week in Nursery we are putting the finishing touches to our 'Wriggly Nativity'
Tickets are on sale for £1 from the main school office for our performance on Wed 11th December (9.30am and 2.00pm - doors will open 30 mins before the performance starts)
Wed 11th is also our traditional Christmas lunch day.
If you would like your child to stay for lunch on this day please complete a form and pay on parent-pay many thanks
Alongside these exciting activities we will be focusing on Christmas stories - reading and sharing our favourites. We will be creating and sharing our own stories with a teacher, who will write it down to add to our Nursery book - at group time we then act the story out to really bring it to life.
When you drop your child off take a look at the fabulous stories so far.
What a super performance from all the children!
Week commencing 2nd December 2019
The countdown to Christmas has started, in Nursery we have been looking at and sharing the story of the first Christmas
Thank you to all the parents who were able to join us for our festive stay and play session, the children had a wonderful time and are building on their understanding of Christmas traditions.
Please add photographs to Tapestry of your Christmas activities from home - have you decorated the tree? been to see Santa? we would love to see how you celebrate at your house.
Reminder - Christmas Fayre - Main school hall
Wednesday 4th December 3-5pm
Week commencing 25th November 2019
In the run up to Christmas celebrations we are taking a little bit of time in Nursery to think about emotions, what makes us feel the way we do and importantly beginning to understand that what we do or say has an effect on others
Can we do something to make someone feel happy, proud, thankful or make the smile?
We are focusing on two books to help us explore feelings and emotions -click on the pictures below to watch a video of the stories at home
'The Colour monster'
'Pass it on'
Week commencing 18th November 2019
What an exciting week we have next week celebrating all things nursery rhyme!
Take a look at the link below for some songs and rhymes to support your child's early reading skills
We will be holding a bun sale on Wednesday
at the end of the nursery sessions (am and pm) any cake donations welcome
Week commencing 11th November 2019
We will be collecting donations for 'Children in Need' this week
The children are invited to come to nursery in dress up clothes
on Wednesday 13th November (and Fri 15th too if they re in that day)
Take a look - In the outside notice board there is a copy of our new 'knowledge mat' for this half term covering the stories, rhymes, questions and ideas we will be exploring.
Paper copies will be sent home too for you to talk about with your child.
Week commencing 4th November 2019
What a busy first week back after the autumn break
Thank you to all the families who remembered to post a picture on Tapestry over the holidays - it was fantastic to see your adventures!
Reminder applications are now open for Reception places for September 2020 We are holding an open day on Wednesday 13th November with session at 10.30, 1.30 and 4.30pm - please call school to let us know you will be joining us. 0113 378 3100
We celebrated the children's experiences of Bonfire and fireworks through creative and oracy activities - sounds like everyone had great fun watching the colours in the sky
We extended the children's interest in dinosaurs to create a 'Dinosaur den' in nursery - take a look at some of the fact cards when you are in nursery - it is quite amazing to think how big some of the dinosaurs actually were!
The children have wonderful knowledge about all things 'dinosaurs' and we are building in this to support further learning in maths and writing
Take a look at the national history museum web page CLICK HERE
Week commencing 21st October 2019
Reminder school closes on Thursday 24th Oct at 3pm for half term and will reopen on Monday 4th November
Parents consultations - Tues 22nd and Wednesday 23rd October - sign up sheet is next to the door
Info from school weekly newsletter
Easy Fundraising! Take a look at the link below
Shopping doesn’t cost a penny more, but as you make purchases online, shops make a donation to school. All you do is register (it’s good to click the “Find & Remind” button) and start shopping. Please give it a go and encourage others to do so too – it’s effectively free money to benefit the children of Swinnow Primary School!
So far we only have 2 supporters! Click on the link to register.
Many thanks!
Week commencing 14th October 2019
Wow what a busy week!
We have introduced our "Take one book" to the children , in all classes across the whole school we use the same book to stimulate learning - this term we have been looking at Shakesperes 'Macbeth'
"Hubble Bubble Toil and trouble, fires burn and couldrons bubble"
The children have enjoyed the witches song and used this as inspiration for making potions, writing spells, building houses, doing spooky dances and much much more.
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our fundraising Halloween party- staff, children and parents all had a fantastic time
Look out to see how much we have raised this half term!
Week commencing 7th October 2019
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our first stay and play - it was such a pleasure to see the children sharing their favourite parts of nursery with you.
Next week we are holding a fundraiser "Halloween disco" on Thursday 17th 3.15-4.15 tickets £2.50 per child
The children have been so busy this week developing skills in the prime areas of learning which provide a solid foundation for learning
Physical Development
Communication and Language
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Week commencing 30th September 2019
Join us for our first stay and play on Wednesday 2nd October - spend a little time with your child at the start / end of the session to see what they enjoy and where they play when they are at nursery.
Take a little look at this short video about developing children's communication skills
Week commencing 23rd September 2019
We have been enjoying 'We're going in a bear hunt this week in nursery' the children have been singing the song, acting the story out and looking for bears in the garden...I wonder what next week will bring!
Week commencing 16th September 2019
We have been exploring in the garden and looking for the Gruffalo
The children have read the story, sung the song and reenacted this fabulous book - click on the picture to share the song at home.
Week commencing 9th September 2019
to all our children and families returning to Nursery, transitioning from our 2 year old provision or joining us for the first time.
We are looking forward to a busy term of learning as the children settle to the routines of school, explore their new surroundings and get to know each other. If you have any questions or queries please speak to
Miss Haigh or Miss Toolan-Kerr at the start of the session.