Swinnow Primary School

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2 Year Old Nursery Blog 2017-18


Week commencing 2nd July 2018

Sports activities - Tuesday 3rd July - all welcome to watch and join in - 9am and 2pm on the main school field 

Week commencing 25th June 2018

What a busy week - we visited the environmental area and had a turn with the footballs on the big field!

Week commencing 18th June 2018

The children have been having a super time in the sunshine and playing in the water to stay cool

Week commencing 11th June 2018

Please remember to apply sun-cream to your child before the session, to bring a hat and suitable clothing and footwear for outdoor play - Thanks 

Week commencing 4th June 2018 

School trip - we have planned a trip for our 2 and 3 year old children to go to "Grasshoppers at Tong" on Wednesday 27th June, we offer this as a family trip and encourage one parent or carer to accompany each child for the day  - the trip letters / permission will be available from Mon 4th June

 click here to see what is on offer at 

Week commencing 21st May 2018 

School closes for half term on Friday 25th May and will reopen on Monday 4th June

KP - Vocabulary

This week we have been reading the book 

'The Queens knickers' by Nicholas  Allan

The children have enjoyed the funny pictures and talked a lot about the different colours and patterns of the knickers -

click the link below to listen to the story at home 

 click here 

Week commencing 14th May 2018


Week commencing 7th May 2018

Week commencing 30th April 2018

Week commencing 23rd April 2018

Week commencing 16th April 2018

Week commencing 26th March 2018

This week is Science Week - keep checking for photographs of our exciting experiments



School closes for the Easter holidays on Thursday 29th March and will reopen on Monday 16th March

Easter raffle tickets are available in Nursery and winners will be drawn on Wednesday 28th - tickets are £1


Week commencing 19th March 2018

Thank you to all the parents who were able to join us on Tuesday for our Easter Fun Stay and Play, the children had a fantastic time sharing their learning with you and exploring some Easter crafts 


Week commencing 12th March 2018

Wow what super book day character costumes - fantastic to see the children's favourite books come to life.

Don't forget it is free to join the local library  - follow this link to see how

Click here


Week commencing 5th March 2018

Week commencing 26th February 2018

Book Day was unfortunately postponed due to the snow - but thank you for sharing your photographs of all the fun you have been having - snowmen, snow angels and snowball fights it really has been lovely to see the children enjoying themselves with their families. 

Book day has been rescheduled for Monday 12th March. 

Week commencing 19th February 2018

Week commencing 5th February 2018 

Week commencing 29th January 2018

Week commencing 22nd January 2018

Week commencing 15th January 2018

Week commencing 8th January 2018

Happy New Year - Week commencing 1st January 2018 

Welcome back to school and a warm welcome to the new families joining us this term we hope you have all had a restful break and we look forward to the exciting adventures ahead in 2018.

Date for your diary - you are welcome to join us on Thursday 11th January for our stay and play 'Time4words' held at the beginning of each session.

'Time4Words' will focus on language development 

Week commencing 11th December 2017

Wow what super actors!

All the children did amazingly well singing and dancing in the 'big hall' to share the story of the Christmas nativity we are very proud of their courage, independence and creativity.

Week commencing 4th December 2017

Thank you to all the families who were able to join us for our Christmas craft activity sessions - the children were able to select and use resources independently, begin to understand some of the Christmas traditions and share a little bit of sparkle!!  

Week commencing 27th November 2017 

Things are starting to get really busy in the preparations for Christmas please take a moment to check the newsletter with all the important dates

Tuesday 28th November - Nursery are having a dress up day in exchange for a tombola gifts to support the BOSS Christmas Fair 

Friday 1st December is our annual Christmas tree assembly 

All children in school on Friday will pop a decoration on the Christmas tree in the upstairs hall, join us in the celebrations at 9am on Friday

The afternoon session children will be able to go up to the hall at 12.15 to add their decorations to the tree too

photos to follow


Week commencing 20th November 2017

 Swinnow Hairdressers - open for business

There has been a real interets in hairdressers this week by some of our older children (rising 3s) they have been supported by staff to set up a roleplay to further develop their learning,

writing skills - taking appointments in the diary

physical skills - brushing and styling hair using a range of tools,

language skills developing new vocabulary and

lots of social development in taking a turn and having to wait!!

Such a busy week 

Week commencing 13th November 2017

 Continuing on from last weeks roleplay we have been given some natural wood building blocks from a local saw-mill for the children to use.  With adult modelling, support and suggestion the children explored the different size and shaped loose parts.  They imaginatively created towers, tunnels, stepping stones and were encouraged to take a turn, use their words and new vocabulary to describe the wood or their creations and to 'have a go' at something new or challenging

Fantastic to see all the learning from a simple resource. 

Many thanks to "Outdoor classrooms" for the wood which has enabled us to see lots of 'Characteristics of effective learning' developing in our youngest children. 


Week commencing 6th November 2017

Nursery is closed on Monday 6th November for a teacher training day and will reopen  on Tuesday 7th November

The children have been deeply engaged in roleplay this week being suported by adults questioning and resourcing to follow their interest of 'building things'.  The children have used a range of additional resources such as mobile phones to encourage speaking and listening skills, tools to develop physical skills and mark making.   The adults have been focused on the teaching and learning linked to Key priority 2 - Vocabulary - modelling language, sharing new words and engaging on conversation with the children. Take a look at the information display in Nursery for further language based learning. 


Week commencing 30th October 2017


Thank you to all the parents who were able to join us for our stay and play session today (Friday)  we hope it gave you a chance to see some of the learning taking place in Nursery

Challenge in learning is one of the Key priorities this year at Swinnow across all areas of school. 

The children have especially enjoyed linking number names into the physical challenges this week - balancing, building and counting too!


Week commencing 16th October 2017

 Maths is a key priority across Swinnow this year and this week we have been supporting the children

- to sort objects by different criteria,

- to use the number names they are familiar with in play,

- to join in new and familiar counting songs 


Week commencing 9th October 2017

What does Phonics look like at age 2?

Phonics is a key priority this year at Swinnow - but what does ths mean for the youngest children?  The main focus of teaching and learning within our 2 year old provision is across the Prime areas of the EYFS

 - Personal Social Development

 - Communication and Language

- Physical Development

Phonic development at age 2 is all about listening skills and awareness of the world around.  At Swinnow we sing lots of songs, read lots of stories,  share language and conversation with the children to support language development and utilise the school grounds to listen for and identify different noises. 

This week the children have climbed the hills to spot an aeroplane, stopped to hear the screech of a crow, been on a (noisy) bear hunt, responded to the sound of their name being called,  sang a song, shared a story  - a busy week of playing and learning.

Week commencing 2nd October 2017

What a windy start to the week - I wonder what adventures we will have today?

Week commencing 25th September 2017

The children have been really busy this week exploring the outdoor areas, we have been splashing in the puddles; digging in the sand; balancing on the blocks and speeding on the bikes!! 

We have flown to the moon, been brave firefighters and even scary monsters.

Week commencing 18th September 2017

We are working hard to develop our confidence and seperate from our carer at the beginning of the session which can be really tricky when everything is new!


Week Commencing 11th September 2017

 Welcome back to the 2year olds who are rejoining us this term and a big hello to all our new families, we hope you all enjoyed the summer and we look forward to a busy Autumn term of learning.  

The children are all settling to the routines of school, they are busy exploring the resources and getting to know each other, lots of learning within the prime areas of the EYFS taking place. 



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