Welcome to the Swinnow Primary School website.



Class 4 Blog


Mrs Griffen has created a comprehensive list of SEND resources, documents and websites to help support your child's individualised learning at home. Click the picture below.

Parent Workshop: 13 Categories of Special Education | P.S.135Q ...


This summer, once again, you can join in with the Summer Reading Challenge! Many of you have taken part in previous years and have loved being a part of it.

Click on the image to sign up for an online library membership where you can access 100s of free e-books from BorrowBox (Leeds Library); play games; complete challenges and collect rewards! Enjoy!


Home Learning

If your child is off for any reason this week please find below a link to this weeks learning. Any issues please don't hesitate to contact me. 

HOME LEARNING LINK: https://swinnowprimaryschool-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/jonny_hancox_swinnowprimary_com/EstnAU5Qf5FJlXHxepCF5UIBoBbDX6N8ID6bRs1NJPgBcw?e=1w92HC


The Year 4 team ??


Class 4 Blog

w/c 19th October

This week Class 4 have been learning about Haikus! These originate from Japan, are only 3 lines longs and have the syllables of 5, 7 and 5. Everyone created some amazing Haikus and even got the opportunity to present it for a video. They then, using the computers, wrote their favourite poems out. The kids LOVED it and below is a link to the finished product!

To note: Some created more than one, which is shown within the video.

Enjoy ??

LINK: https://swinnowprimaryschool-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/jonny_hancox_swinnowprimary_com/ESUUDH7HdFpJrLWqLBfQLLIBpHOWGxabJmg3cGRrk-FXQw?e=zYfxLM 


w/c 12th October

Black History Month!

This week I gave out homework to do some research and find out about a famous black person. The fact files I received were wonderful! We had names such as Muhammad Ali, Lewis Hamilton, Rosa Parks, Barack Obama and the list goes on! We specifically focused on Rosa Parks and learned all about what she did for Black Americans by standing up to racism. 

w/c 5th October


This week we were learning about the language the Ancient Egyptians used to use to write with. We experimented writing different words, then drew our names! Here are some of the finished results!

w/c 28th September

This week Class 4 became Ancient Egyptian embalmers!... YUCK!

Mummifying a tomato:

First, we cleaned our tomatoes and scooped out all of the 'tomato guts' as we liked to call it! The Egyptians removed the vital organs such as the lungs, liver, stomach and the intestines and placed them in canopic jars.

Finally, we filled the tomatoes with salt to dry them out, just like the Egyptians used Natron and placed them in a cool, dry place for safe keeping. We're going to keep checking in with them to see how they turn out!


w/c 21st September

This week we have started our Art lessons. We have focused on painting an Egyptian sunset, starting with yellow paint at the bottom, moving up to orange and then red at the top creating the effect of a setting sun. These came out looking AMAZING and we're going to decorate them using black card. Finished product coming soon....


w/c 14th September

This week we started learning about our topic Ancient Egypt! We learnt about pyramids, where they are in Egypt and why they were built. We then even started building our own pyramids, focusing on the biggest ones in Giza. Take a look below!


 w/c 7th September 

Welcome back to Swinnow Primary School! After a long break, we have been working hard to get back into school life. In maths, we were using our Base 10's and creating different numbers in partners. We did an amazing job and understand or place value.